Special offers
Automatic translation
500 HUF
Advertiser for 5 years
Wheat Csongrád-Csanád, Makó
From a chemical-free paddy sub-origin producer
Automatic translation
100.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 months
Milk processing machines Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Tiszaroff
Complete dairy plant equipment for sale: - Pasteurizer 2000 l/hour - Homogenizer, skimmer - Milk cooling tanks - Bottle filling machine 3200 pcs/hour 140-200 ml - 2 cheese vats 1000 l - Cheese press - Cheese salting vats + moulds - Cutter 60 l -...
Automatic translation
4.700.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
1255 XL Baranya, Homorúd
For sale a 1255XL tractor with front loader, air brakes, new turbo. The running engine makes a knocking noise.
Automatic translation
2.700.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Other Baranya, Homorúd
For sale is a Zetor 6911 tractor with low hours, good engine, air brakes, factory painted.
Automatic translation
1.150.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
Planting and seedling machine Győr-Moson-Sopron, Máriakálnok
5 row planter for sale. Adjustable row spacing, planting distance and depth. With compaction roller. Total 1 hectare planted, for sale due to purchase of larger machine.
Automatic translation
500 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
Other wooden goods Baranya, Kisjakabfalva
Air-dried acacia planks for sale, 10 cm wide and 18 mm thick, in lengths of 2 m, 2.5 m and 3 m. Ideal for fencing and outdoor construction, this hardwood is timeless. Price: 500 Ft/running metre. Locally near Villány, delivery possible.
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 2 years
Other livestock work Fejér, Pátka
Húsmarha telepre gyakorlattal rendelkező gulyást keresek, lakhatással.
Automatic translation
65.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Corn adapter part Hajdú-Bihar, Gáborján
6 sunflower inserts for sale for Geringhoff corn table with all accessories. Used one season. For sale due to purchase of a new table.
Automatic translation
1.600.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Packaging machine Pest, Alsónémedi
Button design, with air door opening 230 V mains operated from 2 kg to 35 kg. Available with 1 or 2 conveyors.
Automatic translation
100.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Plow Tolna, Kéty
For sale is a small 4 head plough in good condition. It could use a paint job.
Automatic translation
900.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 months
Irrigation equipment, irrigation drum Békés, Kétsoprony
For sale: a Bauer 50 m irrigation console 900.000 Ft; 38 m Hungarian irrigation console 650.000 Ft; a Turbomat 90 drum 900.000 Ft; a Sigma 75 drum converted to a turbo 750.000 Ft; 20 kW military aggregator 1.000.000 Ft; suspended Hardi 12 m sprayer...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 5 years
Application system parts Győr-Moson-Sopron, Pereszteg
I'm looking for the working cylinder shown in the picture for the inclined overhead conveyor as working cylinder 3. Stem diameter: 55 mm. Part number: 643742.0
Automatic translation
4.600.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 months
MTZ-82 Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Demecser
For sale is a well restored MTZ 82.1 tractor. Everything from the front drive, through the engine auxiliaries, to the TLT drive has been re-bearing and reassembled. It is looking for a new owner with a fresh technical inspection.
Automatic translation
1.800.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Self-propelled backhoe loader Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Miskolc
The TITAN TL 10 E excavators can be used primarily for trenching, but also for drilling, dredging and other jobs with the right adapter. The adapters can be changed in seconds with a quick-change system, making the work efficient and versatile. The...
Automatic translation
250.000 HUF
Advertiser for 5 months
Combinator, compactor Bács-Kiskun, Dusnok
Vogel & Nőt 4 meter combiner for sale. 250 e Ft. Also Sokoro 3 meter combiner for sale... 250 e Ft. Both combiners are hydraulically folding... The price is...
Automatic translation
650.000 HUF
Advertiser for 5 months
Fertilizer spreader Bács-Kiskun, Dusnok
Amazone ZA-U 1501 fertilizer spreader, ready for use... 650 e Ft. The price is... Also Vogel & Not 500 litre fertilizer spreader for sale.
Automatic translation
28.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Other agricultural machine parts Bács-Kiskun, Drágszél
For sale KSP Magtari loader drive sprockets.
Automatic translation
180.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 months
Fishing, fishing Fejér, Óbarok
The advantages of the Tohatsu four-stroke - Extremely compact, excellent power-to-weight ratio - Proven technology - Wide range of models - Soft, smooth running at all speeds - Low intake noise for greater driving comfort - All Tohatsu four-stroke...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 6 months
Sprinkler hose, sprinkler pipe, nozzle Pest, Alsónémedi
Irrigation pipe for sale 85 aluminum and galvanized: 5000 Ft 3500 Ft 100 aluminium: 5000 Ft 130-gauge aluminium: 5500 Ft 85-gauge Manesman, 12 m: 4000 Ft 130-gauge Manesman: 5000 Ft As well as various fittings for all irrigation pipes.
