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Pruning machines and tools Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
Special light pruners for cutting thinner branches, especially for intensive pruning in orchards. Wide range of models and versions.
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 6 years
Soralj cultivator Budapest, Budapest (IX. kerület)
AÖP: Engedélyezett biológiai ágensek alkalmazása az ültetvényterület legalább 50%-án. 2 pont A gyakorlat hozzájárul a kémiai növényvédőszerek használatának csökkentéséhez a nem ökológiai művelés alatt álló ültetvényterületeken is. Gyomírtószer...
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Shaker, fruit picker Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
Vibro 6 EH-SX fruit shaker Technical description: Execution: towed Hydraulic system independent of tractor Fully rotatable shaking arm Hydraulically adjustable clamping jaw Maximum grip: 300 mm Electrohydraulic operation with remote control Tarpaulin...
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Pruning machines and tools Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
The SL3 pruners are suitable for contour pruning in intensive, even extensive orchards. The SL3 suspension frame is equipped with SL type cutting trays.
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Advertiser for 4 years
Row mower Pest, Szada
- Working width: 295 cm - Power demand (kW/PS): 66-90 - Weight: 490 kg AEDES RMF row-cropping mowers are recommended for row-cropping vineyards and orchards. The professionally designed row-cropping mowers have an extra short size, which makes it...
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Other fruit growing machines Pest, Szada
The VBC DF1 and VBC DF1-PLUS leaf removal machines are suitable for the gentle removal of leaves covering the fruit in the ripening phase of intensive fruit plantations. To remove the leaves, a powerful compressor delivers compressed air to the...
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7.994 EUR +VAT
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Pruning machines and tools Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
The SL4 is a special, lightweight version of the SL4 pruners designed for small loaders and small tractors with front loader. The SL4 is equipped with a PNP cutting tray and has a working width of 165 cm.
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 6 years
Pruning machines and tools Budapest, Budapest (IX. kerület)
BMV FLHD 900 5 db Ø 600 mm vágótárcsás síkfalmetsző gép független hidraulika rendszerrel full joystik vezérléssel Ár és pontos műszaki paraméterek tekintetében érdeklődjön elérhetőségeink egyikén! A tárcsák száma igény szerint variálható rendeléskor,...
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Row mower Pest, Szada
▶ Working width: 170-380 cm ▶ Power demand (kW/PS): 44-58/60-80 ▶ Weight: 560-770 kg ▶ Machine width: 173-217 cm The AEDES AS ROTARY MULTI MULTI MILLING MACHINES are recommended for vineyards and orchards. Compact and robustly designed professional...
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Earth drill, hole drill Pest, Szada
TLT gimbal-mounted agricultural tractor drill, earth-moving machine: ✅ Power requirement: 15-40 HP ✅ Max pit depth: 100 cm ✅ Pit diameter: 40 cm ✅ Weight: 110 kg The SELVATICI TOY curved pit drill without welded one-piece frame is stronger, more...
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Cultivator of plantations Pest, Szada
The Multiplex is a patented multifunctional system that speeds up and streamlines cleaning operations in fruit and vineyards, ensuring maximum operator comfort and safety. Width: 2,5-4 m, 2,8-4,5 m, 1,7-2,7 m You can find the rest of the series on...
2024 Working width: 400 cm
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129.344 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 6 years
Pruning machines and tools Budapest, Budapest (IX. kerület)
Born from Campagnola's experience and presented at EIMA 2024, this extraordinary innovation will revolutionise the pruning experience. Designed to exceed all expectations. It comes straight from the future. Through the phone app, you can adjust the...
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Other fruit growing machines Pest, Szada
For the protection of vineyards, orchards and horticultural crops, we recommend the FAZA - BIT/100 suspended sprayer. Brief description of the equipment: The BIT/100 dusting machine can be connected to power machines by means of a category I...
