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Tiosol® general foliar fertiliser, sulphur content increases the effectiveness of plant protection
13.600 HUF +VAT
Csongrád-Csanád county, 6760 Kistelek
13.600 HUF +VAT
Product name
Approved for organic farming
Active ingredient
Period of use
Quantity offered for sale
Quantity unit
It meets the requirements of precision farming
Yes (precision device, service, job)
The calcium polysulphide in Tiosol® foliar fertilizer helps to saturate the air space with elemental sulphur, which prevents many harmful fungal infections and also disturbs insects, forcing them to move and making them easier to write with contact products. It is particularly effective against thrips, aphids, mites, moths, and is good at inhibiting the colonisation of various fungal diseases except peronospora.
The price is for 20 litres.
Foliar fertilizer containing boron and calcium polysulphide
Tiosol® Foliar Fertiliser is a naturally active preparation (Licence No 04.2/475-2/2014), with carefully selected ingredients and a wealth of useful compounds produced during production, which ensure its multifunctional action. Its use results in healthy plants.
Tiosol® Foliar Fertiliser has a special property when used: it fills the air space with elemental sulphur through the calcium polysulphide it contains, which prevents many harmful fungal infections, and it also disturbs insects, forcing them to move and making them easier to kill with contact products. It is particularly effective against thrips, aphids, mites, moths, and is good at inhibiting the colonisation of various fungal diseases except peronospora.
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TIOSOL® foliar fertiliser can be used all year round as a foliar fertiliser to prevent calcium, sulphur and boron deficiencies. It is the only formulation containing calcium polysulphide (polysulphide sulphur) that is authorised for organic farming, and is unique in that it contains boron as an accompanying micro-element. Applied to the plant as a spray, it rapidly decomposes into calcium ion and elemental sulphur. The calcium is rapidly absorbed into the leaf tissue, but the sulphur slowly evaporates from the leaf, ventilates and reacts with the air, giving a prolonged and rather complex effect. This improves both the quantity and quality of the crop, is a source of nutrients and sulphur also increases the effectiveness of plant protection. Applied as a foliar fertiliser, it is the perfect solution to compensate for the most common soil deficiencies of lime and sulphur, which can be remedied much more cost-effectively with manures. Its boron content promotes flower formation, better fertility, pre-harvest application increases sugar/oil content, enhances pig formation. Regular use of TIOSOL Foliar Fertiliser enhances the resistance of foliage and fruit/fruit, improves the nutritional value and storage life of the crop.
As a biostimulant, it improves the general condition of the crop and its resistance to diseases. TIOSOL treatment significantly contributes to the natural defence of the crop against common fungal, bacterial and viral infections (except peronospora diseases), as well as to the control of molluscicidal insects such as aphids, scale insects, fleas, cicadas and to the effective control of mites. The use of TIOSOL can significantly reduce the quantitative and qualitative damage of harmful organisms. TIOSOL's active ingredient, calcium polysulphide, has been used by American farmers for over 100 years to control grain rusts and also for grain spraying.
It is a particularly powerful preventative crop health product, making it an excellent adjuvant to fall/spring broadcast sprays, increasing their effectiveness. Due to its sulphur content, it inhibits the establishment and development of various pests, is effective against sucking/chewing pests, leafminers, mites, aphids, scale insects and other overwintering organisms, and provides effective plant protection by contact against the most common fungal infections such as scab, leaf diseases, powdery mildew, monilia, twig diseases, rust diseases, except grape peronospora.
Spraying is not recommended below 15 °C and above 25 °C, neither in spring nor in summer. Excellent mixing in water but reduced in hard water, so rainwater/soft water is recommended.
Suggested use:
For the prevention of calcium, sulphur and boron deficiencies in all field and horticultural crops at any stage of development, and for foliar treatment as necessary in case of deficiencies, at a maximum concentration of 2-3 % (0,2-0,3 l/10 litres of water) at intervals of not more than 3 weeks.
- for arable crops and vegetables at 5-15 litres/ha,
- in vineyards and fruit orchards, at a rate of 10-20 l/ha (5-15 l/ha in berry orchards),
- for spraying cereals and other seeds: 0,2 l + 10 litres of water (soft or rain water recommended), 1-10 min treatment depending on the size of the crop,
- in horticulture, for the damping-off of bulbs (garlic, calla lily, dahlia, etc.), it also provides excellent protection against "underground" diseases.
Storage suggestion:
It is recommended to store in a dry, cool but frost-free, well-ventilated, covered place, protected from sunlight. It can be stored for longer periods without air or by pouring a thin layer of paraffin oil on the surface. This prevents oxidation of the calcium polysulphide and precipitation of sulphur. If not stored properly, sulphur can be removed by filtration.
In case of rain (within 24 hours), it is necessary to repeat the spraying. Bio-sprays can be used all year round at the right dilution and the waiting time is usually 0 days. Sulphur-based products have long been used by mankind to protect plants, only to be unfairly overshadowed by the industry's promotion of synthetics that are harmful to our environment and health.