
Főfékmunkahenger d=25,4 mm / 3383079M4 utángyártott


Siedlung Debrecen
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3050 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

3055 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

3060 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

3065 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

3065S (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

3070 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

3075 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

3080 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

3085 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

3090 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

3095 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)


3115 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

3120 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

3120T (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

3125 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

3140 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)


3610 (Mechanical braking, without trailer brake or , with trailer brake - one line)

3630 (With trailer brake - two lines / Power assisted braking, with trailer brake)

3635 (With trailer brake - two lines / Power assisted braking, with trailer brake)

3645 (With trailer brake - two lines / Power assisted braking, with trailer brake)

3650 S/F/V/GE (With trailer brake - two lines / Power assisted braking, with trailer brake)

3655 (With trailer brake - two lines / Power assisted braking, with trailer brake)

3660 S/F/V/GE (With trailer brake - two lines / Power assisted braking, with trailer brake)

3670 (With trailer brake - two lines / Power assisted braking, with trailer brake)

3680 (With trailer brake - two lines / Power assisted braking, with trailer brake)

3690 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)


6110 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6120 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6130 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6140 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6150 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6160 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6170 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6180 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6190 (Power assisted braking, with trailer brake)


6235 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6235HV (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6245 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6245HV (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6255 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6255HV (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6260 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6265 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6270 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

6280 (-> 01/02 Mechanical braking, With trailer brake - two lines)

6290 (-> 01/02 Mechanical braking, With trailer brake - two lines)


8110 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

8120 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

8130 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

8140 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

8150 (Mechanical braking With trailer brake - two lines)

8160 (Power assisted braking, with trailer brake)

8170 (Power assisted braking, with trailer brake)

8180 (Power assisted braking, with trailer brake)


8210 (-> 01/02 Mechanical braking, With trailer brake - two lines)

8220 (-> 01/02 Mechanical braking, With trailer brake - two lines)

8240 (-> 01/02 Mechanical braking, With trailer brake - two lines)

8240XTRA (-> 01/02 Mechanical braking, With trailer brake - two lines)

8250 (-> 01/02 Mechanical braking, With trailer brake - two lines)

8250XTRA (-> 01/02 Mechanical braking, With trailer brake - two lines)

8260 (-> 01/02 Mechanical braking, With trailer brake - two lines)

8260XTRA LST (-> 01/02 Mechanical braking, With trailer brake - two lines)

8270 (-> 01/02 Mechanical braking, With trailer brake - two lines)

8270XTRA (-> 01/02 Mechanical braking, With trailer brake - two lines)

8280 (-> 01/02 Mechanical braking, With trailer brake - two lines)

8280XTRA (-> 01/02 Mechanical braking, With trailer brake - two lines)

Werbekennung: 2622183
Aktualisiert: 2. März 2025 um 05:38:40 MEZ

Daten des Werbetreibenden

Name MTE SPECIÁL Kft. Funktionierendes Unternehmen
Lokalität 4028 Debrecen, Kassai utca 129
Webadresse www... Zeigen


Név Markai Zoltán
Telefonnummer +36704 xxxxxx Zeigen
E-mail xxx@xxx... Zeigen
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