Tillage machines 9.797 Advertisements
Special offers
Source language: Hungarian
Breaker cylinder Békés, Sarkad
Rotor PrizmaCsucsos henger 4.50-5.00-6.20m -50cm atmero -feligfugesztett tolatos nyitassal -4.50/2200kg-3.300.000ft -5.00/2500kg/3.450.000ft -6.20/2900kg/3.780.000ft unios adosszama netto ar vagy +afa
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Combinator, compactor Békés, Sarkad
Compactor Bomet CANIS 2.50-3.00-4.00M FOR AN APPLICATION AND LISTING ALSO! - We offer complete assistance and administration Professional compactor, front trowel, trowel, tamper - 2 rows of spring tines, adjustable depth - cross-country ski tamper +...
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Dial Békés, Sarkad
Rotor Hummer professional semi-suspended, folding reel We offer complete assistance and service. Rotor Hummer Pro 4.00-4.50-5.00-5.50 m semi-suspended, folding reel base machine - 560 mm, 4.50 mm disc bases with maintenance-free bearing support - 110...
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Other tillage tools Csongrád-Csanád, Szeged
Kelly Diamond Harrow is the brainchild of Australian family business Kelly Engineering. This heavy-duty machine is perfect for shallow soil preparation, cover cropping, residue management and weed control. The Kelly Diamond Harrow is also the perfect...
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Dial Békés, Sarkad
Rotor HummeR pro short rim, suspended version - WITH 10%-20% OFF - hydraulic depth adjustment - 280 EUR - Like all our machines, this one is AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE BEFORE PURCHASE!!! - 950 mm line spacing! - 560 mm dial faces / 24,50 mm distance...
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Dial Békés, Sarkad
TerraDISC Ultra Heavy Magnum Series 4,00-4,50-5,00-5,50-6,00 m IN LIST!! IS main frame/frame 400x200 mm!! - SHELVES 610/560 mm, thickness 6 mm, on maintenance free tines - 1100 mm spacing between SHELVES - TUBES, between the disc and the cylinders,...
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Dial Békés, Sarkad
Rotor Hummer short wheel + seed drill attachment with 3-4 m rubber roller - for lease at 5% interest FOR TENDER AND LEASING! - We offer full assistance and administration - 560 mm disc trays with maintenance-free clamping - 90 cm between first and...
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Dial Békés, Sarkad
Rotor Hummer professional semi-suspended, folding reel We offer complete assistance and service. Rotor Hummer Pro 4.00-4.50-5.00-5.50 m semi-suspended, folding reel base machine - 560 mm, 4.50 mm disc bases with maintenance-free bearing support - 110...
Source language: Hungarian
Dial Békés, Sarkad
ROTOR HUMMER RÖVIDTÁRCSA - lízingre 5%os kamattal PÁLYÁZATRA ÉS LÍZINGRE IS! - Teljeskörű segítséget és ügyintézést nyújtunk 950mm sorközti távolság! 80cm magasag!!! NEM FOG BEDUGULNI SEMMILYEN SZARMARADVANYBAN 560mm tárcsalapok/24.50mm táv két lap...
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Dial Békés, Sarkad
Hummer short wheel with VibroHenger 560 mm discs with maintenance-free bearings 950 mm between rows and 1000 m between cylinder and last row of discs Does not push up the ground in sandy soil Height 850 mm above the disc row 2.50 m / 85-100 cp /...
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Gruber Békés, Sarkad
Rotor Seria HUMMER cultivators in the heavy earth category, premium category We offer complete assistance and administration. Test drive in your own field with your own tractor before you buy!!! - 8-9-11-13 knife + hydraulic cylinder adjustment - 3...
Source language: Hungarian
Dial Békés, Sarkad
Rotor HummeR pro rövidtárcsa függesztett kivitel! - LÍZING LEHETŐSÉGGEL10%-20% ELOLEG -mint minden gepeunket ez is KIPROBALHATO VASARLAS ELOTT SAJAT FOLDBEN!!! 950mm sorközti távolság! 560mm tárcsalapok/24.50mm táv két lap között LTP2133...
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Dial Békés, Sarkad
Rotor HummeR pro short rim, suspended version - WITH 10%-20% OFF - As with all our machines, this one is SUBJECT TO PURCHASE BEFORE PURCHASE!!! - 950 mm line spacing! - 560 mm dial faces / 24,50 mm distance between two faces - LTP2133 WITH BEARING -...
