Bács-Kiskun county, 6000 Kecskemét
Price |
4.900.000 HUF +VAT |
Condition |
New |
For sale / for rent |
For sale |
Working width (cm/row) |
105 |
Year of manufacture |
2021 |
Engine Demand (Horsepower) |
0-80 |
Mode of operation |
Trench-plough |
Plow head number |
4 |
Suspension method |
Suspended |
Dear Farmer!
The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at the best prices.
See our constantly updated SPECIAL OFFERS.
- Warranty
- National coverage and service network
- Loan, leasing service FIX 5% OFF with as little as 10% down
- Guaranteed spare parts
- Delivery (optional)
Royal Tractor is the exclusive importer of Agro-Mas machines in Hungary!
Technical data:
- All working parts are made of hardened boron steel
- Turning gear diameter: 120 mm
- The steering plate is made of solid steel
- Frame height: 76 cm
- Spindle size: 140x140 mm
- Spindle wall thickness: 6 mm
- 18" Querneland type steering plate
- Grip width: 35, 40, 45, 50 cm
- Adjustable hanger
- Spacing of the brush head: 100 cm
- Turning roller with straightening roller
- Working width: 105-150 cm
- Weight: 1500 kg
- Power requirement: 80-115 HP
- Number of brush heads: 3+1
- Mechanical adjustment
- Area capacity: 1-1,7 ha
- Max working depth: 30 cm
- Side wheel: 26x12,00-12
‼️Az The price shown here is for a machine with basic equipment. Please note that the prices and specifications are not a final quotation and the addition of optional accessories or extras may result in price changes and may be subject to exchange rate fluctuations. For current and best prices and further information please contact gépértékesítőinkkel‼️
Royal Tractor Papa
8500 Pápa, Külső-Veszprémi út 60.
Tel.: +36206144444
Royal Traktor Kecskemét
6000 Kecskemét, Budaihegy tanya 132.
Tel: +36703906666
Royal Traktor Debrecen
18, Külső-Böszörményi út, 4002 Debrecen.
Tel.: +36204377777
Royal Traktor Kaposvár
7400 Kaposvár, Árpád út 43.
Tel.: +36208599999
Royal Traktor Mátészalka
4700 Mátészalka, Ipari út 33.
Tel: +36205988888
Royal Traktor Békéscsaba
5600 Békéscsaba
Tel.: +36203505555
Identifier: 7417947
Updated: 11 December 2024 at 08:41:34 CET