Loaders and construction machinery 5.636 Advertisements
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Self-propelled backhoe loader
Telescopic loader
Self-propelled front loader
Rotary boom loader
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14.900.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 9 years
Trencher, excavator Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
JCB JS145LC tracked excavator, year: 2013, operating hours: 4080, empty weight: 15 tons, 81 kW JCB Ecomax engine, air conditioning, hydraulic bucket changer, fresh import, good condition for sale. Price: 14.900.000 + VAT Tel: +36/30/586-9674,...
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Other loader Somogy, Kaposvár
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
Source language: Hungarian
Self-propelled backhoe loader Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Tisztelt Gazdálkodó! A Royal Traktor cégcsoport, az ország egyik legnagyobb raktárkészletével és legsokoldalúbb palettájával rendelkezik. Mezőgazdasági, talajmegmunkáló gépek, építőipari, kommunális, kertészeti, zöldség és gyümölcstermesztés,...
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Advertiser for 6 years
Telescopic loader Bács-Kiskun, Bócsa
Thaler 4275T wheel loader with telescopic handler UNLOCKED! New, 72 HP, water-cooled, equipped with a 4-cylinder Yanmar engine, multiple optional implement connections, telescopic handler, semi-open or fully enclosed cab, joystick control. 4275 T:...
Source language: Hungarian
10.980.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 7 years
EO excavator Bács-Kiskun, Baja
Eladó egy jó műszaki állapotban lévő HYUNDAI ROBEX 55W-9 típusú Yanmar motoros gumikerekes forgókotró. 4220 üzemóra! Tartozék hidraulikus gyorscsatlakozó és 1 db kanál, klíma! Szállítás megoldható!
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Other loader Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
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48.000 EUR
Advertiser for 12 years
Self-propelled backhoe loader Hajdú-Bihar, Nyírábrány
JCB JS131 LC+ crawler excavator Year: 2018 Tare weight: 13.7 t Hours: 3500 Power: 74 hp Quick coupling, wrecker head extension, reversing camera, air conditioning, good condition, fresh import.
Source language: Hungarian
3.000 EUR
Advertiser for 12 years
Concrete mixer, mixer Hajdú-Bihar, Nyírábrány
M3 BM600 betonkeverő kanál Évjárat: 2002 Kanál kapacitás: 0.7 m³ Jó állapotban, friss import. Nyirabranytól 10 km-re > Értarcsa (RO). NETTÓ ÁR. Uniós adószámmal rendelkezők számára az ÁFA=0%.
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Telescopic loader Veszprém, Pápa
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
Source language: Hungarian
55.000 EUR
Advertiser for 12 years
Chisel, demolition hammer Hajdú-Bihar, Nyírábrány
Krupp Hazemag AP4/80 kalapácsos törőberendezés Évjárat: 2000 Önsúly: 45 t Kapacitás: 250 – 400 t/h Használható fa, műanyag hulladék valamint szén apritéséra, jó állapotban. Nyírábránytól 10 km-re > Értarcsa (RO). Nettó ár. Uniós adószámmal...
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112.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Telescopic loader Baranya, Baksa
Cardan Shaft / Cardan Shaft and Crosses / (small shaft) 317034 (Manitou MLT 737, 735, 741 Deutz engine TCD 3.6)
Source language: Hungarian
13.980.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 7 years
EO excavator Bács-Kiskun, Baja
Eladó egy jó műszaki és esztétikai állapotban lévő JCB 65 R-1 típusú gumihevederes forgó kotró, Perkins motorral! Tartozék hidraulikus gyors csatlakozóval + 1 db keskeny kanállal! Lízing megoldható! Szállítás megoldható!
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Other loader Somogy, Kaposvár
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
Source language: Hungarian
4.200 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Telescopic loader Baranya, Baksa
Motorolaj szűrő 476954 (Manitou MLT 7XX;8XX;9XX Perkins motor)
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Self-propelled front loader Somogy, Kaposvár
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
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67.990 EUR +VAT
Advertiser for 3 years
Telescopic loader Budapest, Budapest (XX. kerület)
Merlo Turbo Farmer 50.8T-170 outdoor diesel telehandler for sale, with off-road tires, 4x4 steering, chassis leveling, 4.8m length, 2.35m width, 2.5m folded height. Design without outriggers.
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Other loader Veszprém, Pápa
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
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Suspended trencher, excavator
More information about the machine here: https://www.vivago-gepker.hu/FUGGESZTETT-AROKASO-TRAKTORRA-JANSEN-BHSM-175-SN3 More than 700 machines are available on our website! VAT FREE SHOPPING Companies and sole traders within the European Union and...
Source language: Hungarian
47.500 EUR
Advertiser for 12 years
Self-propelled backhoe loader Hajdú-Bihar, Nyírábrány
JCB 3CX kotró-rakodó Évjárat: 2013 Üzemóra: 3800 Teljesitmény:92 LE Nyitható kanál, teleszkópos gém, 3 kanál, joystick vezérlés, friss import. Nyírábránytól 10 km-re > Értarcsa (RO). Uniós adószámmal rendelkezők számára az ÁFA=0%.
Source language: Hungarian
6.900 EUR +VAT
Advertiser for 12 years
Rotary boom loader Pest, Nagykőrös
Újszerű állapot, azonnal elvihető.
Source language: Hungarian
3.280.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 7 years
Lifting Bács-Kiskun, Baja
Eladó egy újszerű állapotban lévő JCB S1930E típusú önkáró ollós emelő állvány. 7,8 m munkamagasság, 230 kg terhelhetőség.
Source language: Hungarian
45.500 EUR
Advertiser for 12 years
Self-propelled backhoe loader Hajdú-Bihar, Nyírábrány
JCB 3CX kotró-rakodó Évjárat: 2012 Üzemóra: 3260 Teljesitmény:92 LE Dönthető kanál, teleszkópos gém, 5 kanál, joystick vezérlés, friss import. Nyírábránytól 10 km-re > Értarcsa (RO). Uniós adószámmal rendelkezők számára az ÁFA=0%.
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Bobcat Somogy, Kaposvár
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
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Other loader Veszprém, Pápa
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
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Suspended trencher, excavator
Many other machines are available on our website! www.vivago-gepker.hu SUSPENDED TRENCHER FOR LOADERS - UEMME E24 The range of suspended excavators, specifically designed for use on loaders, compact loaders or front-end loaders, consists of 7 models...
- Agricultural machine, tool
- Loaders and construction machinery (5.636)
- Forklift (212)
- Front loader tractor (274)
- Loader tools (1.985)
- Other construction machinery (189)
- Other loader (242)
- Rotary boom loader (249)
- Self-propelled backhoe loader (289)
- Self-propelled front loader (321)
- Telescopic loader (477)
- Trencher, excavator (282)
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