Az Agroinform Portál adatvédelmi szabályzatának Adatfeldolgozókra vonatkozó pontja az Adatfeldolgozók személye kapcsán módosult. A módosított dokumentum ITT érhető el.
FIMAKS FMGR - 10 ton, single-axle, organic fertilizer spreader, directly from the Hungarian distributor.
Available in both painted and galvanized finish!
-Capacity: 10 tons
-Height: 3100 mm
-Length: 7500 mm
-Width: 3000 mm
-Weight: 4350 kg
-Height: 2600 mm
-Crankshaft speed: 1000 rpm
-Required tractor power: 90 HP
-Number of blades: 28+28
-Wheel size: 600.50×22.5
With a capacity of 8.5 cubic metres, the Fimaks FMGR 10 tonne organic fertiliser spreader can apply and spread up to 10 tonnes of organic fertiliser. Modelled to meet the needs of small, medium and large farms, the Fimaks 10 tonne organic fertiliser spreaders with a power requirement of 90 hp impress with their large capacity, durable construction and high performance.
The Fimaks FMGR 10 tonne organic fertiliser spreader is extremely practical with its hydraulic conveyor belt control and hydraulic door control via joystick. The suspension system of the Fimaks organic fertiliser spreader allows for a more balanced and safer drive.
In Fimaks organic fertiliser spreaders, the specially designed vertically positioned spreaders, together with the associated spreader blades, ensure homogeneous spreading of organic fertiliser on the field. At the same time, the specially designed power transmission system is designed to withstand high forces and operate smoothly for many years. Material transport is ensured by special chains that can withstand high tensile forces.
In the FMGR series organic fertilizer spreader, maintenance and protection of the machine is very easy thanks to the chain tensioning system, pump, hand support legs, ladders and displays on the machine.
Optionally, a signal light, galvanised body, hydraulic brake and weighing system are available for the 10-tonne FMGR organic fertiliser spreader.
For more information, please contact us.
For more information please contact us.
Leasing on favourable terms.
4356 Nyírcsaholy, Hunyadi u. 31.
Tel.: +36 70 321 6023
All that is agriculture.