Tillage machines 9.798 Advertisements
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Source language: Hungarian
3.500 EUR
Advertiser for 14 years
Dial Hajdú-Bihar, Ártánd
Bonnel nehéz tárcsa, 5 méteres munkaszélesség, 42 tárcsa, heggesztésmentes, munkára fogható állapotban. Az árat a napi euró/forint árfolyam szerint számoljuk! Uniós Adószámmal rendelkezőknek 0% Áfa . Teljes kinálatunkért látogassa meg a weboldalunkat...
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Other tiller
We have many other machines on offer on our website! Prices are quoted without 20% VAT. Soil tiller - cultivator - JANSEN TBF-220 The SN139 tiller is particularly suitable for agricultural and field work, vineyards, orchards. The tractor cultivator...
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Plow Vas, Celldömölk
In perfect condition as shown in the picture Semi-suspended 6 os slotted steering disc 82 cm frame height 100 cm plow head division Adjustable grip width (from 32 to 50 cm) With perfect wear, almost new! Ready to work immediately 2.950.000 Ft. Tel.:...
Source language: Hungarian
399.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 16 years
Cultivator, row cultivator Győr-Moson-Sopron, Egyed
6 soros, kukoricához, 2007-es évj., perselyes, L kapákkal, kosszában vontatható.
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Advertiser for 4 years
Other tillage tools Pest, Szada
The AGROFER EXPORT KNIFE EDGE MOWER is a right-hand version with a double-acting working cylinder. It comes standard with the AGROFER T80 knife cultivator. Designed for environmentally friendly, chemical-free cultivation, loosening and weeding. It is...
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Gruber Vas, Celldömölk
As pictured, in perfect condition 3 m working width, 75 cm working width. With 7 winged hoes, with disc cylinders and spiral rollers. Ready for immediate use. 1.480.000 Ft. Tel.: 0670 328 9020
Source language: Hungarian
10.075.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Short dial Kecskemét
Dante Tandem 600SP rövidtárcsa Munkaszélesség: 600 cm Gépigény: 250-300 Le Munkamélység: 3-12 cm között állítható Tárcsalapok: 46 db 510 mm-es csipkés tárcsa lapok 5 mm vastagok laptávolság: 12,5 cm egyenként függesztettek, laprugós megoldással, így...
Source language: Hungarian
Plow Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
KÜHNE VÁLTVAFORGATÓS EKE Magyar Termék Típusnév Kühne KVE-2-40 T Eketestenkénti fogásszélesség 400 mm Munkamélység 200-280 mm Ekefejek osztása 1000 mm Gerendely magassága 830 mm Eke hossza 2280 mm Terület teljesítmény 0,36-0,6 ha/h Tömeg 880 kg...
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Hook harrow Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Suspended hydraulic opening and closing of lawnmowers / lawn combs. Working width: 6 m Delivery by prior arrangement. Please call us during our opening hours, i.e. Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m....
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Gruber Vas, Celldömölk
As pictured, in mint condition 2016, very little used! It has a working width of 3 m. With 7 winged hoes, almost new! Metallic with stone fuse! With smoothers and 60 cm diameter heavy pegs! Small horsepower requirement: 90 hp. Equipped with lights...
Source language: Hungarian
1.999.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 16 years
Plow Győr-Moson-Sopron, Egyed
2005-ös évj., váltvaforgatós, előhántolókkal, átfordulós kerékkel, jó állapotban eladó.
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Dial Bács-Kiskun, Tiszakécske
High quality horticultural/vineyard short discs - 1700 mm working width - with wedge ring roller, hydraulic adjustment - 460 mm diameter disc + option: 510 mm diameter disc + option: packer roller For more information please contact us!
