Bács-Kiskun county, 6237 Kecel
Homemade dosage: 20 g / 10 litres of spray
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Product details!
Active ingredient: 77% copper hydroxide (50% copper metal active ingredient)
Identical to Vitra Copper Hydroxide.
Broad spectrum, powder fungicide spray.
Can also be used in organic farming!
The product is recommended for use in apple orchards in the spring and autumn as a wash spray against bacterial and fungal diseases (scab, monilia, twig dieback, etc.). Controls against fire blight can be carried out as a preventive measure, from bud break until the end of green bud stage, at 2-3 times, at a frequency of at least 7-10 days, with high application rates. After waxing of the crop, the product can be re-applied for final spraying, taking into account the copper sensitivity and the risk of scorch.
In nursery stock, seedling and nursery stock nurseries, control of needle dieback should be carried out 2-3 times every 14 days in the period prior to infection with 300-400 l/ha of water.
In berries, a wash treatment is recommended against cane and leaf diseases at the beginning of the growing season and after harvesting.
In potatoes, treatments should be started preventively based on the forecast and repeated as necessary every 8-12 days depending on the development of the infection.
In sugar beet, control of foliar diseases other than powdery mildew should be started preventively or at the latest at the time of first symptoms. Depending on the weather conditions and the development of the disease situation, it may be advisable to repeat the treatment every 7 to 10 days.
In stone fruit: in peaches, protection against Taffinella should be completed by flushing spraying at the latest at bud break to avoid the risk of scorch. Treatments against bacterial and fungal twig blight should be carried out in the autumn, at the beginning of leaf fall.
In plums, sour cherries and cherries, spraying against leaf blight and moniliaceous diseases can be carried out continuously during the growing season, according to the development of the infection.
In shell fruits, treatments should be started after the appearance of the diseases and repeated every 14 days depending on the severity of the infection.
In grapes, treatments against grapevine peronospora should be started preventively, based on the forecast, around the 20-25 cm shoot stage and continued every 7-14 days depending on the development of the infection. Residual treatments after cluster closure are also beneficial for effective control of grey mould.
In vegetables: peppers, tomatoes, courgettes, beans, peas, onions, treatments against bacterial and fungal diseases should be started on a preventive basis based on a forecast and repeated every 2 to 3 times every 10 to 14 days depending on the development of the infection. In periods of pest risk, 2-3 additional treatments are necessary against bacterial diseases in sweet pepper. When spraying onions and peas, the addition of a wetting agent is justified to increase the adhesion of the spray.
Application rate: 2,0-4,0 kg/ha, water: 400-1500 l.
Identifier: 7400440
Updated: 11 March 2025 at 10:17:02 CET