Waste treatment machines 807 Advertisements
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Storage silo
Application auger, grain blower
Conveyor belt
Corn crumbler, crop grinder
Crop dryer
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Advertiser for 1 year
Sieve, seed cleaner, separator
Toxin contamination in maize is a growing problem for farmers. Changing growing conditions due to climate change are encouraging the spread of certain mould species that release dangerous toxins. One of these toxins, which is dangerous to both...
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Advertiser for 3 years
Storage silo Bács-Kiskun, Lakitelek
Best for Farmers Ltd. is an independent, 100% Hungarian, family-owned company, which as an official M-ROL brand representative has been working for two years now with unbroken enthusiasm to make the excellent value for money, reliable, easy to use...
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1.449.990 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 3 years
Corn crumbler, crop grinder Bács-Kiskun, Lakitelek
Best for Farmers Ltd. is an independent, 100% Hungarian, family-owned company, which, as an official M-ROL brand representative and exclusive distributor, has been working for two years now with unbroken enthusiasm to make the excellent value for...
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Advertiser for 3 years
Storage silo Bács-Kiskun, Lakitelek
Best for Farmers Ltd. is an independent, 100% Hungarian, family-owned company, which as an official M-ROL brand representative has been working for two years now with unbroken enthusiasm to make the excellent value for money, reliable, easy to use...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 1 year
Crop dryer Pest, Gödöllő
Halomszellőztető - Gabonaszellőztető Praktikus, gazdaságos, kis és nagy volumenű szellőztetés. Megkönnyíti bármely raktár, tároló vagy siló típusú tárolási rendszer hűtését, szárítását. Segít megelőzni a túlmelegedést és a kártevők elszaporodását. A...
Source language: Hungarian
210.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Application auger, grain blower Bács-Kiskun, Kiskunmajsa
Eladó! Típus: Kuli gabonafelhordók Állapot: Üzemképes Évjárat: 1972 Felszereltség: 380-as villanymotor. Ár/db Mezőgazdasági gépcsere/beszámítás lehetséges. Szállítás megoldható. További gépajánlatainkért kövess minket Facebookon: Használt Mg-Gépker
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 8 months
Storage silo Békés, Kondoros
Készletről most azonnal elvihető 1 db Agritech SIV 04 üvegszálas siló Az Agritech SIV üvegszálas silók masszívak, ellenállnak a külső hatásoknak (-50°C - +60°C). Kiváló szigetelésük megóvja a tárolt anyagokat a nedvességtől. A legkiemelkedőbb...
Source language: Hungarian
Corn crumbler, crop grinder Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Cikkszám: 10992056 / 30992056
Source language: Hungarian
396.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
Corn crumbler, crop grinder Békés, Kaszaper
Terménydarálók nagy választéka található üzletemben. Magyarországon gyártott gépek teljes alkatrész ellátással . Kiszállítás futár szolgálattal, alkatrészek postával. A darálók 220 v és 380 v-os kivitelben készültek Teljes információ : Honlapomon
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Advertiser for 3 years
Storage silo Bács-Kiskun, Lakitelek
Best for Farmers Ltd. is an independent, 100% Hungarian, family-owned company, which as an official M-ROL brand representative has been working for two years now with unbroken enthusiasm to make the excellent value for money, reliable, easy to use...
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Advertiser for 3 years
Storage silo Bács-Kiskun, Lakitelek
Best for Farmers Ltd. is an independent, 100% Hungarian, family-owned company, which as an official M-ROL brand representative has been working for two years now with unbroken enthusiasm to make the excellent value for money, reliable, easy to use...
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Advertiser for 3 years
Corn crumbler, crop grinder Bács-Kiskun, Lakitelek
M-ROL Brand Representation - BEST FOR FARMERS KFT - Exclusive distributor - 100% Hungarian, family owned! Product descriptions on our website. Prices, further information by e-mail or phone! For a quotation, you can contact us via our website, by...
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Advertiser for 3 years
Storage silo Bács-Kiskun, Lakitelek
Best for Farmers Ltd. is an independent, 100% Hungarian, family-owned company, which as an official M-ROL brand representative has been working for two years now with unbroken enthusiasm to make the excellent value for money, reliable, easy to use...
