Delan Pro 5L Fungicide II
Bács-Kiskun county, 6237 Kecel
Fungicide against diseases of apple orchards, grapes (wine) black rot, peronospora, varroasis. Delan Pro is based on a three-point contact dithianon for external protection and a systemic potassium phosphonate (phosphoric acid) for internal protection with both fungicidal and immunising activity, which is transported more rapidly than most absorbed pesticide molecules.
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Product details!
Fungicide against diseases of apple orchards, grapes (wine) black rot, peronospora, varroasis.
Delan Pro is based on a three-point contact dithianon for external protection and a systemic potassium phosphonate (phosphoric acid) for internal protection with both fungicidal and immunising activity, which is transported more rapidly than most absorbed pesticide molecules.
Our well-known active ingredient dithianon, which is the basis of our scab control, has been serving apple growers for 50 years. In 2017, it is available in a renewed, now liquid (SC) formulation with a phosphoric acid fortification, which represents a 10% increase in efficacy compared to Delan 700. The engine of the Delan Pro remains the reliable ditianon, but the wheels have been replaced with a 21st century mobile phosphoric acid.
A revolutionary breakthrough in protection against peronospora and black rot was the introduction of Delan Pro. As dithianon alone interferes with the life cycle of the peronospora fungus at several points, the risk of resistance development is minimal. Phosphoric acid has both a strong direct fungicidal effect and an indirect immunising effect, which further strengthens dithianon. In addition to these benefits, phosphoric acid is extremely mobile within the plant, providing outstanding protection not only to the cluster but also to the fresh growth.
Active ingredients: 125 g/l dithianon, 561 g/l potassium phosphonates
Formulation: EC
Packaging: 2,5 ml, 100 ml, 500 ml, 5 l
Culture: apple fruit, grapes (wine)
Pest: black rot, peronospora, varroasis
Release period:
grapes: from 5 leaf stage to pea size berry stage (BBCH 15-75)
apple fruit: from flower bud burst to the beginning of ripening (BBCH 53-81)
grapes: 1,8-3 l/ha
apple fruit: 0,8-2,5 l/ha
Spray juice:
grapes: 200-1200 l/ha
apple crops: 150-1500 l/ha
Sanitary waiting time: 0 days
Food health waiting time: 35-42 days
Marketing category: Category II
Identifier: 7485469
Updated: 11 March 2025 at 10:25:02 CET