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9.490 EUR +VAT
Advertiser for 8 months
Other lawn tractor Budapest, Budapest (XVII. kerület)
Gas cutting mulching small tractor with permanent all-wheel drive, low centre of gravity, differential lock and 23 HP Briggs & Stratton Vanguard engine. Ideal for large, multi-acre areas with steep terrain and neglected vegetation with woody,...
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8.890 EUR +VAT
Advertiser for 8 months
Other lawn tractor Budapest, Budapest (XVII. kerület)
The Starjet P6 Pro machines are designed for users who need to empty the collection basket into a high point, trailer or container. Ideal for large industrial sites, municipalities, football clubs, but also a perfect choice for private use. 1 year...
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989.500 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 6 months
Other lawn tractor Tolna, Szekszárd
The AGZAT AGRO PROFI mini tractor is a useful helper for your garden, with a reliable gearbox and high performance. You can use it for ploughing, harrowing, mowing, weeding, soil loosening, cargo transport, towing and other garden work. Technical...
Source language: Hungarian
1.259.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 6 months
Other lawn tractor Veszprém, Pápa
Az Agzat Agro Profi mini traktor hasznos segítője kertjének, amely megbízható sebességváltóval és nagy teljesítménnyel rendelkezik. Használhatja szántáshoz, boronáláshoz, kaszáláshoz, gyomláláshoz, talajlazításhoz, rakomány szállításához,...

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