Az Agroinform Portál adatvédelmi szabályzatának Adatfeldolgozókra vonatkozó pontja az Adatfeldolgozók személye kapcsán módosult. A módosított dokumentum ITT érhető el.
Kiplant ALL-GRIP 1 l bottle
10.435 HUF +VAT
Pest county, 2363 Felsőpakony
10.435 HUF +VAT
Product name
Approved for organic farming
It meets the requirements of precision farming
Yes (precision device, service, job)
Kiplant All-Grip
Can also be used in organic farming!
Biological fertilizer with phosphorus releasing, solubilizing microorganisms
KIPLANT All-Grip is a biological fertilizer containing phosphorus releasing, solubilizing microorganisms that mineralize the soil organic matter content (making it absorbable by the plant) and produce extracellular enzymes and phytohormones. It increases phosphorus uptake and prevents undesirable shifts in nutrient ratios by balancing the uptake of macroelements (P and S) and microelements (Fe and Zn). KIPLANT All-Grip, as a kind of "energy drink", releases large amounts of biologically converted phosphorus from the soil for the plant, thus participating in many stages of metabolic processes.
KIPLANT All-Grip's microorganisms produce a number of enzymes, such as acid and alkaline phosphatase, phytase enzymes (which greatly aid in the digestion of phosphate, facilitating the hydrolysis and solubilisation of phytase in plant tissues) and esterase enzymes, which play an important role in the degradation of phospholipids.
The micro-organisms present in KIPLANT All-Grip are highly bioactive and their action significantly improves the efficiency of plant nutrients. The product has a direct stimulating effect on growth and fertility in almost all crops.
Dose: 3-6 l/ha, one or two treatments at planting. Dissolve in clean water with continuous stirring before application. It is recommended to apply the product by nutrient solution through a drip irrigation system or by irrigation. If this is not possible, it may be sprayed on the soil surface and then mechanically worked into the soil.