Agricultural machine, tool 5.033 Advertisements
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Small tractor
Tillage machines
Loaders and construction machinery
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Soil crusher, mulcher Bács-Kiskun, Tiszaug
Forestry crusher for CAT, JCB tractor (hydraulic drive + hammer) Products can be purchased HERE: Belafer TBF-150-H - Working width: 1500 mm - Weight: 830 kg - Oil pressure: 350-450 BAR - Oil consumption: 70-100...
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Soil crusher, mulcher Bács-Kiskun, Tiszaug
Forestry fixed grab for rotary excavators. The product can also be purchased HERE: Aardenburg X-Delta XL 1500 Grizzly - Weight: 1450 kg - Working width: 1500 mm - Oil pressure: 250 bar - Oil flow: 110-150 l/min - RPM:...
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Soil crusher, mulcher Bács-Kiskun, Tiszaug
Forestry shredder for skid steer loader (open axle + hammer) The product can be purchased HERE: Belafer TBMI - Working width: 1800 mm - Weight: 600 kg - Number of hammers: 28 - Number of Y-blades: 56 pieces - Oil...
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Soil crusher, mulcher Bács-Kiskun, Tiszaug
The product can be purchased HERE: AARDENBURG X-Vator 1200 - Working width: 1200 mm - Weight: 305 kg - Oil consumption: 60-80 l/min - Oil pressure: 160 BAR - Number/weight of hammers: 16 pieces/800 g - Number of belts:...
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Self-propelled front loader Bács-Kiskun, Tiszaug
The product can be purchased HERE: Eurotrac W12-CF - Weight: 2620 kg - Lifting capacity: 2000 kg - Lifting height: 2815 mm - Engine power: 37 HP - Battery capacity: 70 AH - Speed: 0-20 km/h - Hydraulic tank capacity:...
Source language: Hungarian
Scythe Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
A Royal Traktor cégcsoport, mint Közép - Európa egyik legnagyobb mezőgazdasági gépkereskedése széles választékban, a legkedvezőbb áron kínálja termékeit: •Garancia •Országos szervizhálózat •Garantált alkatrész utánpótlás •Szállítás(opcionális) Új...
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Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Bács-Kiskun, Tiszaug
Order now, with a gift sword! The product can be purchased HERE: Aardenburg Lignum M 100 - Weight: 356 kg - Speed: 540-1000 rpm - Min. horsepower: 25 hp - Blade: 4+1 blades - Maximum wood diameter: 10-12 cm - Internal...
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Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Bács-Kiskun, Tiszaug
Shaft driven wood chipper (wood diameter: max. 6 cm). Order now, with a free sword! The product can be purchased HERE: AARDENBURG Lignum S 60 - Weight: 182 kg - Speed: 540-1000 RPM - Minimum horsepower: 17 HP - Blades:...
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Lateral tiller Bács-Kiskun, Tiszaug
Order now, with a gift sword! The product can be purchased HERE: AARDENBURG Omikron M 1250 Plus - Working width: 1250 mm - Minimum horsepower: 25 HP - Weight: 330 kg - Cat: I, II - RPM: 540 - Number of blades:...
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Suspended trencher, excavator Bács-Kiskun, Tiszaug
Order now, with a gift sword! The product can be purchased HERE: Aardenburg Epsilon Digger 1750 - Bucket width: 300 mm - Minimum horsepower: 25 HP - Weight: 552 kg - Loading height: 1.85 m - Digging depth: 1,75 m -...
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Other forestry tools Bács-Kiskun, Tiszaug
The product can be purchased HERE: AARDENBURG Disc Trimmer 1000 - Working width: 1000 mm - Weight: 52 kg - Oil pressure: 20 bar - Speed: 500-2800 RPM - Compatible: ETA M / ETA XL / TRIMMERFRAME 3IN1 AARDENBURG...
Source language: Hungarian
Soil crusher, mulcher Bács-Kiskun, Tiszaug
Vásárolja meg most FIX 0 % THM-el! További finanszírozási részletekért érdeklődjön kollégánknál, a +36 30 315 8270 telefonszámon. Rendelje meg most, ajándék kardánnal! A termék megvásárolható ITT: AARDENBURG Eta M...
