Arion 420 8 Advertisements

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Source language: Hungarian
12.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 days
Arion 420 Somogy, Kaposgyarmat
Kihasználatlanság miatt eladó egy Claas Arion 420 típusú traktor. 2012-es gyártású, jó állapotú, 7481 üzemórát futott. Végig szervizelt (Axiál Kft. által átalánydíjban), mely leinformálható! Új kora óta egy gazdaságban dolgozott, vetett,...
Used 100 HP 2012 Working hours: 7481 No Additional weighting
Source language: Hungarian
64.000 EUR +VAT
Advertiser for 8 years
Arion 420 Fejér, Mór
Eladó a képeken látható megkímélt állapotú Claas traktor. Rugózott mellső híd, új kora óta egy gazdás traktor, gyári gumik, gyári fényezés, gyári ülés, légfék rendszer, 3 pár hidraulika szelep, elektrohidraulikus irányváltó, Quicke homlokrakodó...
Automatic translation
19.980.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 4 years
Arion 420 Csongrád-Csanád, Üllés
Like new Claas Arion 420 tractor with low running hours for sale. Year: 2015. Hour: 2060. Financing available on lease.
Used 92 HP 2015 Working hours: 2060 No
Automatic translation
33.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 months
Arion 420 Bács-Kiskun, Madaras
Claas Arion 420 for sale 460 hours with factory front loader 1,5 years old, like new condition 115 hp, with spring front bridge. From private owner, with invoice. Tel: +3630/565-4075 Peter Koszorús
Used 115 HP 2023 Working hours: 460 Yes With valid documents RPM: 540/540E/1000 Powershift gearbox 4-wheel brake
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 6 years
TOP partner
Arion 420 Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
CLAAS Arion 420 - 2017 vintage - 100 hp - 3.902 hours of operation - air conditioning - air suspension seat - suspended cabin - air brake - EHR - TLT 540/750/1000 - with factory Claas FL100 front loader - automatic towing head - on-board computer - 5...
Used 100 HP 2017 Working hours: 3902 Yes With valid documents RPM: 540/750/1000 EHR
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 6 years
TOP partner
Arion 420 Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
Claas Arion 420 - 2013 vintage - 6.783 operating hours - 110 hp - 16 + 16-speed Power gearbox with 40 km/h - air brake - air conditioning - air-cushioned seat - TLT 540/540E/1000/1000E - 4 pairs of hydraulic connectors - 480/65R28 + 600/65R38 -...
Used 110 HP 2013 Working hours: 6783 Yes With valid documents RPM: 540/540E/1000/1000E EHR Front hydraulics
Automatic translation
18.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Arion 420 Bács-Kiskun, Gara
For sale Claas Arion 420+ with FL100 loader. Front tyre size: 420/70R24 Rear tyre size: 460/85R34, with adjustable rims to fit the tractor in the cultivation row. With air brake, automatic towing hitch and third point spindle! If you are interested,...
Used 100 HP 2016 Working hours: 7936 Yes With valid documents RPM: 540/540E/1000/1000E Powershift gearbox 4-wheel brake
Automatic translation
16.000.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 4 years
Arion 420 Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Encs
Class Arion 420 tractor for sale in good condition. Air conditioning, air suspension seat, air brakes, 2 wire air brake connections, electro hydraulic steering, trailer with quick hitch, under hitch, single and dual circuit air brakes. Powershift...
Used 110 HP 2013 Working hours: 4910 No

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