Az Agroinform Portál adatvédelmi szabályzatának Adatfeldolgozókra vonatkozó pontja az Adatfeldolgozók személye kapcsán módosult. A módosított dokumentum ITT érhető el.
ADRAF AKULA electric 380 V grinders, several types
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, 4356 Nyírcsaholy
Year of manufacture
For sale / for rent
For sale
It meets the requirements of precision farming
Yes (precision device, service, job)
ADRAF AKULA electric grinders, several types, with warranty from the Hungarian distributor!
Technical content, equipment:
- 22 kW, 380 V motor
- 2000 kg/hour power
- power meter
- full electrical connection with overload protection
- power supply with full power supply with squeegee
- magnet
- stone gripper
- 5 m suction hose, 100 mm diameter
- 3 m pressure hose, 125 mm diameter
- grate in several sizes
- fan and head elements in C45 steel
- 12 months warranty
For more information please contact us.
Home delivery within the country.
Lease 10% + VAT from own account.
4356 Nyírcsaholy, Hunyadi u. 31.
Tel.: +36 70 321 6023
"All that is agriculture"