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370.071 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 3 months
Chainsaw Pest, Vecsés
ECHO CS-7310SX 100% Japanese machine, 5 years warranty for private use, 2 years for contractors! The most powerful ECHO professional saw with high torque, specially designed for logging. Easy to handle thanks to its good balance, which increases the...
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174.009 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 3 months
Chainsaw Pest, Vecsés
The ECHO CSB-4310SX is the version of the CS-4310SX/45 chainsaw without chain guide and chain. The machine is now supplied with a gift chain guide and chain, the gift is not the ECHO factory accessory. The chainsaw has the best power-to-weight ratio...
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Soil crusher, mulcher Bács-Kiskun, Tiszaug
Hydraulic dryer with side crushing. Fast delivery, in most cases from stock. Reliability, flexibility, constantly expanding range. The product can be purchased HERE: Aardenburg Alpha XL 1800 Hydro - Weight:...
Source language: Hungarian
Soil crusher, mulcher Bács-Kiskun, Tiszaug
Rendelje meg most, ajándék kardánnal! A termékek megvásárolhatóak ITT is: AARDENBURG Alpha S 1050 - Súly: 155 kg - Munkaszélesség: 1050 mm - Minimum lóerő: 10 HP - CAT: I - Fordulatszám: 540 RPM - Kalapácsok száma/...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 3 years
Sorter, classifier Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
DOMASZ SSR görgős válogató asztalok eladók a Wolfoodengineering Kft kínálatában! Minőségi DOMASZ gépek most akciós piacbevezetési 15% kedvezménnyel vásárolhatóak! Megújult design – három év garancia! Termékleírás DOMASZ SSR görgős válogató asztalok...
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Advertiser for 3 years
Application auger, grain blower Bács-Kiskun, Lakitelek
M-ROL Brand Representation - BEST FOR FARMERS KFT - Exclusive distributor - 100% Hungarian, family owned! Product descriptions on our website. Prices, further information by e-mail or phone! For a price offer you can contact us via our website, by...
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Advertiser for 3 years
Application auger, grain blower Bács-Kiskun, Lakitelek
M-ROL Brand Representation - BEST FOR FARMERS KFT - Exclusive distributor - 100% Hungarian, family owned! Product descriptions on our website. Prices, further information by e-mail or phone! For a price offer you can contact us via our website, by...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 3 years
Vegetable washer Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
DOMASZ PD zöldség polírozók eladók a Wolfoodengineering Kft kínálatában! Minőségi DOMASZ gépek most akciós piacbevezetési 15% kedvezménnyel vásárolhatóak! Megújult design – három év garancia! Termékleírás DOMASZ PD zöldség polírozók A PD sorozatú...
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Advertiser for 3 years
Application auger, grain blower Bács-Kiskun, Lakitelek
M-ROL Brand Representation - BEST FOR FARMERS KFT - Exclusive distributor - 100% Hungarian, family owned! Product descriptions on our website. Prices, further information by e-mail or phone! For a price offer you can contact us via our website, by...
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Advertiser for 3 years
Application auger, grain blower Bács-Kiskun, Lakitelek
M-ROL Brand Representation - BEST FOR FARMERS KFT - Exclusive distributor - 100% Hungarian, family owned! Product descriptions on our website. Prices, further information by e-mail or phone! For a price offer you can contact us via our website, by...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 3 years
Vegetable washer Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
DOMASZ MB automata dobmosók eladók a Wolfoodengineering Kft kínálatában! Minőségi DOMASZ gépek most akciós piacbevezetési 15% kedvezménnyel vásárolhatóak! Megújult design – három év garancia! Termékleírás DOMASZ MB automata dobmosók A dobmosók a...
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Advertiser for 3 years
Application auger, grain blower Bács-Kiskun, Lakitelek
M-ROL Brand Representation - BEST FOR FARMERS KFT - Exclusive distributor - 100% Hungarian, family owned! Product descriptions on our website. Prices, further information by e-mail or phone! For a price offer you can contact us via our website, by...
- Agricultural machine, tool (5.033)
- Agricultural informatics, GPS (66)
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- Loaders and construction machinery (338)
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- Other agricultural machinery and equipment (32)
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- Small tractor (49)
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- Tillage machines (990)
- Tractor (184)
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- Trailer (133)
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