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Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 4 years
Dog Hajdú-Bihar, Tiszacsege
Fedeztetésre ajánlom a világbajnok Amír fiát. A kan törzskönyvezett és tenyésszemlézett több kiállítási eredménnyel. Kötelező oltások chip rendben.
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 4 years
Dog Hajdú-Bihar, Tiszacsege
Fedeztetésre ajánlom hatalmas termetű ázsiai kanomat,Kárpát Favorit Barbárt. Marmagassága: 88 cm. Súlya:103 kg. A kan törzskönyvezett tenyésszemlézett. A világgyőztes Amir unokálya.
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Advertiser for 4 years
Dog Hajdú-Bihar, Tiszacsege
Eight-week-old puppies, vaccinated, dewormed, adoptable.
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Advertiser for 2 years
Dog Vas, Pinkamindszent
Working German Shepherd, very strong boned, black male.
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 3 years
Dog Bács-Kiskun, Kiskunhalas
Német Juhász kiskutyák A kicsik oltással, rendszeres féregtelenítéssel, eü. kiskönyvvel, kezdő tápcsomaggal , 8 hetes korban vihetők el az új otthonukba. FELIR számmal és tenyészet regisztrációval rendelkezünk! ( Szállításban...
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Advertiser for 12 years
Dog Heves, Verpelét
Central Asian Shepherd puppies looking for a new owner. There are a mix of boys and girls in the litter. With first vaccinations and regular deworming, they would be kept in a new area. Parents are active house sitters, the mother is available for...
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280.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 years
Dog Fejér, Beloiannisz
Tervueren puppies (long-haired Belgian) from 30 years old Belgian Shepherd kennel, vaccinated, chipped, pedigree and health guarantee, available from breeder. Both parents are health checked, balanced, normal, very friendly, people loving family...
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Advertiser for 12 years
Dog Heves, Verpelét
Central Asian Shepherd puppies are waiting for their owners, there are a mixture of boys and girls in the litter. They are currently 9 weeks old. They are ready to go with their first vaccination and regular worming. Parents are active keepers,...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 10 months
Dog Pest, Tápiógyörgye
10, Közép - Ázsiai juhászkutya jellegű kölyök keresi új gazdáját.
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Advertiser for 4 years
Dog Baranya, Mecsekpölöske
German Shepherd purebred puppies are available for free.
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Advertiser for 2 years
Dog Baranya, Erdősmecske
3 boys and 3 girls would go to a loving home. They were born on 21 October and are now 3 weeks old, They would move at 8 weeks with 2 compulsory vaccinations, dewormed. They can be booked in advance by appointment. Their parents are very good...
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Advertiser for 2 years
Dog Baranya, Erdősmecske
Only 3 girls and 2 boys left! They were born on 21 October, would move at 8 weeks, with 2 compulsory vaccinations, dewormed. More information by phone.
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