Az Agroinform Portál adatvédelmi szabályzatának Adatfeldolgozókra vonatkozó pontja az Adatfeldolgozók személye kapcsán módosult. A módosított dokumentum ITT érhető el.
Check out our monthly updated OFFERS under our SPECIAL OFFERS section, which are offered with the specificity of the month and season.
FORIGO is involved in all sectors of soil preparation, such as bedding, bale preparation, rotary cultivators, tillers, mulchers and film planters.
2 main types of bed makers:
1. Seedbed maker: for making fine, powdery seedbeds thanks to 2 counter-rotating hand axes.
2. Stone spreader: Spreads the top layer of soil under the seedbed (recommended for stony, rough ground).
We offer a wide range of machines for horticultural and special customer needs.
In addition to a range of agricultural machinery and their components, farmer-friendly TEMPEL LTD also sells a wide range of products for municipal, packaging and green feeding.
Our company also provides full range of services related to tenders and project management of ongoing tenders. For more information, please visit our website.
As of 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation entered into force uniformly in the European Union. Accordingly, our Company would like to obtain the voluntary consent of our Data Subjects to process and use their personal data for specific purposes. Please read the Privacy Policy and Notice on our website and send us your consent.