Az Agroinform Portál adatvédelmi szabályzatának Adatfeldolgozókra vonatkozó pontja az Adatfeldolgozók személye kapcsán módosult. A módosított dokumentum ITT érhető el.
Delan 70 WG 1 kg
24.000 HUF
Bács-Kiskun county, 6230 Soltvadkert
24.000 HUF
Quantity unit
Why DELAN® 700 WG?
In apple orchards, based on scab forecasting (from the beginning of ascospore dispersal), it is recommended to protect every 7-10 days depending on the infection situation.
In peaches, against taffron leaf curl, the product is recommended to be applied preventively, based on a forecast, after the flush sprays, after bud break.
In stone fruit, the first control of leaf spot disease should be applied preventively, but at the latest at the onset of symptoms.
In wine grapes, control of peronospora should be initiated on the basis of a forecast. When applied preventively at low infection pressure, the product alone provides adequate protection.
Mode of action
Delan 700 WG is a contact active, high adhesion, internal parasitic fungi (scab, downy mildew, peronospores) control product. It inhibits the growth of fungi at several points.
Available for use
Apple tree blight
Recommended dosage Treatment time Maximum number of treatments per year max 3 mg/kg M.v.i.
Pre-flowering: 0,5 kg/ha, post-flowering: 0,35 kg/ha From the beginning of ascospore spreading (after downy mildew for Golden types) - 0 day 21 days
Grapevine Peronospora
Recommended dose Treatment period Maximum number of treatments per year max 3 M.v.i. M.v.i.
0,35-0,5 kg/ha Preventively every 7-10 days 0 day 28 days
Stigmine disease
Recommended dose Treatment period Maximum number of treatments per year max 3 M.v.i. M.v.i.
0,75 kg/ha Preventively - 0 days 21 days