gép Hits 5.396 Advertisements
Source language: Hungarian
19.170 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Veterinary medicine Budapest, Budapest
Ballon altatógépekhez kis állatokhoz 4 literes. Fekete antisztatikus gumi. Cikkszám: 271645 Gyártó: Kruuse
Automatic translation
Seed drill Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
Amazone PRECEA 6000-2 CC SUPER - 2022 vintage - 6 m working width - 75 cm row spacing - 8 rows - hydraulically folding - pushbutton - disc sowing coulter - fertiliser application - lighting Can be purchased at net price, provided you have an EU VAT...
Source language: Hungarian
23.580 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Veterinary medicine Budapest, Budapest
Ballon altatógépekhez kis állatokhoz 5 literes. Fekete antisztatikus gumi. Cikkszám: 271646 Gyártó: Kruuse
Source language: Hungarian
16.740 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Veterinary medicine Budapest, Budapest
Ballon altatógépekhez kis állatokhoz 1,5 literes. Fekete antisztatikus gumi. Cikkszám: 271620 Gyártó: Kruuse
Source language: Hungarian
Other tillage tools Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
A Royal Traktor cégcsoport, mint Közép -Európa egyik legnagyobb mezőgazdasági gépkereskedése széles választékban, a legkedvezőbb áron kínálja termékeit: •Garancia 5 év (3+2 Év) •Országos szervízhálózat •Hitel, lízing szolgáltatás ELÉRHETŐ MÁR 10 %...
Source language: Hungarian
Pruning machines and tools Somogy, Kaposvár
Tisztelt Gazdálkodó! A Royal Traktor cégcsoport, az ország egyik legnagyobb raktárkészletével és legsokoldalúbb palettájával rendelkezik. Mezőgazdasági, talajmegmunkáló gépek, építőipari, kommunális, kertészeti, zöldség és gyümölcstermesztés,...
Automatic translation
Shaker, fruit picker Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
Source language: Hungarian
Sweeper, sweeper adapter Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Tisztelt Gazdálkodó! A Royal Traktor cégcsoport, az ország egyik legnagyobb raktárkészletével és legsokoldalúbb palettájával rendelkezik. Mezőgazdasági, talajmegmunkáló gépek, építőipari, kommunális, kertészeti, zöldség és gyümölcstermesztés,...
Automatic translation
Hook harrow Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
Source language: Hungarian
Loader tools Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Tisztelt Gazdálkodó! A Royal Traktor cégcsoport, az ország egyik legnagyobb raktárkészletével és legsokoldalúbb palettájával rendelkezik. Mezőgazdasági, talajmegmunkáló gépek, építőipari, kommunális, kertészeti, zöldség és gyümölcstermesztés,...
Source language: Hungarian
Loader tools Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Tisztelt Gazdálkodó! A Royal Traktor cégcsoport, az ország egyik legnagyobb raktárkészletével és legsokoldalúbb palettájával rendelkezik. Mezőgazdasági, talajmegmunkáló gépek, építőipari, kommunális, kertészeti, zöldség és gyümölcstermesztés,...
Automatic translation
72.500 EUR
Advertiser for 4 years
Rotary boom loader
Caterpillar M315D rubber tyre excavator / 2011 / 9.500 hours / Leasing from 20% Net purchase and net lease from 20% - Air Conditioner - Quick coupler - Extra hydraulic function - Hammer hammer circuit - Engine: 112 kW (Caterpillar C4.4, 4 cylinder,...
Source language: Hungarian
Grain seeder Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
Maschio DC-Classic 3000 SCM + Dama 300 - 2023-as évjárat - függesztett - 3 méteres munkaszélesség - forgó boronás előmunkáló - fogazott tömörítőhenger - 600 L-es vetőmag tartály - dupla tárcsás vetőcsoroszlya - hátul pálcasor - nyomjelző - világítás...
Automatic translation
Potato harvester, harvester Somogy, Kaposvár
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
Automatic translation
Potato harvester, harvester Somogy, Kaposvár
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
Automatic translation
Grain seeder Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
Maschio DC 3000 COMBI + DAMA 300 - 2013 vintage - Working width of 3 metres - suspended - about 600 hectares sown - rotary hoeing pre-processing - disc sowing coulters - tracer - serrated cutting and crushing roller - back row of sticks - terminal -...
Automatic translation
Direct injection machine Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
Kverneland Accors MSC 4500 - 2009 vintage - 7400 hectares sown - 4.5 m working width - hydraulically folding - front compression frame - Rear compression frame - towed on a lifting arm - disc-type pre-processor - disc sowing coulters - compactors -...
Automatic translation
Direct injection machine Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
Horsch Pronto 3DC - 2014 vintage - sown 1.575 hectares - still with original wear parts - 3 m working width - Isobus pendant, but can also be operated from its own terminal - tracer - path switching - dial roughing - disc sowing coulters, row...
