
Rower z płytą stożkową


Osada Okręg Csongrád-Csanád, 6791 Szeged
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Ilość oferowana na sprzedaż (sztuk) 1
Fabryka/rynek wtórny Fabryka

Napęd Deutz
Agrotron 6150, Agrotron 6150.4, Agrotron 6150.4P, Agrotron 6150P, Agrotron 6160, Agrotron 6160.4P, Agrotron 6160P, Agrotron 6180,
Agrotron 6180P, Agrotron M410, Agrotron M410 Profiline, Agrotron M420,
Agrotron M420 Profiline, Agrotron M600, Agrotron M610,
Agrotron M610 Profiline, Agrotron M615, Agrotron M615 Profiline,
Agrotron M620, Agrotron M620 Profiline, Agrotron M625,
Agrotron M625 Profiline, Agrotron M640, Agrotron M640 Profiline,
Agrotron 120, Agrotron 130, Agrotron 150, Agrotron 150.7, Agrotron 165.7,
Agrotron TTV1130, Agrotron TTV1145, Agrotron TTV1160,
Agrotron TTV 610, Agrotron TTV 620.

R6.130, R6.150, R6.150.7, R6.165.7,
R6.130 DCR, R6.135 DCR, R6.140 DCR, R6.155 DCR, R6.160 DCR, R6.175 DCR,
R6.135 Hi-Profile DCR, R6.140 Hi-Profile DCR, R6.155 Hi-Profile DCR,
R6.160 Hi-Profile DCR, R6.175 Hi-Profile DCR, R6 150 T4i, R6 150 T4i Hi Profile,
R6 160 T4i, R6 160 T4i Hi Profile, R6 180 T4i, R6 180 T4i Hi Profile,
R6.150.7 VRT, R6.165.7 VRT, R6.150 DCR VRT, R6.170 DCR VRT.

To samo:
Fortis 150, Fortis 150 Infinity, Fortis 160, Fortis 160 Infinity, Fortis 180, Fortis 180 Infinity,
Iron 130, Iron 150, Iron 150.7, Iron 165.7, Iron 150 DCR Continuo, Iron 170 DCR Continuo,
Iron 130 DCR, Iron 135 DCR, Iron 140 DCR, Iron 155 DCR, Iron 160 DCR, Iron 175 DCR,
Iron 150.7 Continuo, Iron 165.7 Continuo, Iron 130 HI-Line, Iron 150 HI-Line,
Iron 150.7 HI-Line, Iron 165.7 HI-Line, Iron 135 Hi-Line DCR, Iron 140 HI-Line DCR,
Iron 155 Hi-Line DCR, Iron 160 HI-Line DCR, Iron 175 HI-Line DCR.



Identyfikator reklamy: 7441551
Zaktualizowano: 25 listopada 2024 16:59:35 CET

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Miejsce Okręg Csongrád-Csanád
6791 Szeged
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