
M-ROL Slanted Pulley Fork Tiller, FI140 - Best for Farmers Kft


Settlement Bács-Kiskun county, 6065 Lakitelek
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Condition New
Type M-ROL
Year of manufacture 2024
For sale / for rent For sale

Best for Farmers Ltd. is an independent, 100% Hungarian, family-owned company, which as an official M-ROL brand representative has been working for two years now with unbroken enthusiasm to make the excellent value for money, reliable, easy to use Polish M-ROL machines known and available to Hungarian farmers at permanently favourable prices.

In addition, with our trained technicians, service background and spare parts warehouse, we offer you the support you need for long-term, trouble-free operation.


On the farm, a pulley applicator is like oxygen. It only shows up when it's not there... M-ROL has been manufacturing this machine in reliable quality since 1974, constantly adapting to market needs.

- T 401 140 Ø hopper-mounted inclined pulley applicator 4 m
- T 401 140 Ø hopper-mounted inclined pulley applicator 6 m
- T 401 140 Ø inclined pulley applicator with hopper 8 m
- T 401 140 Ø inclined pulley applicator with hopper 10 m
- T 401 140 Ø sloping pulley applicator with hopper 12 m

Racks, accessories:
- T401OP1 Two-wheel stand with small wheels (110)
- T401OP2 Two-wheel stand with large wheels (140-150)
- T401OP3 Combined scaffolding, two-wheeled stand with small wheels + four-wheeled stool (110)
- T401OP4 Combined scaffolding, two-wheeled stand with large wheels + four-wheeled stool (140-150)
- T401OP5 Fixed tripod with three legs, max. 6 m
- T401OP6 50 l hopper for self-scooping auger
- T401OP7 150 l hopper for self-cleaning auger
- T401OP8 Surranto for pulley feeders
- T401OP9 2 channel router
- T401OP10 3-channel router
- T401OP11 Four-wheeled stool (with planetary wheels)
- T401OP12 Pre-cleaning element for pulleys - 2 m
- T401OP13 Reinforcing tension wire

The stand is NOT standard equipment, NOT included in the price.

Their simplicity is their power! They provide many years of service on the farm without failure. High quality bearings ensure long, trouble-free operation. Available in three different pipe diameters for three different hourly application rates, in lengths from 8 to 12 m. The 110 mm diameter gives a lifting capacity of 10 tonnes per hour. The basic machine is 4 m. It can be extended up to 8 m with 2 m long extensions.

For a diameter of 140 mm, you need 15 tonnes per hour! With this pipe diameter, it can be extended up to 12 m, like its "brother" with a diameter of 150, capable of handling 20 tonnes of grain per hour.

All three models can be equipped with a range of racks and accessories, and we can design the machine series in advance, free of charge, according to the specifications provided by the farmer!

Our company is the exclusive distributor of machines and spare parts manufactured by M-ROL Sp.z.o.o., with guaranteed best prices, guaranteed highest level of service, CE declaration of conformity, unique on the market 3 YEAR WARRANTY, instructions and spare parts catalogue in Hungarian! M-ROL machines are currently available to view, test and purchase on one site. In Lakitelek, at 11 Tiszakécskei Street, we offer farmers first-hand information.

From our parts warehouse, we can deliver the required accessories or parts anywhere in 2-3 days, personal pick-up is possible in Lakitelek.

If you need a customized solution or just want more information about our machines, visit our website, follow our Facebook page, contact us by e-mail at info@bestforfarmers.hu or by phone at +36 70 567 23 23! Best for Farmers - because farmers deserve the best...

Best for Farmers Ltd. is the main sponsor of the 5,000-strong GoldFarmers Hungary NGO. Join our Facebook group today! Tangible assistance, continuous training, online and in-person presentations, help with tenders, machinery procurement, product sales... etc. - civil unity for Hungarian agriculture!

Identifier: 7326088
Updated: 28 January 2025 at 16:15:16 CET

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