Az Agroinform Portál adatvédelmi szabályzatának Adatfeldolgozókra vonatkozó pontja az Adatfeldolgozók személye kapcsán módosult. A módosított dokumentum ITT érhető el.
Pigeon/Bird Repellent - long spider leg 360° - 240 cm
18.900 HUF
Zala county, 8360 Keszthely
18.900 HUF
Bird B Gone
One of the most innovative bird repellents available. Its simplicity is its greatness.
The problem is the same everywhere, from New Zealand to Europe to California. In the interior of continents, flocks of pigeons, in coastal zones, gulls perch on every available space they can: monuments, houses, jetties, boats, etc., and, in the simplest terms, they smash everything. This is not only a major hygiene risk, but also quite smelly and disgusting, so naturally people, without harming the animals, try to make them leave, which is no easy task.
The development of deterrents has moved with the times, one reliable representative being the Spider Long Leg or Giant Spider Leg, sold under various fancy names.
The centre of the device is a UV-resistant bracket from which wire bowden fibres extend 360 degrees, with a weight at the end, so the fibres bob with the slightest movement of the air. Birds that are about to land are unable to sit on it, if they go down, the bobbing weights hit them on the back, so the birds immediately jump up. Surfaces treated with a spider's foot will be completely pigeon-free.
It's not cheating, it's not deception, it simply works.