
Suspended trencher for loaders - UEMME E35


Settlement Szlovákia
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Condition New
For sale / for rent For sale

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The range of suspended excavators, specifically designed for use on loaders, compact loaders or front-end loaders, consists of 7 models that combine versatility and reliability with strength and dexterity. Each model has 2 hydraulic cylinders for 180° rotation of the arm and the possibility of sliding the arm to the right and left, making it easier to dig a wall or a more difficult to access side, etc. The opening and closing of the locking cylinders on the arm on the frame is basically mechanical, but can also be hydraulically operated. All of our agricultural excavators are equipped with hydraulic and independent stabilising legs, shut-off valve, bolted seat and buckets with bolted teeth to ensure high digging performance even on steep slopes.

All excavators comply with the strict safety standards (CEN-EN 16246-2012 cpt. 5.2). Our excavators offer unique performance that can be recognized in the creation or restoration of canals, ditches, trenches, and a wide range of agricultural needs.

- Weight - 1200 kg
- Connecting machine weight - 3.3 - 5 tonnes
- Required oil flow - 80 l
- Operating pressure - 170 bar
- Digging depth - 3570 mm
- Offset of the arm to the side - 1800 mm
- Breaking force - 4200 kg
- Spoon as standard - 300 mm

- Hydraulic locking system for arm movement
- Buckets for digging - 250 mm, 300 mm, 400 mm, 500 mm, 600 mm
- Trench cleaning buckets - 800 mm, 1000 mm
- Trapezoidal buckets - 210 mm x 68 degrees, 250 mm x 68 degrees
- Drilling equipment
- Drills - 100 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm, 250 mm, 300 mm, 350 mm, 400 mm, 500 mm, 600 mm
- Hydraulic concrete hammer
- Any colour optional!
- and others...

Identifier: 7036767
Updated: 21 January 2025 at 17:49:24 CET

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Name Vivago-gépker
Locality Szlovákia
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