Agricultural machine, tool 8.830 Advertisements
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Small tractor
Tillage machines
Loaders and construction machinery
Automatic translation
220.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 months
Other workshop equipment and plant tools Pest, Cegléd
Factory new Hidromechanika FL 201 vacuum pump Pump only, out of stock Ultimate vacuum (max. suction): H = 930 mBar Max. delivered air volume: Q = 45 l/min Motor power requirement: 3 kW Speed: 1440 rpm More data in the pictures in the factory...
Automatic translation
220.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 months
Other irrigation equipment and tools Pest, Cegléd
Positive displacement pump, slurry pump, DIGÉP BTSZ 2012 H = 12 m (max. lifting height) Q = 1000 l/min (max. delivery volume) P = 7,5 kW (motor power) U = 3~ 400 V (3 phases, 380-400 V) Massive, cast iron body, with sewage grinding capability....
Automatic translation
3.200.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
John Deere lawn tractor Vas, Hosszúpereszteg
3 cylinder, 44 hp Yanmar engine. 5 ground tracking adapters, 270 cm cutting width. All-wheel drive. 2009, in perfect condition, ready to work!
Automatic translation
2.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 12 years
Dial Hajdú-Bihar, Magyarhomorog
For sale semi suspended short wheel in working condition. 4 m wide. Price: 2.500.000 + VAT.
Automatic translation
2.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
80.1 Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
BELARUS MTZ-80 tractor (year 1982) with valid service until 15.08.2027, originality test, fully restored, with impeccable engine and transmission, orbit power steering, complete hitch and hitch head, good tires for sale.
Automatic translation
3.700.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Dutra Békés, Orosháza
I offer for sale my Dutra 1000 tractor with all spare parts. In working order, as shown in the picture. Any questions will be answered in detail.
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Advertiser for 12 years
T7040 Hajdú-Bihar, Magyarhomorog
Engine intact, bridges, drive, twin wheel rims with buckles, 22 pcs 45 kg nose weight. Price to be agreed.
Automatic translation
2.600.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
Tilt Békés, Békés
Fresh technical, 5 years With design documentation 2.600.000 Ft
Automatic translation
2.600.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
Baler, round baler Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Kunhegyes
Used Krone baler for sale, ready to use.
Automatic translation
250.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Tipper trailer Baranya, Somogyhárságy
Tipping platform 530 cm long, 240 cm wide, 110 cm high (with lift) for sale. It was on a MBP 9 trailer. I will add the two-wheel trailer underneath. The right side lift is missing.
Automatic translation
2.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
CLAAS Nógrád, Kisbágyon
For sale Claas Dominator 106, Rába motorcycle, good condition. With grain table, six-row corn table, matching table trolleys. More information by phone!
Source language: Hungarian
130.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
Lifting Bács-Kiskun, Kiskunfélegyháza
Kihasználatlanság miatt eladó jó állapotú, akár traktorra is szerelhető emelőtorony és villa.
Automatic translation
300.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
Planting and seedling machine Bács-Kiskun, Dunapataj
For sale 4 row potato planter with tongs, working condition.
Automatic translation
9.000 EUR
Advertiser for 2 months
For sale from a family farm to a larger one, a 140 hp Steyr, 12 speeds forward, 4 reverse, 4x4, all working and in driveable condition, but 2nd gear kicks out and the gearbox creaks in reverse. Price is negotiable. Location Martonos (Serbia), private...
Source language: Hungarian
33.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
Push-weight glaze scale Heves, Nagytálya
Eladó a képen látható 200kg-ig mérő jó állapotú használható tolósúlyos mázsa
Automatic translation
880.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Arranger, organizer Bács-Kiskun, Soltvadkert
Niemeyer 641, 6-arm, 6-rotor renderer, good condition, ready to use, quiet electricity. Working width 6.4 m, for sale from private individual.
Automatic translation
14.800.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
T5.95 Bács-Kiskun, Soltvadkert
New Holland T5.95 with 99 hp and 6500 running hours, registered in Hungary in 2015.11. At 6200 gearbox oil change in engine is now current. Beautiful, well looked after, immaculate inside and out, no AdBlue. For sale by owner, always stored under...
Source language: Hungarian
70.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Machine tools Pest, Pilisvörösvár
Eladó körfűrész kihasználatlanság miatt. Erős motorral, magyar gyártmány.
Automatic translation
450.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 years
Lateral tiller Csongrád-Csanád, Balástya
For sale Rotomec T 40 145 side extending tiller.
Automatic translation
1.580.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 6 months
Forklift Budapest, Budapest (XVI. kerület)
OFF-ROAD "TERRAIL" HIGHWAY (pedestrian forklift) Fully electric, can be used on uneven ground, with a lifting height of 2 or 3 metres. Uneven ground in the loading area? Does a conventional core lifter often get stuck or difficult to move?...
Automatic translation
12.000.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 4 years
Trailed arable sprayer Baranya, Szigetvár
Hardi Commander 4400 sprayer Ready to work immediately!
Source language: Hungarian
145.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Electric Shepherd Csongrád-Csanád, Szentes
Elektromos biztonsági kerítéshez - Villanypásztorhoz GSM riasztó és vezérlő szett. A villanypásztor GSM riasztó, egy széles körű, mindenre kiterjedő, gyorsan és könnyen üzembe helyezhető megoldás az elektromos karámok, villanypásztor kerítések,...
Automatic translation
75.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Electric Shepherd Csongrád-Csanád, Szentes
The high-voltage alarm module costs 75.000 HUF, and can be upgraded with GSM and Smart (smart) signaling and management functions. GSM alarm for electric fences - Electric fences - Electric security fences Congratulations! You have found a new...
Automatic translation
125.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Application auger, grain blower Győr-Moson-Sopron, Sopronkövesd
For sale is the 6 m long grain auger shown in the picture.
Automatic translation
3.850.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Shibaura Bács-Kiskun, Kiskunfélegyháza
Japanese Shibaura D34F tractor for sale. 4 cylinder turbo 34 hp engine, 1,8 t t t.g.w., power steering, 24 gears, climbing gears, excellent for planting. 2600 hours, regularly serviced. Everything works. Not interested in replacement. Located in...
- Agricultural machine, tool (8.830)
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- Loaders and construction machinery (463)
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- Small tractor (173)
- Sprayer (363)
- Tillage machines (2.015)
- Tractor (829)
- Tractor accessories (87)
- Trailer (517)
- Utility machine (56)
- Vegetable growing machines (198)
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