Pest county, 2730 Albertirsa
Biocatalyst foliar fertilizer dosage: 2-3 l/ha
Composition in g/l: 102 Nitrogen, 9 Copper, 6 Boron, 1.5 Zinc, 0.01 Molybdenum, 11.9 Sulphur trioxide, 12 Succinic acid, Gift with Humic acid
The unique formulation of DAMISOL GOLD FISH FISH solves the problem of smart nutrient supplementation in three perfect steps. In the period from budding to two nodes, calcareous plants are highly sensitive to the unique copper and zinc content, which induces the plant to achieve the highest possible yields at this early stage. The harmonious nutrient content of DAMISOL GOLD FISHING is responsible for stem firmness during this period, compensating for increased nitrogen fertilization to prevent the grain from drooping.
From two nodes to the emergence of the flag leaf, chlorophyll formation is vigorous, aided by the humic acid micro-nutrient complex. From the emergence of the flag leaf to full maturity, it helps the grain to reach its full maturity, its nutritional values and its high baking quality. The nitrogen pool of amino complexes in the plant acts as a biocatalyst in the binding of amino acids to promote protein synthesis, improving the gluten content of wheat grains.
Biocatalyst foliar fertiliser dose: 2-3 l/ha
Composition in g/l: 22,5 Copper, 9 Zinc, 9 Manganese, 59,4 Sulphur trioxide, 6 Boron, 4,5 Iron, 12 Succinic acid
DAMISOL GOLD NODULUS contains a harmonious balance of copper and zinc nutrients, which are essential for plants during the initial phase of the stem initiation in the cereal crops. With the addition of succinic acid and boron nutrients, it strongly increases the thickness of the straw barrier of the early nodule development, thus improving yield losses due to lodging. It helps the plant to develop a stronger root system and has a positive effect on the formation of new shoots, which allows for higher yield security. It has a particularly spectacular effect in nutrient-poor areas.
Biocatalyst foliar fertiliser dose: 1 l/ha
Composition: 8 g/l Boron, 6 g/l Copper, 6 g/l Zinc, 16 g/l Iron, 8 g/l Manganese, 0,8 g/l Molybdenum, 168,6 Sulphur trioxide, 12 Succinic acid, Gift Humic acid, fulvic acid with trace elements in the form of natural humic acid complex (Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Se, Mo + N, P, K)
The special nutrient composition of DAMISOL GOLD GABONA STAR leaf fertilizer helps the foliage to mature from the appearance of the flag leaf, increases the flowering vigour and juvenility of the foliage, greatly helps the binding of the grains in the baking, fruitiness quality. Its high sulphur content promotes protein formation, thus having a positive effect on the development of high chicle content. Its high iron content promotes enzymatic processes for protein building, improves photosynthetic power of leaves, supports the incorporation of sulphur nutrients. Molybdenum, zinc, copper microelement amino complexes act as biocatalysts in the amino acid linkage, promoting protein synthesis, catalysing nitrogen incorporation and enzymatic processes of protein synthesis. Humic acid complexes enhance the chlorophyll activity of the foliage, improving the ability of the leaves to fix sunlight, thus facilitating the building processes. The boric and succinic acid content plays an important role in inflorescence formation and fertilisation.
In case of questions, please contact Béla Mészáros +3630 9820 765
DAMISOL - Plant-friendly expertise
Identifier: 7485604
Updated: 11 March 2025 at 17:00:48 CET