Plant propagating material 678 Advertisements
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Cherries Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: Regularly very abundant. Maturation time: Around 15-20 June, ripening about 15-20 days after Bigarreau Burlat. Fruit...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Cherries Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: Abundant. Maturation time: Matures around May 20, about 10-12 days before Bigarreau Burlat. Fruit characteristics: Fruit...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Cherries Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: Abundant. Maturation time: Matures around 10-12 June. Fruit characteristics: The fruit is large, very large, 26 mm in...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Cherries Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: Early fruiting, very good and regular productivity. Maturation time: Matures a few days before the Germersdorf giant, at...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Cherries Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: Abundant. Maturation time: Medium-late ripening (ripens around 25 June). Fruit characteristics: Fruit 25-28 mm in...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Cherries Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: Very good productivity, very early to fruiting. Maturation time: Late ripening (late June - early July). Fruit...
Source language: Hungarian
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Other seed Pest, Abony
Tisztelt Partnereink! Kedves Termelők! Méhlegelő növényfajok, vetőmag árlistánk: Méhlegelő keverékek: Hosszan virágzó, egyéves keverék - 24% pohánka, 18% tavaszi bükköny, 15% fehérvirágú csillagfürt, 10% bíborhere, 10% olajretek, 10% pannon bükköny,...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Cherries Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: Some growing areas produce regularly and abundantly, others medium to poorly. Maturation time: The Germersdorf variety...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Cherries Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: Abundant. It is an early grower. Maturation time: Mid-early, ripening one week after Bigarreau Burlat. Fruit...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Cherries Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: Medium yield, high in favourable years. Maturation time: Matures in late May to early June. Fruit characteristics: Fruit...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 13 years
Other seed Pest, Abony
Tisztelt Partnereink! Kedves Termelők! Gyepalkotó és egyéb takarmánynövény fajok, vetőmag árlistánk: Takarmányfű keverékek: Kaszáló keverék Standard hosszan évelő - 20% angolperje (diploid), 20% angolperje (tetraploid), 15% olaszperje, 15% réti...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Cherries Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: It is an early grower, produces regularly and very abundantly. Maturation time: Late maturing (late June - early July)....
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Quince Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: Very productive, very early to fruiting. Maturation time: Usually late September, but can vary depending on the packing of...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Quince Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: Produces early. Maturation time: Harvestable from mid-September to early October, ready to eat until January. Fruit...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Quince Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: The earliest variety to come into production. From the fifth year onwards, it produces regularly and abundantly. Less...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Pear Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: It produces early and is very productive. Poorly susceptible to alternation. It flowers mid-late, self-fertile, diploid....
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Pear Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: Yields 20% less than the basic variety. Flowering time rather late, pollen donor is the Clapp's favourite, Bosc cobac....
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Pear Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: It comes into production at mid-early age, after which it produces regularly, evenly and very abundantly. Pollen-producing...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Pear Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: Late but very productive. Prone to irregular yields. Self-fertile, diploid. Can be harvested for long-term storage in early...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Pear Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: It comes into production at mid-early age. Produces abundantly and regularly. It has a very strong tendency to alternate....
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Pear Rootless: 2690 Ft/piece Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36-30/403-00-34 +36-30/241-20-91 Productivity: It comes into production at mid-early age. Medium yielding. Moderately susceptible to alternation. Self-fertile, diploid,...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 13 years
Alfalfa Pest, Abony
Tisztelt Partnereink! Kedves Termelők! Zöldugar kultúrák, vetőmag árlistánk: AKG zöldugar keverék vetőmagok: AKG 4/100 Csak kétszikű - 40% takarmány baltacim, 20% szöszös bükköny, 20% somkóró, 10% bíborhere, 10% facélia - 20/500/1000 kg - 1300 Ft/kg...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Pear Rootless: 2690 Earth ball: 4590 Container: 5590 Productivity: Produces mid to late, but after that it produces regularly and abundantly. Good yielding variety, moderately susceptible to alternation. Self-fertile diploid, best pollen donors:...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Alma Free-rooted: 2690 Ft/s Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36304030034 / +36302412091 Productivity: Early grower, regular and abundant, not prone to alternation. Maturation time: Harvestable in the second half of August, suitable...
Automatic translation
Other Pest, Gödöllő
Alma Free-rooted: 2690 Ft/s Earth ball: 4590 Ft/piece Container: 5590 Ft/db +36304030034 / +36302412091 Productivity: Late to emerge, good yield. Prone to slight intermittence (irregular yields). Maturation time: Can be harvested at the end of...
- Input
- Plant propagating material (678)
- Graft (30)
- Ornamental plant (2)
- Other plant propagating material (11)
- Sapling (262)
- Seed (306)
- Seedling (67)