Automatic translation
700 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 8 years
Wine Bács-Kiskun, Imrehegy
Organic wines, traditionally produced wines for sale: from the varieties Irsai olives, Kövidinka, Rieslings, Sauvignon blanc, Kékfrankos and Cabernet franc. We also offer our wines from Imrehegy, produced in our own vineyards, in bottles and in the...
Automatic translation
1.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 7 years
Farmland, arable land, land Bács-Kiskun, Kunszentmiklós
Kunszentmiklós, Tass, Alsószenttamás: 9 ha of pasture for sale. Inquire by phone: 20/617-6177.
- Agricultural machine, tool (8.817)
- Agricultural informatics, GPS (88)
- Animal husbandry machines and tools (230)
- Car, motorcycle, utility vehicle (199)
- Fiber forage harvesting machines (618)
- Food industry machinery (217)
- Forestry machines (256)
- Fruit growing machines (85)
- Garden machine (99)
- Harverster (439)
- Loaders and construction machinery (462)
- Nutrient supply and irrigation machines (533)
- Ornamental plant cultivation machines (1)
- Other agricultural machinery and equipment (59)
- Seeder, planter (525)
- Small tractor (170)
- Sprayer (361)
- Tillage machines (2.014)
- Tractor (826)
- Tractor accessories (87)
- Trailer (519)
- Utility machine (56)
- Vegetable growing machines (197)
- Viticulture machinery (238)
- Waste treatment machines (186)
- Wildlife management tools (1)
- Workshop equipment and plant tools (351)
- Animal (1.016)
- Bee, Apiary (37)
- Cat (7)
- Cattle (140)
- Dog (163)
- Donkey (8)
- Fish, Fishing (20)
- Goat (25)
- Horse (58)
- Offense (248)
- Other animal (30)
- Rabbit (41)
- Sheep (107)
- Wild, Hunting (5)
- Winged (126)
- Job (279)
- Animal husbandry works (131)
- Commercial, management work (3)
- Construction work (4)
- Delivery, storage, site work (8)
- Engineer (4)
- Food industry work (1)
- Forester, Fisherman, Beekeeper, Hunter work (1)
- Mechanic, machine operator, mechanic (75)
- Office work (3)
- Other agricultural work (42)
- Plant cultivation works (7)
- Property (1.348)
- Closed garden, plot (43)
- Commercial building, cold store (20)
- Commercial real estate (11)
- Container (27)
- Estate, farm, major (169)
- Farmland, arable land, land (474)
- Foil house, greenhouse, horticulture (47)
- Forest, plantation (180)
- Fruity, grapes (110)
- Hunting lodge (1)
- Industrial property (100)
- Lake, fishpond, reedbed (5)
- Mine (6)
- Other agricultural property (28)
- Other property (27)
- Pasture, reeds, meadow (50)
- Residential property (49)
- Part (1.296)
- Animal husbandry machine part (16)
- Car, motorcycle, commercial vehicle parts (112)
- Food industry machine parts (2)
- Fruit growing and viticulture machine parts (3)
- Garden machine parts (7)
- General machine parts (22)
- Harvester parts (262)
- Loader and construction machine parts (62)
- Lubricants, service materials (8)
- Nutrient supply and irrigation components (47)
- Other agricultural machine parts (101)
- Parts of forestry machines (8)
- Seeder, Seedling machine parts (55)
- Sprayer parts (28)
- Tillage machine parts (85)
- Towing and cargo securing (9)
- Tractor parts (437)
- Trailer parts (26)
- Utility machine parts (5)
- Input (279)
- Nutrient supply (59)
- Other input (3)
- Plant propagating material (203)
- Plant protection product (14)
- Service (464)
- Animal husbandry, animal breeding (1)
- Application writing (1)
- Construction, execution (43)
- Drone spraying (5)
- Drone survey (2)
- Education (3)
- Expert advice (12)
- Food industry (2)
- Hunting service (1)
- Other service (64)
- Production, manufacturing (5)
- Rental (2)
- Repair (47)
- Storage (1)
- Transport (97)
- Wage work (178)
- Crop (1.099)
- Bio Food (1)
- Cereals (192)
- Dairy product (4)
- Drinks (56)
- Egg (8)
- Field plants (47)
- Forage (460)
- Fruit (26)
- Handmade products (5)
- Honey (18)
- Jam (5)
- Meat products (6)
- Mushroom (5)
- Oils (7)
- Other crops (14)
- Other food (7)
- Pine tree (4)
- Seeds, shell fruit (32)
- Solo (16)
- Spice (5)
- Vegetables (98)
- Wooden goods (83)
- Other (554)
- Building material (51)
- Energy, renewable energy (80)
- Fishing, fishing (8)
- Games (1)
- Garden tools (1)
- Hunting (14)
- Operating and handling instructions (69)
- Other (160)
- Tools, containers, supplies (164)
- Work clothes, work protection (6)