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Cultivator of plantations Pest, Szada
Drift wheel diameter: 200 cm Weight: 300 kg Working speed: 3,5-4,0 Number of drift forks: 16 Planting row spacing: 5-6 m The CESARI trimmings spreaders are ideal for clearing the row after pruning in vineyards and orchards, for quickly removing...
2024 Working width: 200 cm
Source language: Hungarian
1.890 HUF
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Pruning machines and tools Hajdú-Bihar, Hajdúböszörmény
Színes, kerti szerszámkészlet gyerekeknek. kultivátor: 7cm x 14,5cm x 4,5cm    ásó: 20cm x 7cm lapát: 21cm x 6,5cm
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Row mower Pest, Szada
❱ Working width: 294 cm ❱ Side reach: 350 cm ❱ Power requirement: 58 kW/80 hp ❱ Weight: 750 kg The AEDES RMS ROTARY MULTI MULTI MOWER is recommended for vineyards and orchards. Low profile, robust rotary mower-mulcher with side-hinged cutting...
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Earth drill, hole drill Pest, Szada
Power demand (HP): 50-100 Hole depth (mm): 1000 Hole diameter (mm): 100-1000 Directional gearbox: hydraulic Weight (kg): 250 Suspension: I - II. Intended use: FAZA's pit drills for vineyards and orchards, planting forests, planting trees in...
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Cultivator of plantations Pest, Szada
- Power demand: 30-180 hp - Working width: 115-425 cm - Frame height: 47-62,5 cm - Working depth: 15-25 cm - Number of teeth: 5-17 - Weight: 105-810 kg The FAZA T cultivator is recommended for row cultivation of vineyards and orchards and for field...
Source language: Hungarian
2.990.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 17 years
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Row mower Csongrád-Csanád, Szeged
Új Serrat Interpiquet T3100 soraljkasza, 2024, 3,1 m traktorközéptől való max. kitolhatóság, 1,2 m munkaszélesség, 3 db erős kés, kardános hajtás, állítható kitérési erő szükséglet, munkamagasság állító kerék, 35-105 LE traktor szükséglet. Akár 3-4...
Source language: Hungarian
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Other fruit growing machines Bács-Kiskun, Tiszakécske
Eladóak Tow and Blow szélgépek ! Az egyedi kialakítású ventilátorral ellátott szélgépek hatékony védelmet nyújtanak minden növénykultúra számára a kora tavaszi fagyok ellen, akár völgyben akár hegyvidéken helyezkedik el az ültetvény. A Tow and Blow...
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Other fruit growing machines Pest, Szada
The AGRIMASTER K2R is recommended primarily for cleaning the edges of vineyards and orchards, chopping, crushing, cutting and grinding green clippings and other green plant parts, as well as for municipal users, parks, sports fields and other grass...
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Chip crusher Pest, Szada
NEGRI BIO branch chippers are compact and easy to handle, allowing for easy transport and storage. They use the latest technology for optimum performance and are designed for low maintenance. Manual / Towed / Crawler / TLT driven branch chipper,...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Other fruit growing machines Pest, Szada
N.BLOSI ZIP 25 HARVESTING PLATFORM self-propelled fruit harvesting trolley with crate handling. Available with diesel or electric drive. With the fruit picking platform, pruning is easier, the harvesting phase is faster and the frost protection net...
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Row mower Pest, Szada
❱ Working width: 115 (50) 115 cm ❱ Power requirement (kW/LE): 55/75 ❱ Weight: 580 kg AEDES BAS ROTATING MULTI-SOWERS are recommended for vineyards and orchards. Made of durable materials, it is a robust, sturdy machine with an impeccable construction...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Other fruit growing machines Pest, Szada
N.BLOSI FILLING MILL for productive and gentle fruit harvesting! Additional module for the N.Blosi ZIP 25 picking platform and the N.Blosi ZIP 30 picking platform. With the N.Blosi conveyor system, fast and gentle fruit harvesting is possible. The...

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