Az Agroinform Portál adatvédelmi szabályzatának Adatfeldolgozókra vonatkozó pontja az Adatfeldolgozók személye kapcsán módosult. A módosított dokumentum ITT érhető el.
Expert advice
Pest county, 2612 Kosd
In the current economic climate, the importance of expert advice seems to be increasing. Farmers are under constant pressure from crop prices, input prices and highly variable environmental factors. In addition, the increasing administrative burdens also underpin the use of advisors.
My credo in crop consultancy is continuous field monitoring. In order to detect pests and pathogens in a timely manner, I carry out numerous field inspections. In addition to visual inspections, I send out requests for forecasting tools at the beginning of the growing season, which I prefer to use. The forecasting is continuous throughout the growing season, for which I keep a logbook. I inform the farmer both by telephone and e-mail of the possible danger situation, the date of control, the preparations and active substances to be used, the possible means of control, the method and dose of application.
Keeping an e-spraying logbook:
Last year brought many innovations in terms of administration. One such innovation was the e-spraying diary, which caused no small amount of headaches for farmers. As a member of the Hungarian Chamber of Plant Protection Engineers and Phytosanitary Engineers, we can assist our partners in this segment as well.
E-GN management and submission:
Under the new Common Agricultural Policy, farmers are no longer required to submit electronic data not only for certain Rural Development subsidies, but also for those participating in the Agro-ecological Programme to submit the Online Farming Diary by 31 January.
Preparing for audits:
We represent our clients' interests during various agricultural controls (AKG-ÖKO and other entitlements), prepare the necessary documents, and, if necessary, attend the control in person.