Agricultural machine, tool 45.290 Advertisements
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Small tractor
Tillage machines
Loaders and construction machinery
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1.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
Grinding machine Heves, Pálosvörösmart
Pristine grape stem crusher with multiple knives.
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2.000.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 months
Dial Heves, Pálosvörösmart
Pristine dial, spare dial with leaf.
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2.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
Combinator, compactor Heves, Pálosvörösmart
Spare spring cultivator.
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Advertiser for 3 years
Loader tools
BV30 Suspended spoon connector 140x140-6×173-Ø17 mm BV 30 Technical data Model BV 30 Axle load: 2000 kg Capacity: 100 litres Minimum machine weight: 3000 kg Weight: 135 kg Oil consumption: 25 Lt Pressure: 200 BAR Payload: 300 kg Dimensions Connector:...
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Advertiser for 3 years
Loader tools
BV40 Suspended spoon flat plate connection 140X140-6 x 173-Ø17 mm BV 40 Technical data Model BV 40 Axle load: 2000 kg Capacity: 125 litres Minimum machine weight: 3000 kg Weight: 145 kg Oil consumption: 25 Lt Pressure: 200 BAR Payload: 300 kg...
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Advertiser for 3 years
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BV 60 suspended spoon 140×140 1x Ø49 BV 60 Technical data Model: BV 60 Axle load: 2000 kg Capacity: 175 litres Minimum machine weight: 3000 kg Weight: 165 kg Oil consumption: 25 L Pressure: 200 BAR Payload: 400 kg Dimensions Connector: 140×140-Ø17 mm...
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Advertiser for 3 years
Loader tools
BV 80 Suspended spoon flat plate connection 140X140-6 x 173-Ø17 mm BV 80 Technical data Model BV 80 Axle load: 2000 kg Capacity: 225 litres Minimum machine weight: 4000 kg Weight: 185 kg Oil consumption: 25 Lt Pressure: 200 BAR Payload: 500 kg...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 3 years
Loader tools
BV100 Suspended spoon flat plate connection 140X140-6 x 173-Ø17 mm BV 100 Technical data Model BV 100 Axle load: 2000 kg Capacity: 275 litres Minimum machine weight: 4000 kg Weight: 205 kg Oil consumption: 25 Lt Pressure: 200 BAR Payload: 500 kg...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 3 years
Loader tools
BV400 Suspended spoon flat plate connection 140X140-6 x 173-Ø17 mm BV 400 Technical data Model: BV 400 Shaft load: 2000 kg Capacity: 155 litres Minimum machine weight: 4000 kg Weight: 185 kg Oil consumption: 25 Lt Pressure: 200 BAR Payload: 400 kg...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 3 years
Loader tools
BV600 Suspended spoon flat plate connection 140X140-6 x 173-Ø17 mm BV 600 Technical data Model BV 600 Axle load: 2000 kg Capacity: 220 l Minimum machine weight: 5000 kg Weight: 210 kg Oil consumption: 25 l Pressure: 200 BAR Payload: 400 kg Dimensions...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 3 years
Loader tools
BV800 Suspended spoon flat plate connection 140X140-6 x 173-Ø17 mm BV 800 Technical data Model BV 800 Axle load: 2000 kg Capacity: 310 litres Minimum machine weight: 5000 kg Weight: 235 kg Oil consumption: 25 l Pressure: 200 BAR Payload: 600 kg...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 3 years
Loader tools
BV1000 Suspended spoon flat plate connection 140x140-6 x 173-Ø17 mm BV1000 Technical data Model BV 1000 Axle load: 2000 kg Capacity: 400 litres Minimum machine weight: 5000 kg Weight: 260 kg Oil consumption: 25 l Pressure: 200 BAR Payload: 800 kg...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 3 years
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BV 1200 suspended spoon BV 1200 Technical data Model: BV 1200 Axle load: 2000 kg Capacity: 500 Lt Minimum machine weight: 5000 kg Weight: 285 kg Oil consumption: 25 Lt Pressure: 200 BAR Capacity: 800 kg Dimensions Connector: 140×140-Ø17 mm (4x) A:...
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6.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 months
Pick-Up, 4x4 Hajdú-Bihar, Nagyrábé
Ford F350 Raptor for sale or exchange for agricultural machinery (value matching)! The rest in person or by phone!
