

13.500 EUR +VAT


Settlement 401655620307
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Price 13.500 EUR +VAT
Condition New
Type WaterLight WL25D.02VH
Year of manufacture 2025
For sale / for rent For sale
It meets the requirements of precision farming Yes (precision device, service, job)
It can be viewed at AGROmashEXPO No

The WaterLight WL75.02VH disinfection system provides:

- Effective disinfection of drain water with high suspended solids content and color, i.e. low transparency.
- Water disinfection is carried out by high-power ultraviolet radiation.
- The high disinfection dose of UV radiation (1000 J/m²) ensures high efficiency in inactivating ALL types of bacteria and viruses, as well as removing moulds and yeasts that may be present in the water.
- The UV lamps used in the disinfection system (WaterLight WL75D.02VH) are capable of producing an active, short-lived UV active substance.
- The redox ions (OH*) have an additional disinfectant effect on pathogenic and non-pathogenic micro-organisms. Such redox ions have a lifetime of 10-⁵ ... 10-³ s, which ensures their recombination (transformation) into ordinary water (H₂O) directly in the disinfection chamber.
- The introduction of a small amount of hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) into the water both increases the efficiency of the disinfection and saturates the water with active oxygen, ensuring the saturation of plant roots with active oxygen, which has a positive effect on plant growth and increases yields.
- The use of powerful amalgamated germicidal UV lamps completely eliminates the possibility of toxic mercury vapours entering the water, air or the room where the disinfection system is located.
- The disinfection system is equipped with amalgam UV lamps, which have a long lifetime (16 000 hours), allowing the disinfection system to operate for several years without replacing the lamps.
- The disinfection system operates in fully automatic mode, which completely eliminates the human factor.
- The disinfection system has a capacity of 75 m³/hour.
- Energy consumption is 4 kW.

For more information visit https://www.waterlight.pro/uf-znezarazhennya-vody/uf-znezarazhennya-vody-dlya-polyvu-roslyn-waterlight-wl75d-02vh/.

Identifier: 7475817
Updated: 31 January 2025 at 19:06:41 CET

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Name info1197
Locality 401655620307


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