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Source language: Hungarian
42.700 EUR +VAT
Advertiser for 8 years
6230 Fejér, Mór
Eladó a képeken látható új kora óta egy gazdás John Deere traktor. Rugózott mellső híd, 3 pár hidraulika szelep, légfék rendszer, front hidraulika, gyári fényezés, gyári ülés, jó gumikkal eladó. Az ár leszállítva a vevő telephelyére értendő. Uniós...
Automatic translation
16.900.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
6230 Csongrád-Csanád, Szeged
John Deere 6230 tractor with 4-cylinder, 100 hp engine, 2014 vintage, front suspension bridge, 16x16 PowerQuad transmission, 40 km/h, Hungarian, low hours, factory painted, 3 pairs of hydraulic circuits, service until 15.10.2029.2029, 32.000 kg...
Used 100 HP 2014 Working hours: 5000 No
Automatic translation
16.900.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
6230 Csongrád-Csanád, Szeged
John Deere 6230 tractor, 4-cylinder, 100 hp engine, 2014 vintage, front suspension bridge, 16x16 PowerQuad transmission, 40 km/h, Hungarian, low hours, factory painted, 3 pairs of hydraulic circuits, with service until 15.10.2029.2029, 32.000 kg...
Used 100 HP 2014 Working hours: 5000 No
Automatic translation
14.200.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
6230 Hajdú-Bihar, Hajdúböszörmény
My 6230 premium tractor for sale Year 2007 With good Kleber tyres Spring loaded bridge 6x4 transmission Got new engine controls last summer Who to get information from, 9000 hours No air brake I only use it for baling and mowing MTZ 892.2/920.3 with...
Used 100 HP 2007 Working hours: 9200 No
Automatic translation
12.950.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 1 month
6230 Nógrád, Pásztó
PowrQuad 16/16 gearbox, 40 km/h speed, BlackBull Junior 1,4 front loader + 1,5 m³ bucket + BigBag lift + pallet fork, 3 pairs of hydraulic circles Detailed specification: Year of manufacture: 2008 Year of manufacture: 2008 Engine type:John Deere...
Used 95 HP 2008 Working hours: 7986 Yes With valid documents RPM: 540/1000 Powershift gearbox
Automatic translation
14.200.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 4 years
6230 Tolna, Decs
I offer for sale the John Deere 6230 tractor shown in the pictures. You can inquire by phone.
94 HP 2010 Working hours: 5200 No With valid documents

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