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2.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Suspended sprayer Tolna, Regöly
For sale March 2006 Berthoud Force 1000 type hanging field sprayer from 2nd owner, small family farm (50 ha). In good condition for its age. - 18 m hydraulic opening and height adjustment with self-adjusting frame. - With 4 position revorver nozzles....
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Advertiser for 3 years
Loader tools
BTF 300 Suspended spoon - 140 x 140 - 6 x 173 - Ø 17 mm BTF 300 Technical specifications Model BTF 300 Axle load: 2000 kg Capacity: 170 litres Min. machine weight: 6000 kg Max. machine weight: 10000 kg Weight: 325 kg Oil consumption: 35 Lt Pressure:...
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Advertiser for 3 years
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BTR 400 Suspended spoon - 140X140 - 6×173 - Ø17 mm BTR 400 Technical data: - BTR 400 model - Axle load: 2000 kg - Capacity: 160 litres - Min. engine weight: 6000 kg - Max. engine weight: 6000 kg - Weight: 320 kg - Oil consumption: 40 Lt - Pressure:...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 3 years
Loader tools
BTS 400 Suspended spoon with 2 cylinders BTS 400 Technical data Model BTS 400 Capacity: 550 litres Minimum machine weight: 3000 kg Maximum machine weight: 8000 kg Weight: 200 kg Pressure: 200 BAR Dimensions: A: 680 mm B: 1260 mm C: 800 mm D: 1100 mm...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 3 years
Loader tools
BTF 500 Suspended spoon - 140 x 140 - 6 x 173 - Ø 17 mm BTF 500 Technical data: BTF 500 model Axle load: 2000 kg Capacity: 310 litres Minimum machine weight: 6000 kg Max. machine weight: 10000 kg Weight: 360 kg Oil consumption: 35 l Pressure: 200 BAR...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 3 years
Loader tools
BTR 600 Suspended spoon - 140X140 - 6×173 - Ø17 mm BTR 600 Technical data: - BTR 600 model - Axle load: 2000 kg - Capacity: 235 litres - Minimum engine weight: 6000 kg - Max. engine weight: 6000 kg - Weight: 355 kg - Oil consumption: 40 Lt -...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 3 years
Loader tools
BTR 700 Suspended spoon - 140 x 140 - 6 x 173 - Ø 17 mm BTR 700 Technical specifications BTR 700 model Axle load: 2000 kg Capacity: 275 litres Minimum engine weight: 8000 kg Maximum engine weight: 8000 kg Weight: 385 kg Oil consumption: 40 l...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 3 years
Loader tools
BTR 800 Suspended spoon - 140 x 140 - 6 x 173 - Ø 17 mm BTR 800 Technical specifications Model BTR 800 Axle load: 2000 kg Capacity: 310 litres Minimum engine weight: 8000 kg Maximum engine weight: 8000 kg Weight: 405 kg Oil consumption: 40 l...
Source language: Hungarian
250.000 HUF
Advertiser for 11 years
Semi-trailer Somogy, Kaposvár
Egytengelyes fixes pótkocsi papírok nélkül, munkára fogható állapotban eladó. A pótkocsi egy kéttengelyes félbevágásából született. 8,25x20-as kerekei vannak A lemezelése teljesen új A bal oldalon azért nincs oldala mert a trágya hordáshoz számunkra...
Source language: Hungarian
95.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
Round bale feeder Bács-Kiskun, Kiskunmajsa
Gazdáját keresi új marha,ló köretető . Horganyzott lemezzel borított , alapozott , festett, 180 cm belső átmérővel ,8 férőhelyes etető!
- Agricultural machine, tool (45.290)
- Agricultural informatics, GPS (420)
- Animal husbandry machines and tools (6.731)
- Car, motorcycle, utility vehicle (545)
- Fiber forage harvesting machines (3.878)
- Food industry machinery (583)
- Forestry machines (1.597)
- Fruit growing machines (558)
- Garden machine (323)
- Harverster (1.216)
- Loaders and construction machinery (5.300)
- Nutrient supply and irrigation machines (1.628)
- Ornamental plant cultivation machines (5)
- Other agricultural machinery and equipment (228)
- Seeder, planter (1.279)
- Small tractor (650)
- Sprayer (1.501)
- Tillage machines (7.922)
- Tractor (2.697)
- Tractor accessories (375)
- Trailer (1.816)
- Utility machine (1.000)
- Vegetable growing machines (804)
- Viticulture machinery (640)
- Waste treatment machines (1.000)
- Wildlife management tools (4)
- Workshop equipment and plant tools (2.572)