Az Agroinform Portál adatvédelmi szabályzatának Adatfeldolgozókra vonatkozó pontja az Adatfeldolgozók személye kapcsán módosult. A módosított dokumentum ITT érhető el.
SCORPIUS cereal seeders (suitable for small seeds) in widths of 2,5 - 2,7 - 3,0 - 4,0 m
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, 4356 Nyírcsaholy
Year of manufacture
For sale / for rent
For sale
Engine Demand (Horsepower)
Working width (cm/row)
Coulter type
Construction method
SCORPIUS cereal seeders (suitable for small seeds) in widths of 2.5-2.7-3.0-4.0 m at favourable prices, with guarantee directly from the Hungarian distributor!
- Available in working widths of 2,5 m - 2,7 m - 3,0 m - 4,0 m
- with sliding trough, single disc, double disc
- combined sowing elements with mechanical change-over
- plastic, telescopic, accordion seed tubes with rubber ring connection
- double bearing mounted disc coulters
- 320 mm ɸ disc bases
- gearbox without gears
- combined sowing element
- suitable for small seeds
- also available in tiller mounted version
- 12 months warranty
Scorpius universal seed drills are available in widths of 2.5 m / 2.7 m / 3.0 m / 4.0 m. They are conventional mechanical seeders with a simple, robust design and easy to operate.
The machines are suitable for use on small to medium sized farms and are ideal for light to medium firm soils.
The machine can be used alone or in combination with passive or active cultivators, for sowing after ploughing or mulching.
Depending on soil conditions, the seed drill can be equipped with sliding coulters, single disc coulters or double disc coulters.
The 'V' shaped seed hopper ensures complete emptying of the seed. The sowing units are driven by 2 wheels, a chain drive and a 60-position continuously variable transmission.
The standard equipment includes hydraulic pressure indicators, a platform for easy loading of the box and the wheel rollers of the toothed tractor.
The single and double-disc crawler tracks can optionally be fitted with compaction wheels.
The main function of the compaction wheels is to maintain the correct sowing depth and to compact the soil over the sown grain.
Other optional equipment of the seed drill may include electrically controlled cultivation paths.
Leasing 10% + VAT from own resources
Home delivery within the country
For more information and a favourable offer, please contact us.
4356 Nyírcsaholy, Hunyadi u. 31.
Tel.: +36 70 321 6023
All that is agriculture.