Pest county, 2100 Gödöllő
Free-rooted raspberry
850 Ft/s
For more prices call +36-30/241-20-91
It is a vigorous, very vigorous grower, with abundant budding and excellent regeneration potential. The shoots are yellowish-brown, medium thick, stiffly erect, with a drooping tip, not prone to bark cracking. Corners are purplish-reddish in the sunny part; strongly, moderately, purple above, squat, covered with spines. Leaves medium green, with three, rarely five leaflets. Clusters moderately long, short at the tips of the canes. Its shoots can withstand the cold winters of this country without frost damage. Bud break is late.
Medium-late maturing variety. Produces evenly from year to year, with excellent yield security.
The berries are medium-sized (3.4 g), round, bright red, bright, attractive. It retains its firm flesh and colour during ripening and long after picking. The flavour is harmoniously sweet and sour with a distinct raspberry flavour. Produces an excellent quality, marketable fruit. Very prolific, yields of up to 18-20 t/ha under favourable environmental conditions and with professional cultivation. The percentage of fruit of roll quality is over 90 %.
It is well tolerant of poorer ecological conditions. It is the most sought-after commercial variety for deep-freezing, canning and fresh market, but its excellent flavour and relative undemanding nature also make it suitable for home and organic production.
NÉBIH classification: authorised for breeding, commercial variety. Variety code: 237862.
Identifier: 7485706
Updated: 12 March 2025 at 09:37:22 CET