Other seed 118 Advertisements
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Advertiser for 13 years
Other seed Pest, Abony
Dear Partners! Dear Producers! Horticultural seeds are available all year round: ALANY Shintoza F1 - 1000 seeds - 13.700 Ft/packet CLICK HERE round beetroot Bona - 500 g - 8.400 Ft/pack MSX 4931 F1 - 50000 seeds - 16.500 Ft/pack oblong beetroot...
Source language: Hungarian
1.250 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Other seed Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
Leírás 5 komponensből álló kaszálásra és legeltetésre is alkalmas fűmagkeverék eladó. Összetétele: - Olaszperje 40% - Angolperje 40% - Komócsin 5% - Nádképű csenkesz 10% - Csomós Ebír 5% A kaszáló és legelő fűmagkeverék ára: 1-2 zsák: 1350 Ft/kg +...
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1.430 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
While ensuring high productivity and quality, the main objective in creating the Savanna is to implement grazing and mowing simultaneously. The composition of the mixture: - English perje diploid (Lolium perenne) 25 % - English perje tetraploid...
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1.925 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
A mixture of drought tolerant grasses. Mowing grasses make up 80% of the established lawn cover and can provide high yields due to their large size. Fast-growing, early-flowering species account for 80 % of the composition, and therefore the mowing...
Source language: Hungarian
1.550 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Other seed Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
Szárazságtűrő pázsit fűmagkeverék eladó postai utánvéttel kedvező szállítási költséggel. Személyesen Debrecen, Alma utca 15. címen levő Takarmány és Gazdaboltunkban vehető át. Árak: 1-4 kg-ig 1800 Ft/kg 5-9 kg-ig 1700 Ft/kg 10-19 kg-ig 1650 Ft/kg...
Source language: Hungarian
1.400 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Other seed Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
Somkóró mag eladó postai utánvéttel kedvező szállítási költségekkel. Mechanikusan koptatott. Fajta: Kecskeméti Fehér Virágú, kétnyári. Árak: - 29 kg alatti vásárlás esetén: 1600 Ft/kg. - 29 kg feletti vásárlás esetén: 1400 Ft/kg. Személyes átvétel:...
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Advertiser for 12 years
Other seed Fejér, Mezőszentgyörgy
Seeds, seed mixtures and green fertiliser are available in metallic form.
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1.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 12 years
Other seed Fejér, Mezőszentgyörgy
Metal-locked grass mixtures are continuously available: mowing, pasture, horse pasture, sheep pasture, cattle pasture, sport, lawn, drought tolerant, shade tolerant.
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Advertiser for 12 years
Other seed Fejér, Mezőszentgyörgy
Seed mixtures are available for all agricultural programmes: wheat, barley, triticale, oats, alfalfa, grass mixtures, etc., as well as for all agricultural programmes: AKG, green fodder, etc.
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 12 years
Other seed Fejér, Mezőszentgyörgy
Fémzárolt: Lucernamag, fűkeverékek, szarvaskerep, baltacim, vöröshere, fehérhere, bíborhere, alexandriai here, svédhere, perzsahere, somkóró,négermag, olajretek, mustár, facélia, pohánka, Moharmag, szudánfűmag, silócirok, bükköny, meliorációs retek,...
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1.400 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 12 years
Other seed Fejér, Mezőszentgyörgy
LAJ-GO / Syngenta / Wild pasture mix perennial Price: 2.000 Ft + VAT/kg Packing: 10 kg Recommended seed: 20-30 kg/ha - 20% Red testicles - 15% Baltacim - 10% Crimson Clover - 12% Lucerna - 15% Pohanka - 7% Alexandrian testicle - 5% Horn of Deer - 7%...
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2.405 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
The mixture consists of drought-tolerant grasses and buttercups. In the established grassland, the planned cover of grazing-tolerant undergrowth is 50%. The proportion of eelgrass, which is a fast emerger and competitive because of its good weed...
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1.300 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
The Universal Sport grass seed mix is the ideal choice if you are landscaping your premises. A universal mix of fast-growing species and varieties, Universal Sport is ideal for creating large, continuous green areas that are hard-wearing and require...
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2.470 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
A mixture of grasses and butterflies with medium water requirements. Mowing grasses make up 65% of the established lawn cover and can provide high yields due to their large size. The mixture contains 20% butterflies. This mowing mixture gives a high...
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2.730 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
The pasture mixture is suitable for cattle of all utilisation types and breeds. It can be used to feed dairy, dryland cows, young cattle and beef herds. Components include grass species with higher water requirements and better drought tolerance. For...
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2.405 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
The mixture is recommended for use in silty soils, river/stream valleys, hilly valleys, areas with early morning dew and low-lying areas with high groundwater. Horse pastures are subject to high stress due to the intensive movement of the animals....
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1.690 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
It provides very high and stable yields throughout the summer and creates outstanding quality for dairy cows. Composition of the mixture: - English perje diploid (Lolium perenne) 20 % - English perje tetraploid (Lolium perenne) 15 % - Italian...
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2.990 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
Recommended for low-lying areas at risk of inland water/flooding, where the soil does not dry out completely in summer. In terms of utilisation, grazing after harvesting of the parent hay is the objective. The mixture is suitable for both mowing and...
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1.365 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
Harvested forage provides the best quality with high yields. Composition of the mixture: - English perje diploid (Lolium perenne) 25 % - English perje tetraploid (Lolium perenne) 15 % - Italian perennial (Lolium multiflorum) 20 % - Reed canarygrass...
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2.600 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
The mixture consists of drought-tolerant grasses and buttercups. In the established grassland, the design cover of understory grasses that tolerate grazing well is 55%. The proportion of eelgrass, which is competitive due to its fast emergence and...
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1.560 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
Agro-Largo park grass mixtures We recommend our park grass blends if you are planning post-landscaping, reclamation or site landscaping. Take a look at our range and choose from our larger 5, 10 or even 25 kg packs. https://webaruhaz.agro-largo.hu/
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1.250 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
The mixture is suitable for permanent pasture and has excellent soil coverage and tolerates heavy use. Composition of the mixture: - English perje diploid (Lolium perenne) 35 % - English perje tetraploid (Lolium perenne) 25 % - Italian perennial...
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1.820 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
The mixture consists of drought-tolerant grasses. In the established grassland, the planned cover of grazing-tolerant undergrowth is 40%. The proportion of fast-germinating eelgrass, which is competitive due to its good weed suppression, is 20%. It...
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1.550 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
Agro-Largo park grass mixtures We recommend our park grass blends if you are planning post-landscaping, reclamation or site landscaping. Take a look at our range and choose from our larger, 5, 10 or even 25 kg packs. https://webaruhaz.agro-largo.hu/
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1.095 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other seed Pest, Gyál
Mataco variety Available from stock, with immediate delivery. Packaging: 25 kg Description of variety: Can be sown with silage-type maize until mid-July. After harvesting, Sudan grass can be mown once more. When sown alone, it can be mown three...