Az Agroinform Portál adatvédelmi szabályzatának Adatfeldolgozókra vonatkozó pontja az Adatfeldolgozók személye kapcsán módosult. A módosított dokumentum ITT érhető el.
1. Sorpac AWRM-02 (6,0 t/h / 1-25 kg), - weighing scale with 2 filling belts, packing of fruits and vegetables in raschel nets + 1 thread sewing machine New Long NP-07
The SORPAC automatic packing machines equipped with weighing scales are suitable for receiving, automatic electronic weighing of various fruits and vegetables: potatoes, onions, carrots, cucumbers, beets, etc., filling into raschel bags, sewing and closing the bags. From the hopper, the crop is fed by a pair of ribbed applicator belts with a reel belt (AWRM01 1 ribbed applicator belt, ARM02 1 ribbed applicator belt + 1 reel belt) into the two electronic weighing scales with weighing stamps. The set quantity, made by welding the raschel mesh stored in the roll to the desired size, is filled into a bag and sealed by sewing. The packaging unit.