Az Agroinform Portál adatvédelmi szabályzatának Adatfeldolgozókra vonatkozó pontja az Adatfeldolgozók személye kapcsán módosult. A módosított dokumentum ITT érhető el.
Stock machines on SALE, subject to prior sale.
1 machine available immediately!
ULTRA LOW STRATOS: Intensive chopping and mixing of crop residues, precise soil cultivation and optimum recompaction with good crumbling in a single pass (seedbed preparation). The ultra low cultivator allows full intersection even when cultivating very shallow soil. This is of course a very important factor in mechanical weed control. The Stratos ultra-shallow cultivator is a lightweight cultivator for both reduced and conventional tillage, and is a successful tool for both soil tillage and mechanical weed control.
Stratos is the first implement on the market with tines to fill the gap between basic tillage with a plough or cultivator and fine seedbed preparation. The frame construction (maximum through-loading, beam height 630 mm) and the high and spacious frame make Stratos not a classic seedbed combination, but a universal machine for a wide range of jobs.
These include:
- Seedbed preparation after ploughing and heavy cultivation, loosening once to aerate the soil in spring for faster surface drying.
- Shallow tillage, e.g. for beet sowing, on frozen ground (surface freezing), slurry and organic manure application, green manure - catch crop application, shallow stubble ploughing, on cereal, rape and maize stubble.
- Three-point lower linkage,
- X-Cut shredding knife roller with corrugated disc row,
- Spring-loaded tines 70x12 Herkules with 230 mm flat tines,
- Double STS roller 600/600 mm,
- Side stop discs,
- Road lighting,
- Air brake,
- Adapter for quick change of pre-cultivation tools,
- Tool box.
- Very good mixing effect for mixing in stalk residues,
- Excellent for levelling the soil surface,
- Easy to set up for all applications,
- Massive and 83 cm high frame, high flow without clogging,
- Quick-change knife system, CONNECT 40,
- Quick-switch cylinder for on/off switching.