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Advertiser for 3 years
Application auger, grain blower Bács-Kiskun, Lakitelek
M-ROL Brand Representation - BEST FOR FARMERS KFT - Exclusive distributor - 100% Hungarian, family owned! Product descriptions on our website. Prices, further information by e-mail or phone! For a quotation, you can contact us via our website, by...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 3 years
Application auger, grain blower Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
MICHAL felhordó csigák, serleges elevátorok, rédlerek óriási választékban eladók ! Minden ami a szemes termény, takarmányok (dara ,tápok ) ki és betárolásához szükségesek ! Termény tisztításhoz szükséges magtisztítók és szárítók szintén...
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Advertiser for 14 years
Other grain handling Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Ózd
Excellent for storing various seeds, grains, seeds, granulates, sand or flakes from cleaning, grouped by quality and type.
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Advertiser for 7 years
Application auger, grain blower Tolna, Bogyiszló
Application: - storage of bulk crops from stacks in a granary - high-capacity unloading of forage from silo tower to trailer Types: - PC-Hg100*5m 10 tons/hour: 486.000.- HUF + VAT - PC-Hg127*5m 14 tons/hour: 502.000.- HUF + VAT - PC-Hg150*5m 00...
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Advertiser for 7 years
Application auger, grain blower Tolna, Bogyiszló
Feed storage pulleys D127 and D150 mm diameter, 5 m length Field of application: bulk feed unloading on trailers or trucks Application: transport of fodder from silos With unloading trough designed and manufactured to customer requirements
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Advertiser for 7 years
Application auger, grain blower Tolna, Bogyiszló
Professional snail repair and snail shell replacement. Bring us your worn out pulleys, we'll repair and return them. Return delivery is free! Manufacture of combination pulleys from samples at a lower price than the factory price.
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Advertiser for 7 years
Application auger, grain blower Tolna, Bogyiszló
Transport capacity: - 16-20 tonnes per hour Technical content: - Stainless steel - stainless steel bearings - industrial machine components - stainless steels stainless steels - EPRM hydraulic motor - Hydropack regulator - nailing hand winch -...
Source language: Hungarian
Corn crumbler, crop grinder Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
Neuero RVO 354 terménydaráló - telepíthető vagy önmagában is használható - mindenféle szemes takarmány darálására alkalmas max.20% nedvességtartalomig - 150 mm átmérőjű betöltő nyílás, mágnessel ellátva az esetleges fémszennyeződések leválasztásához...
Source language: Hungarian
Corn crumbler, crop grinder Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
Neuero RVS 520 mobil terménydaráló - mobil terménydaráló - mindenféle szemes takarmány darálására alkalmas max.20% nedvességtartalomig - 100 mm átmérőjű betöltő nyílás, rárögzített csigatömlő segítségével bárhonnan felszívja az ömlesztett takarmányt...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 14 years
Sieve, seed cleaner, separator Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Ózd
Rostalemezek, perforált lemezek, golyótartó keretek, rostakeretek gyártása. A teljesség igénye nélkül rostákat, rostalemezeket az alábbi gépekhez gyártunk és forgalmazunk. Síkrosták: - Petkus: K-523, K-525, K-527, K-541, K-545, K-546, A09, A12, U12,...
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Advertiser for 14 years
Sieve, seed cleaner, separator Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Ózd
Manufacture of gearboxes (manual, motorised). More about our company: Our company has been operating since 1999 and has been continuously following modern cleaning technologies. We started our activity with the production of parts for core cleaning...
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330.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Application auger, grain blower Bács-Kiskun, Kiskunmajsa
For sale! Delta grain harvester In working condition. Price/each Agricultural machinery exchange/collection possible. On request, reasonably priced delivery. For more machinery offers, follow us on Facebook.
- Agricultural machine, tool
- Waste treatment machines (807)
- Application auger, grain blower (300)
- Conveyor belt (35)
- Corn crumbler, crop grinder (139)
- Crop dryer (23)
- Other grain handling (121)
- Push-weight glaze scale (5)
- Sieve, seed cleaner, separator (52)
- Storage silo (68)
- Tubing machine (61)