Az Agroinform Portál adatvédelmi szabályzatának Adatfeldolgozókra vonatkozó pontja az Adatfeldolgozók személye kapcsán módosult. A módosított dokumentum ITT érhető el.
Automatic steering for Lamborghini tractors with base station and free RTK correction
1.890.000 HUF +VAT
Békés county, 5540 Szarvas
1.890.000 HUF +VAT
Year of manufacture
It meets the requirements of precision farming
Yes (precision device, service, job)
Dear Fellow Farmer!
Do you want to automate your agricultural work but don't want to spend huge sums on new machinery? With the Sveaverken F100 automatic steering system, your existing equipment will be able to work with an accuracy of 2.5 cm, whether you are working on the ground, sowing, spraying or harvesting. The system accurately follows the path, automatically makes turns and takes the burden off the operator's shoulders, so you can get the job done effortlessly. It can be installed in a few hours and is compatible with both older and newer tractors.
There are no licence or upgrade fees, and our own base station installation provides a free, accurate RTK signal, making it a cost-effective solution for the long term.
Key features:
- Universal installation: can be used on tractors, combines and self-propelled sprayers.
- Display and control: Colour, rugged touchscreen interface with multiple line guidance options (e.g. AB, A+, arc and contour, cultivation path).
- Simple board turns at the touch of a button and fully automated smart turn options.
- Precise and free navigation: 2.5 cm accuracy, build your own base station and forget about the annual RTK subscription.
- Farm Management System: web-based table management, task tracking and delegation, import/export of table boundaries, straight lines.
- Remote diagnostics and support: remote settings and fault diagnostics via Internet connection.
- 2 years warranty and replacement in case of failure.
Additional options:
- Easy Change Kit: Easily transfer the F100 automatic steering kit from one machine to another.
- ISOBUS compatibility: compatible with most ISOBUS machines.
- WIFI camera: follow the workflow on the display, the Wi-Fi camera (optional) provides a live view without having to turn around.
- Remote control: full wireless control (optional).
- NMEA compatibility: share location and speed data with previously installed devices.
Reduce your fuel costs, improve the quality of your work and make your everyday life more comfortable with Sveaverken F100. Contact us and find out how to get the most out of your existing machines!
Smart Land Ltd - Agricultural innovation at affordable prices! Contact us!