Használt henger 173 Advertisements
Automatic translation
6.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 3 years
Breaker cylinder Hajdú-Bihar, Mikepércs
Our family farm used Güttler PW 640 ASL Master roller FlatSpring soil compactor, purchased in Hungary in August 2020, is for sale in like new condition. Description For sale Güttler PW 640 ASL Master roller Flat Spring with spring-loaded soil...
Automatic translation
250.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
Compaction cylinder Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyírbéltek
For sale 3-piece ring roller with heavy solid rollers, IH bearings. Reason for sale: it was surplus to our needs, we were rolling a corn field with it.
Automatic translation
350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Compaction cylinder Bács-Kiskun, Bácsalmás
Towed drum roller, 2.5 m working width, double-row. Can be set up in a few minutes.
Automatic translation
100.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other cylinder Csongrád-Csanád, Csanádalberti
Three-piece smooth cylinder for sale.
Automatic translation
1.100.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Compaction cylinder Csongrád-Csanád, Csongrád
For sale, due to disuse, the factory Heva front roller Cambridge roller, 3 m version, as shown in the picture, in mint condition.
Automatic translation
299.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Other cylinder Bács-Kiskun, Kiskunmajsa
For sale! 3x double tag ring roller with trolley. For sale in medium condition. Machine exchange/collection possible. On request, low-priced delivery.
Source language: Hungarian
230.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Compaction cylinder Bács-Kiskun, Kiskunmajsa
Függesztett gyűrűshenger 3 méter munkaszélesség, összecsukható, gyűrűs és tüskés hengersorok, függesztett, Jó állapotban eladó. Mezőgazdasági gépcsere/beszámítás lehetséges. Igény szerint kedvező árú szállítás.
Source language: Hungarian
2.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
Breaker cylinder Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Jásztelek
Eladó egy 6 méter munkaszélességű,függesztett, hidraulikusan csukható Güttler Duplex henger.Jó állapot, jó munkahenger, sérülésmentes váz. Hirdetéseim között található kombinátorral összekapcsolható és legalább 160le traktorral két munka végezhető...
Automatic translation
270.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Compaction cylinder Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nagyhalász
For sale a 3 m wide compaction roller, made by Fra-Laz.
Source language: Hungarian
220.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Breaker cylinder Hajdú-Bihar, Derecske
Három tagú rögtörő henger, vízzel felönthető, eladó.
Automatic translation
2.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Shredder roller Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Jászberény
Private sale of 3 m towed, vibration dampening rubber-lined dryer roller. Factory built, rugged construction, fitted with Hardox cutting edges. Can be filled with water or oil. Can be converted to suspended. Factory guarded and equipped with traffic...
Automatic translation
450.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Breaker cylinder Győr-Moson-Sopron, Csorna
2 3 m spike rollers for sale
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 3 years
Compaction cylinder Békés, Dévaványa
Towed ring roller (Large ring 160 cm) (Small ring 180 cm) AVAILABLE IN DÉVAVÁNYA 5510 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Unfortunately, I can not help you with loading and delivery, please inquire accordingly.
Automatic translation
590.000 HUF
Advertiser for 14 years
Compaction cylinder Győr-Moson-Sopron, Kisbajcs
Suspended Cambridge cylinder for sale, with hydraulic lift / converted from towed / traction width: 2,6 m, more info on phone.
Automatic translation
330.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Compaction cylinder Csongrád-Csanád, Szentes
Double row ring roller for sale, 4 row SPC track, can be transported towed or suspended.
Automatic translation
5.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
Breaker cylinder Bács-Kiskun, Szentkirály
For sale 2016 PW640 Güttler cylinder with flat spring trowel, excellent condition.
Automatic translation
150.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 years
Breaker cylinder Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Jászjákóhalma
2 pcs 171 cm wide, 32 cm diameter, machine mountable, ram rollers for sale in Jászjákóhalma.
Automatic translation
200.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
Breaker cylinder Somogy, Nagyszakácsi
4,4 m wide
Source language: Hungarian
850.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Breaker cylinder Pest, Veresegyház
Közúton szállítható 5.2m leták féle gyürűshenger eladó
Automatic translation
5.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 years
Breaker cylinder Vas, Kemenesmihályfa
For sale used He-Va Tip Roller rammer. Inquire by phone!
Automatic translation
800.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 11 months
Compaction cylinder Csongrád-Csanád, Maroslele
I offer for sale a 5 m wide ring boom with trolley, type LEKO. The roller is in mint condition, used a few times. Therefore the cylinder has no signs of wear (see towing ring). The machine has been stored outside. Please send a message with your...
Automatic translation
1.200.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 11 years
Breaker cylinder Tolna, Kapospula
Rolmako Twin Disc Roller for sale. It has covered about 30 hectares, in like new condition. It can be mounted on rear or front three-point hitches, or combined with any implement with a three-point hitch (see photos and YouTube video). The weight on...
Automatic translation
350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Other cylinder Hajdú-Bihar, Furta
Ring roller with a working width of 5.2 m for sale. I. price: 350.000 Ft
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 3 years
Compaction cylinder Békés, Dévaványa
Gourdin compacting smooth cylinder 2 m members, 45 cm diameter AVAILABLE IN DÉVAVÁNYA 5510 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Unfortunately, I cannot help you with loading and delivery, please inquire accordingly.
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 7 months
Breaker cylinder Békés, Dévaványa
Ring Cylinder Unfortunately, I cannot help you with shipping and loading, so please inquire here, on Agroinform, by text message or by phone +447446123955.
- Agricultural machine, tool
- Tillage machines
- Cylinder (173)
- Breaker cylinder (51)
- Compaction cylinder (65)
- Crosskill cylinder (14)
- Other cylinder (32)
- Shredder roller (2)