Az Agroinform Portál adatvédelmi szabályzatának Adatfeldolgozókra vonatkozó pontja az Adatfeldolgozók személye kapcsán módosult. A módosított dokumentum ITT érhető el.
GWT-02 fuel metering equipment
1.200.000 HUF
Pest county, 2750 Nagykőrös
1.200.000 HUF
GWT - 02 üzemanyagkimérő berendezés
For sale / for rent
For sale
It meets the requirements of precision farming
Why choose a good fuel measuring device? Because it provides accurate fuel consumption and level data, ensuring cost savings and fleet safety.
GWT-02 fuel metering equipment:
Tank mounted design. Online access, 70 litres/min pump, 6 m hose length, fitted with extra fuel filter.
GWT has been manufacturing and developing well column and tank level gauges for over 11 years.
They are constantly upgrading their systems to meet the needs of nearly 500 customers.
The main advantages of their systems are: one-click excise duty refund, more accurate measurement than required by law, nationwide service, web-based easy-to-use interface, statistical data for control and accounting, encrypted, stable operation independent of other systems. Vehicle management functions (oil change, technical inspection, tank level, average consumption, etc.). Annual maintenance, with manufacturer calibration (bonding, leak test, program update, complete overhaul, replacement of parts if necessary).
System usage fee: 5.000 HUF/month + VAT.