Seed drill 598 Advertisements
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16.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 13 years
Seed drill Békés, Gyomaendrőd (Gyoma)
Production 2016 - towed version - Isobus - Line closure - direct sowing unit - central fertiliser tank - 2 sets of seed discs - good condition
Source language: Hungarian
3.990.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Seed drill Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
teleszkópos váz sortáv: 75 6 sor műtrágya és mikrogranulátum kijutató csúszócsoroszlyás vetőgép Fiatal, nem sokat vetett. nyomjelző
Source language: Hungarian
3.999.000 HUF nettó
Advertiser for 16 years
Seed drill Győr-Moson-Sopron, Egyed
6 soros, levegős, függesztett, jó állapotban eladó
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 5 years
Seed drill Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Az MBV csoport a régió országaiban a gazdák megbízható partnere már évtizedek óta. Bízzon Kollégáink szakértelmében és az Özduman vásárlók pozitív visszajelzésében. Tekintse meg a termék videót a képek között. Alapfelszereltség: - Vetőkocsik száma...
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14.600.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 4 years
Seed drill Csongrád-Csanád, Üllés
Excellent condition Vaderstad Tempo 6 row seed drill for sale. Year: 2017. Area sown: 1500 ha. The machine can be used for sowing without repair, it is equipped with maize and sunflower disc.
Source language: Hungarian
590.000 HUF
Advertiser for 13 years
Seed drill Pest, Hévízgyörk
FAHSE MONOAIR 6 soros pneumatikus vetőgép eladó.
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2.900.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
Seed drill Bács-Kiskun, Mélykút
First owner, lightly used seed drill for sale! - 3 sets of seed discs - With micro granules and fertilizer spreader! - Year of manufacture 2003 - Seeding monitor - Telescopic frame
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499.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 years
Seed drill Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyírbátor
6 row SPC seed drill with fertilizer spreader, hydraulic pressure indicator, row lockable trolley, multiple sowing discs, gimbal, ready to work, excellent condition, for sale!
Source language: Hungarian
100.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 week
Seed drill Bács-Kiskun, Kiskunmajsa
Eladó spc 6. Működőképesen lett lerakva, sajnos pár évet állt , ezért igényel némi törődést. Van hozzá rengeteg plusz tárcsa, meg némi kopó alkatrész.
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7.200.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Seed drill Bács-Kiskun, Mélykút
For sale is a John Deere 6 row seed drill. The machine is in perfect working order but is dusty as it has not been used for the last year. Equipped with emergency kit, monitor, radar, ready to work. Two wings can be folded so it can be taken on the...
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5.800.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Seed drill Hajdú-Bihar, Sáránd
Gaspardo MTE, 6 row with telescopic frame, retractor, factory seed monitor, 1200 L fertilizer tank, micro granular spreader, for sale in good condition.
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2.150.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 13 years
Seed drill Pest, Hévízgyörk
Automatic translation
950.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 14 years
Seed drill Hajdú-Bihar, Tiszacsege
IH Cyklo 800 seed drill for sale, due to a type change it was put on the sales queue, last year it sowed one more day. Comes with sunflower and corn drum, monitor, intermediate harness, I fitted it with fertilizer spreader + soil disinfectant tanks,...
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Advertiser for 9 years
Seed drill
For John Deere, Kuhn, Monosem, Kverneland seed drill with new star wheel bar cleaner, compaction wheel, so that the seed drill does not stay open with heavy-duty bearing and dust protection!
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299.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Seed drill Bács-Kiskun, Kiskunmajsa
For sale! Spc 6 fertilizer spreader seed drill Corn and sunflower seeder, may require minor overhaul. Normal condition. Agricultural machinery exchange/collection possible. On request, low-price delivery. For more machinery offers, follow us on...
Source language: Hungarian
450.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Seed drill Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Fábiánháza
Eladó egy 4 soros műtrágyaszórós vetőgép, korához képest jó állapotban, kihasználatlanság miatt. Műtrágyaszórója felújítva, , alkuképes! 4 hektáron dolgozott! Mind a két nyomjelző tárcsa megvan! Gardán is jár hozzá!
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Advertiser for 6 years
Seed drill Békés, Békéscsaba
Dear Interested Parties! Seed drills per row can be ordered in 4-6 row version: TOPCORN 4.0, 6.0 TOPCORN 4.0 - ROW: 4-6 - Seed monitoring - Seed hopper: 4 x 45 litres - Fertiliser tank: 2 x 300 litres - Micro granules: 2 x 30 litres - Power...
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4.250.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 10 months
Seed drill Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Encs
Gaspardo MTE 6 with telescopic frame, hydraulic tracker, disc seed drill, 2011 vintage - 1000 l fertiliser tank - with 6 60 l seed hopper - 3 15 l micro-granulate tanks - pro wheel Corn, sunflower, oilseed rape, soybean, rapeseed with seed elements,...
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1.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 13 years
Seed drill Pest, Hévízgyörk
FAHSE MINIAIR 4 ROW PNEUMATIC FLOOR APROMOTION MACHINE for sale in good condition. Suction-pressure system.
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3.995.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Seed drill Fejér, Seregélyes
Kverneland Accord Optima 8 row seeder for sale Sliding row, with seed monitor, maize and sunflower discs, fertiliser and micro granular spreaders.
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895.000 HUF
Advertiser for 5 months
Seed drill Békés, Dévaványa
For sale is the pictured Becker Aeromat 6 semi-suspended seeder. Suitable for row fertilizer spreading, with corn and sunflower elements, spare air tubes, seeding control electronics. For sale from family farm.
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699.000 HUF
Advertiser for 5 days
Seed drill Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Balkány
My SPC 6 seed drill for sale, in good technical condition. For further questions, please call me! Csaba Kerezsi 0620/414-1171
Source language: Hungarian
650.000 HUF
Advertiser for 11 years
Seed drill Békés, Doboz
Eladó a képen látható lyukszalagos Stanhay vetőgép. A géphez sok pótalkatrész van szalagok ,alaplemezek, súberlemezek ,vetésellenörző. A gép teljesen üzemképes,azonnal munkára fogható állapotban van a rajt a lévő talajfertőtlenítő adagoló külön alku...