Source language: Hungarian
Other tillage machine parts Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Cikkszám: VLA0959
Source language: Hungarian
Other tillage machine parts Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Cikkszám: N1000510
Source language: Hungarian
Other tillage machine parts Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Cikkszám: N02323A0
Automatic translation
Pruning machines and tools Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Mátészalka
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
Source language: Hungarian
Other tillage machine parts Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Cikkszám: N01151A0
Source language: Hungarian
Other tillage machine parts Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Cikkszám: N01155A0
Source language: Hungarian
Other disc parts Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Cikkszám: N1001720
- Agricultural machine, tool (4.120)
- Agricultural informatics, GPS (8)
- Animal husbandry machines and tools (102)
- Car, motorcycle, utility vehicle (25)
- Fiber forage harvesting machines (105)
- Food industry machinery (171)
- Forestry machines (335)
- Band saw (46)
- Billet mill, billet drill (5)
- Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper (96)
- Chip making machines (12)
- Circular saw (17)
- Forwarders (4)
- Grinding machine, planer (20)
- Log splitter, splitting machine (84)
- Other forestry tools (20)
- Slicing machine (19)
- Chainsaw (2)
- Deburring, peeling (4)
- Forest planter (2)
- Forestry trailer (1)
- Log catcher (2)
- Stump lifter, forestry plough (1)
- Fruit growing machines (167)
- Garden machine (21)
- Harverster (72)
- Canola solution, side cut (2)
- Carpenter (1)
- Krone (1)
- Carrot harvesting machine, carrot harvester (6)
- Combine harvester (6)
- CLAAS (1)
- Fortschritt (2)
- Other combine (3)
- Corn adapter (10)
- Other harvester (23)
- Pipe breaker (1)
- Sunflower adapter (22)
- Loaders and construction machinery (704)
- Bobcat (25)
- EO excavator (21)
- Loader tools (118)
- Other construction machinery (54)
- Other loader (71)
- Rotary boom loader (37)
- Self-propelled backhoe loader (76)
- Self-propelled front loader (64)
- Telescopic loader (166)
- Trencher, excavator (30)
- Chisel, demolition hammer (5)
- Concrete mixer, mixer (6)
- Front loader tractor (2)
- Grader, ground plane, cutting box (1)
- Lifting (11)
- Sheet vibrator, road roller (1)
- Suspended boom loader (1)
- Suspended trencher, excavator (13)
- Trailed boom loader (2)
- Nutrient supply and irrigation machines (36)
- Ornamental plant cultivation machines (2)
- Other agricultural machinery and equipment (21)
- Seeder, planter (1.102)
- Small tractor (15)
- Agromehanika (1)
- Iseki (1)
- Kubota (1)
- Massey Ferguson (3)
- MTZ / Belarus (1)
- Other small tractors, garden tractors (7)
- Shibaura (1)
- Sprayer (236)
- Back sprayer (4)
- Battery sprayer (1)
- Other crop protection machine (4)
- Plant sprayer (74)
- Self-propelled sprayer (9)
- Spray pump (2)
- Suspended sprayer (65)
- Trailed arable sprayer (73)
- Tillage machines (165)
- Combinator, compactor (11)
- Cultivator, row cultivator (20)
- Dial (31)
- Gruber (10)
- Harrow, digging harrow (9)
- Harrow disc (2)
- Hook harrow (1)
- Other harrows (5)
- Other tillage tools (50)
- Plow (6)
- Soil cutter (16)
- Other tiller (14)
- Soil loosener (4)
- Stone collecting machine, stone pick-up (4)
- Cylinder (1)
- Earth drill, hole drill (1)
- Lawn aerator (1)
- Short dial (1)
- Tractor (33)
- Case IH (5)
- Egyéb traktor (2)
- Hattat (1)
- Irum (2)
- John Deere (7)
- McCormick (3)
- MTZ / Belarus (3)
- Steyr (5)
- Other (5)
- TYM (2)
- YTO (1)
- Fiat-Fiatagri (1)
- Kubota (1)
- Tractor accessories (14)
- Trailer (27)
- Fixed trailer (2)
- Bale trailer (2)
- Other trailer (9)
- Replacement superstructure (1)
- Semi-trailer (1)
- Sniffer, tank truck (2)
- Tipper trailer (12)
- Utility machine (173)
- Vegetable growing machines (212)
- Buckskin maker, puller (20)
- Harvesting root vegetables (16)
- Onion harvester (11)
- Other vegetable growing machines (16)
- Packaging machine (66)
- Planting and seedling machine (26)
- Potato harvester, harvester (14)
- Potato, onion highlighter (7)
- Sorter, classifier (27)
- Vegetable washer (4)
- Foil layer and pick-up (3)
- Pumpkin harvesting machine (2)
- Viticulture machinery (52)
- Waste treatment machines (108)
- Workshop equipment and plant tools (214)
- Compressor, air wrench (1)
- Hand tools (82)
- Other hand tools (77)
- Screwdriver (1)
- Wrench (2)
- Lathe, lathe (18)
- Machine tools (51)
- Other workshop equipment and plant tools (46)
- Welder, welding machine (16)
- CO welder (6)
- Inverter welder (5)
- Other welding machine (5)
- Job (80)
- Tire (49)
- Other rubber (1)
- Tire (42)
- Up (2)
- Wheel (4)
- Property (26)
- Part (728)
- Animal husbandry machine part (2)
- Car, motorcycle, commercial vehicle parts (2)
- Food industry machine parts (3)
- Fruit growing and viticulture machine parts (4)
- Garden machine parts (14)
- Harvester parts (7)
- Loader and construction machine parts (40)
- Lubricants, service materials (2)
- Oils (1)
- Other oils (1)
- Other (1)
- Nutrient supply and irrigation components (1)
- Other agricultural machine parts (20)
- Parts of forestry machines (3)
- Seeder, Seedling machine parts (405)
- Sprayer parts (31)
- Tillage machine parts (114)
- Towing and cargo securing (11)
- Tractor parts (67)
- Trailer parts (1)
- Utility machine parts (1)
- Service (282)
- Construction, execution (16)
- Education (1)
- Expert advice (2)
- Other service (22)
- Production, manufacturing (11)
- Rental (9)
- Repair (27)
- Storage (2)
- Transport (162)
- Wage work (30)