General foliar fertilizers 20 Advertisements

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9.900 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 3 years
General foliar fertilizers Pest, Páty
Lenten Spring Foliar Fertilizer Technology NPK + K + Mg + Mg + R + Amino acid! Complex solution for efficient plant nutrition. Technological composition and dosage: - 1 kg/ha Green - Complex combination of macro and micro elements - 1 kg/ha Nitreco -...
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28.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
General foliar fertilizers Csongrád-Csanád, Kistelek
AG Wheat is a liquid, concentrated, plant-specific foliar fertiliser containing micronutrients in the right proportions to meet the nutrient needs of the crop. The deficiencies of copper, manganese and zinc are particularly dangerous for cereals,...
20 liter
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27.260 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
General foliar fertilizers Csongrád-Csanád, Kistelek
The price is valid for orders of 20 litres. Delivery costs are not included in the price. The product is available in several pack sizes. NPK liquid foliar fertilizer enriched with micro- and meso-elements: nutrient + bioactivator + immune booster in...
20 liter
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21.100 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
General foliar fertilizers Csongrád-Csanád, Kistelek
The price is valid for orders of 20 litres. The price does not include VAT and delivery costs. The product is available in several pack sizes. NutriSpeed - a unique plant conditioner that combines the long-lasting effect of different forms of...
20 liter
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1.150 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 years
General foliar fertilizers Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
Protein reduced, grading increased! The quality requirements of malting barley production can be met by applying C-complex twice - 8-8 l/ha. The first treatment should be applied at the end of bushing, with weed control in one pass, and the second...
120000 liter
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2.200 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 3 years
General foliar fertilizers Pest, Páty
Micronized foliar fertilizer produced by technology used in the pharmaceutical industry. N-P-K, amino acid, sulphur, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum. INSTANT PNR foliar fertilizer comes as a micronized powder that can be...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 10 months
General foliar fertilizers Pest, Albertirsa
DAMISOL GOLD KALÁSZOS, GOLD NÓDUSZ és GOLD GABONA SZTÁR levéltrágyák BIOKATALIZÁLT TÁPELEMEK+HUMINSAVAK, FULVÓSAVAK+BOROSTYÁNKŐSAV A DAMISOL GOLD KALÁSZOS levéltrágya egyedülálló összetétele három tökéletes lépésben oldja meg a kalászosok okszerű...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 10 months
General foliar fertilizers Pest, Albertirsa
Sarkalatos pontok a szőlő hatékony és okos növénytáplálásában: Elsődlegesen szem előtt kell tartanunk, hogy a tőke kondíciója, életereje és vesszőinek beérése minél hatékonyabb legyen, mivel ez az alapja a magas terméshozamnak és minőségnek. A...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 10 months
General foliar fertilizers Pest, Albertirsa
DAMISOL GOLD = BIOKATALIZÁLT TÁPELEMEK + HUMINSAVAK + BOROSTYÁNKŐSAV + EBTEch Az aminokomplex, citokelátkomplex és huminsavkomplexek természetes energiahordozó kémiai kötések biokatalizátorként segítik a növények tápanyagforgalmát és eredményesen...
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49.663 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
General foliar fertilizers Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Highly concentrated multi-microelement foliar fertilizer with nitrogen and sulphur. - Higher average yield and improved yield quality. - Balanced micro-nutrient supply, healthy plants. - Protection against micronutrient deficiencies. - Micronutrient...
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25.076 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
General foliar fertilizers Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Nutribor®Fluid SL is a high boron content, liquid microelement foliar fertilizer with manganese, molybdenum and zinc. The product is primarily recommended for use as a foliar fertiliser, but can also be used for soil applications. Due to its...
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2.568 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
General foliar fertilizers Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
- It provides essential micro- and macronutrients for plants, as well as important trace elements such as iron, manganese, copper, zinc and molybdenum. A balanced ratio of ingredients provides plants with the nutrients they need and promotes optimal...
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47.219 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
General foliar fertilizers Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Nutrimix® Fluid SL is a highly concentrated liquid multi-micronutrient fertilizer with copper, manganese, molybdenum and zinc. The product is primarily recommended for use as a foliar fertiliser, but can also be used for soil applications. Thanks to...
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980 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 years
General foliar fertilizers Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
Material for organic farming They significantly reduce the cost of crop production: on the one hand, because their plant protection effect eliminates the need to use expensive systemic products containing artificial substances, and on the other hand,...
20000 liter
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43.264 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
General foliar fertilizers Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Basfoliar® 30-10-10 SP is a water soluble N-P-K compound fertilizer containing microelements. It has a high nitrogen content. It contains all the nutrients required for customized fertilization of agricultural and horticultural fields. Its excellent...
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11.811 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 7 years
General foliar fertilizers Bács-Kiskun, Soltvadkert
Foliar fertilizer for vines, fruit, vegetables and arable crops. Composition (m/m %): Nitrogen (N) 10 % Potassium (K) 3,3 % N Potassium oxide (K2O) 4 % 3 Calcium (Ca) 2,8 % Calcium oxide (CaO) 3,9 % Magnesium (Mg) 2 Magnesium oxide (MgO) 3,3 % Boron...
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43.566 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
General foliar fertilizers Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Basfoliar® 15-30-15 PS is a complex foliar fertilizer containing a balanced amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur macroelements. It is very similar to the natural nutrient content of the leaves during flowering and therefore has a more...
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980 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 years
General foliar fertilizers Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
During the growing season, treatments should be started at the age of 4 to 6 leaves with a 2-3% solution of C-complex. Treatments can be carried out continuously from the first flowers onwards every 8-10 days, gradually increasing the spray...
20000 liter
Automatic translation
45.452 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
General foliar fertilizers Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Basfoliar® 20-19-19 SP is a water-soluble N-P-K compound fertilizer with magnesium and microelements. Its plant nutrients contribute to the tailored fertilization of agricultural and horticultural fields. Its excellent solubility prevents clogging of...
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980 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 years
General foliar fertilizers Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
The third element of the technology is foliar fertilisation. In terms of nutrients, poppy needs are similar to those of other oilseed crops. It needs increased amounts of boron, the supporting calcium, magnesium for chlorophyll formation, manganese...
20000 liter

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