Source language: Hungarian
Dial Békés, Sarkad
Rotor Hummer Pro fugesztett rovidtarcsak 108!!!cm az elso es a masodik sor kozt - lízingre 5%os kamattal PÁLYÁZATRA ÉS LÍZINGRE IS! - Teljeskörű segítséget és ügyintézést nyújtunk Rotor Hummer professionalis feligfugesztett csukhato tarcsa Rotor...
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Dial Békés, Sarkad
Rotor HummeR pro short rim, suspended design! - WITH LEASING OPTION 10%-20% DOWN PAYMENT - As with all our machines, this one can be HIRED BEFORE PURCHASE!!! - 950 mm clearance! - 560 mm dial faces / 24,50 mm distance between two faces - LTP2133 WITH...
Source language: Hungarian
Dial Békés, Sarkad
Hummer Junior rovidtarcsa 2,50-3,00m LEASINGRE PALYAZATRA IS! -510mm tarcsalapok/850mm tarcsasoro kozti tavolsag -gondozas mentes "Long Live" csapagyagyak -2,50m/880kg 70/80le 3990ur -3,00m/1070kg 80/90le 4580eur Mint minden gépünk vásárlás...
Source language: Hungarian
Hook harrow Békés, Sarkad
Rotor Fogasborona Rögtörővel - 1 sor rugós simító - 1 sor fogas - 2 sor rögtörő - hidraulikus csukás -függesztett kivitel -3.60m - 1.590.000 Ft -3.90m - 1.640.000 Ft -4.20m - 1.695.000 Ft -4.40m - 1.955.000 Ft -5.00m - 2.115.000 Ft -5.60m - 2.510.000...
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Dial Békés, Sarkad
Rotor Hummer professional semi-suspended, folding reel We offer complete assistance and service. Rotor Hummer Pro 4.00-4.50-5.00-5.50 m semi-suspended, folding reel base machine - 560 mm, 4.50 mm disc bases with maintenance-free bearing support - 110...
Source language: Hungarian
Gruber Békés, Sarkad
Rotor Innovation 210-260-300cm/7-8-10kes - PÁLYÁZATRA ÉS LÍZINGRE IS! - Teljeskörű segítséget és ügyintézést nyújtunk. AKTUÁLIS ÁRFOLYAM SZERINT FORINTBAN IS MEGVÁSÁROLHATÓ. 210cm/7kes - erőigény 80-100 LE - 3950 EUR 260cm/9kes - erőigény 100 - 120...
Source language: Hungarian
Hook harrow Békés, Sarkad
Rotor fogasboronák 3,9 métertől 6,6 méterig - hidraulikus csukással - egy sor fogassal - igény szerint kérhető rá rugós simító hátulra 50000 és/vagy előre, amely + 40000FT/fm - függesztett kivitel -3.60m 20x20x250mm fogazással - 89900,- -3.90m...
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4.500.000 HUF +VAT
Dial Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Don't miss out on the extra Black November discount on in-stock machines! The promotion applies only to machines marked and in stock. The promotion lasts until 30.11.2024!!! Maximum while stocks last! - Pallada 4 m short reel with...
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Highlighted Advertiser for 5 years
Hook harrow Hajdú-Bihar, Hajdúszovát
Forge-ker FB6+6-7,8 suspended 2 row rack and pinion: The hanging tine harrow is the simplest loosening and mulching tillage implement that can be used for mulching the top layer of soil, covering seed and fertilizer (chemical), and weed control. It...
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3.900.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 11 years
Compaction cylinder Bács-Kiskun, Géderlak
Price reduction? Yes! We have not increased the prices of our cylinders, we have reduced them! The prices of some cylinders have been reduced by 1.000.000 Ft! Our single row cylinders are available in prismatic, cambridge and wedge ring versions,...
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1.650.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 2 years
Combinator, compactor Hajdú-Bihar, Hajdúböszörmény
Hardly used, good condition, working width 3 m, 12 knives, weight of the machine with crosskill roller (Ø 350 mm): 1500 kg, for sale from first owner.
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1.550.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 2 years
Short dial Hajdú-Bihar, Hajdúböszörmény
Working width: 3 m - Number of panels: 24 - Diameter of the panels: 510 mm - Two rows of "C" type discs - Rubber disc protector: 35x210 mm - Maintenance-free disc bearings - Adjustable side baffles - Performance: 2,10 - 3,60 ha/h -...
- Agricultural machine, tool
- Tillage machines (9.797)
- Combinator, compactor (1.055)
- Cultivator, row cultivator (826)
- Cylinder (790)
- Dial (1.624)
- Gruber (1.044)
- Harrow, digging harrow (598)
- Plow (1.274)
- Short dial (392)
- Soil cutter (699)
- Soil loosener (868)
- More