Az Agroinform Portál adatvédelmi szabályzatának Adatfeldolgozókra vonatkozó pontja az Adatfeldolgozók személye kapcsán módosult. A módosított dokumentum ITT érhető el.
New Deutz-Fahr 5105 Keyline Plus "HD" (106 HP) at an introductory price
Bács-Kiskun county, 6500 Baja
For sale / for rent
For sale
Traditional tractor
Type of document
With valid documents
Power (Horsepower)
Year of manufacture
Operating hours
The machine has a front loader
Top speed (km/h)
Speed of power output shaft
Gearbox type
Synchronous gearbox
All wheels
Type of steering
Front Wheel
Type of cooling
Water cooling
4-wheel brake, Powershuttle, Air conditioner, Air suspension seat, Air brake, 2 wire air brake connection, Electrohydraulic PTO, Additional weighting
It meets the requirements of precision farming
Yes (precision device, service, job)
NEW MODEL IN THE DEUTZ-FAHR RANGE, IN STOCK NOW AT A UNIQUE INTRODUCTORY PRICE!!! DEUTZ-FAHR 5105 KEYLINE (PLUS) 106 Le HD (Heavy Duty) VERSION reinforced rear axle and gearbox ENGINE 4-cylinder, 3859 cm3 turbo diesel common rail engine. Rated power (ECE R 120): 101 Le/74 kW. Max. Power (ECE R 120): 106 Le /78 kW. Electric engine speed control, 2 programmable engine speeds. With liquid-cooled engine and transmission oil cooler. Fuel tank capacity: 145 l + 10 l AdBlue. GEARBOX Hydraulically actuated clutch. Side shift levers. 40 km/h gearbox. 20/20 gearbox with 5 synchronized gears, four speed ranges including the climbing gear group. Mechanical synchronized directional shifter. POWER TRANSMISSION and STEERING Front and rear differential lock and all-wheel drive electro-hydraulic operation. Hydraulic steering with independent pump. Steering angle: 55 degrees. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 55 l/min hydraulic power. 3 pairs of rear hydraulic connectors with mechanical control. BRAKE SYSTEM Hydraulic brake system acting on all four wheels, independent oil bath brakes. REAR SUSPENSION 3-point suspension with telescopic stabilizers. Mechanical suspension control. Mechanical right connecting rod and stabilizers. 4580 KG LIFTING CAPACITY. Front: 420/85R24 (16.9R24), Rear: 460/85R34 (18.4R34). OPERATOR ENVIRONMENT Sound-insulated operator cabin with heating and active ventilation, tinted glass surfaces. Textile-covered mechanical seat with seat belt. Digital displays (operating hours, working speed, PTO speed). Telescopic mirrors. Internal lighting, storage compartments. Hydro-silent block cabin suspension. Additional equipment on the tractor: - air suspension seat - spare seat - air conditioner - automatic suspension arm hooks - 467 kg nose weight - automatic trailer towing device - lower abdominal puller Dorker Kft. Phone: 30-592-9114 Agricultural machinery , parts sales and full service. Headquarters: 6500 Baja, Szegedi út 102. It can be viewed at our locations: Baja, Derecske, Nyíregyháza, Kaposvár, Szolnok, Győrújbarát, Pécs"