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Plow Vas, Celldömölk
As pictured, good condition Flawless frame and translator With memory valve and bi-directional working cylinder! 75 cm frame height (with ploughshares) 100 cm plow head division 40 cm width of grip Tail wheel pre-ploughs, edge trimmer Ready to work...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Dial Pest, Szada
Key features: ✅ Soil cultivation short disc for field use. ✅ Power requirement: 100 - 240 HP. ✅ Working width: 400 - 600 cm. ✅ Working depth: 12 cm. ✅ Disc size: 56 cm. ✅ Number of discs: 32 - 48. ✅ Individual, independent suspension of the discs. ✅...
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Dial Csongrád-Csanád, Szeged
New Madara BD 048 + VT X disc Standard equipment: - Working width: 4,8 m - Disc diameter: 660 mm - Number of bars: 40 (2x20) - Net weight: 5.320 kg (with cylinder) - Sheet thickness: 6 mm - Front row fitted with laced disc plates - Second row fitted...
Source language: Hungarian
1.200 EUR
Advertiser for 14 years
Other tillage tools Hajdú-Bihar, Ártánd
Dowdeswell rotacios kapa, 12 loeros Ruggerini RF120 dizel motor, kituno allapotban.Az árat a napi euró/forint árfolyam szerint számoljuk! Unios Adoszammal Rendelkezoknek 0% Afa
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Soil loosener Csongrád-Csanád, Szeged
New JYMPA Sirius 7R subsoiler, 2024, 7 knives, 30 mm knife thickness, 86 cm free height, 55 cm max. working depth, 2 row knife ram roller, 47/94 cm knife spacing, category III suspension arms, 3.5 m overall width, 240-300 HP tractor power, 1,850 kg...
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Dial Bács-Kiskun, Tiszakécske
The manufacturer with a long tradition was the first in the world to introduce the 3-knife rotating drum. The three knives allow for more intensive chopping, with a 50% greater chopping effect per unit area than the two-knife version! There are 4...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 4 years
Gruber Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Az MBV csoport a régió országaiban a gazdák megbízható partnere már évtizedek óta. Vásároljon közvetlenül az importőrtől, a régió legnagyobb ILGI értékesítőitől. Bízzon Kollégáink szakértelmében és az ILGI vásárlók pozitív visszajelzésében. Tekintse...
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220.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Dial Pest, Nagykőrös
8 blade suspended "V" disc with 55 cm blade diameter, 140 cm working width, mud scraper, trowel, ideal for small tractors (23-25 hp and up), in good working condition. Please call for more information!
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Advertiser for 4 years
Other tillage tools Pest, Szada
The AGROFER SHARK ROOT CUTTER is suitable for soil loosening and root pruning of vineyards, orchards and other row crops. It can be used to make a deep slit in the soil close to the trunk, on one or both sides, to reduce growth and increase yield....
Source language: Hungarian
Dial Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Strumyk Alfa v2 tárcsás borona 1,6m Házhoz szállítás előzetes egyeztetés alapján. Adatok Munkaszélesség (cm) 1600 Tárcsalapok száma 12 A lemezek átmérője 460/510/560 Csapágyak száma 4 Súly (kg) 340 Teljesítményigény (km) 18-24 Kérem a Tisztelt...
Source language: Hungarian
1.999.000 HUF nettó
Advertiser for 16 years
Cylinder Győr-Moson-Sopron, Egyed
Hidraulikusan csukható, vontatott , jó állapotban eladó
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2.450.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Plow Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Tiszavasvári
In good condition, partly with new elements, hydraulic grab, transport wheel, for sale from work.
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Gruber Vas, Celldömölk
Good condition as shown in the picture 11 catches, 220 cm working width Can be dismantled into 9 hoes With trowel, split peg With completely new hoes Ready for immediate use 770.000 Ft. Tel.: 0670 328 9020
- Agricultural machine, tool
- Tillage machines (9.798)
- Combinator, compactor (1.056)
- Cultivator, row cultivator (826)
- Cylinder (790)
- Dial (1.624)
- Gruber (1.044)
- Harrow, digging harrow (598)
- Plow (1.274)
- Short dial (392)
- Soil cutter (699)
- Soil loosener (868)
- More