állás Hits 82 Advertisements
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Recommended categories:
Animal husbandry works
Mechanic, machine operator, mechanic
Other agricultural work
Plant cultivation works
Construction work
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 6 years
Cattle farm employee Hajdú-Bihar, Létavértes (Nagyléta)
Szarvasmarha telepre keresünk kizárólag józan életű munkatársat.
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 8 years
Animal husbandry works Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Tiszafüred
Húsmarhához,gondozót és legeltetőst felveszek, Nyári időszakban legeltetés,téli időszakban a tanya és az állatok felügyelete. A munkavállaló lehet egyedülálló személy, vagy pár vagy család itt lakással. Elhelyezés 1.5 szobás családi házban,vagy a...
Source language: Hungarian
15.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
Groom Pest, Fót
Lovász állást keresek pest megyében bejelentve és heti fizetéssel
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Advertiser for 2 months
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Veszprém, Magyargencs
An agricultural company on the border of Veszprém county is looking for an experienced machine operator for a tractor, combine harvester job. Full-year employment, competitive salary. What we ask: - At least five years of experience - Minimum of five...
Source language: Hungarian
470.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 weeks
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Fejér, Gárdony (Agárd)
Traktorosi pozícióra keresünk munkatársat gárdonyi gyümölcsösünkbe. Feladatok: növényápolás (permetezés), gépi metszés, sor és sorközművelés, betakarítási munkálatok (rázógép), szállítás, szántóföldi munkálatokban való részvétel. Elvárások: megfelelő...
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Advertiser for 5 months
Cattle farm employee Békés, Kertészsziget
Location: garden island, Cserepes, 5526 Hungary Company. Job description: We are looking for an animal caretaker to join our team! Your duties include daily care of cattle, feeding and keeping the stables clean. Duties: - Feeding and watering cattle...
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Advertiser for 5 months
Cattle farm employee Békés, Kertészsziget
Location: garden island, Cserepes, 5526 Hungary Company. Job description: We are looking for an animal caretaker to join our team! Your duties include daily care of cattle, feeding and keeping the stables clean. Duties: - Feeding and watering cattle...
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Advertiser for 5 months
Cattle farm employee Békés, Kertészsziget
Location: garden island, Cserepes, 5526 Hungary Company. Job description: We are looking for an animal caretaker to join our team! Your duties include daily care of cattle, feeding and keeping the stables clean. Duties: - Feeding and watering cattle...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 3 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Baranya, Szigetvár
Üdv! 25 évesen mezőgazdaságban keresnék állást Baranya megyében, azon belül is inkább Szigetvár és közelében. Rendelkezem T kategóriás jogosítvánnyal illetve van papírom nagyteljesítményű gépre, rakodógépre illetve kombájnra. Ha bárki tud valamit...
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Advertiser for 3 weeks
Poultry farm employee Baranya, Erzsébet
For our poultry farm in Erzsébet, we are looking for an animal caretaker, who is able to work alone and is demanding of his/her work and environment. Experience in poultry care is an advantage but not an expectation. Mechanized farm work, one shift...
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Advertiser for 6 years
Cattle farm employee Pest, Vácegres
We are looking for a professional, experienced and long-term thinking colleague to join our Angus beef cattle breeding team, with on-site accommodation. Accommodation is provided for one person during the trial period and there is the possibility of...
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Advertiser for 11 years
Shepherd Hajdú-Bihar, Bakonszeg
We are looking for a sheep shepherd who can limp and nail sheep, with a competitive salary. Lunch and self-catering accommodation will be provided.
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300.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Shepherd Nógrád, Ipolytarnóc
Welcome! I am Dominik Horkai, 23 years old, shepherd, looking for a job as a mechanic. Currently I live in Nógrád county, but I am also looking for a job in a boarding house, provided that it is a civilized accommodation with human conditions. I have...
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350.000.450.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
I am looking for a tractor driver for crop work at a site near Debrecen (10 km from Debrecen). Valid driver's license, papers, etc. are mandatory! Salary: 350 000-450 000 HUF/month.
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Advertiser for 4 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Bács-Kiskun, Lajosmizse
I am looking for a job as a tractor mechanic in Lajosmizse and surroundings. 0670 346 7409
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Advertiser for 3 years
Other agricultural work Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
Job opportunity on a hobby farm in Debrecen! Do you want to get away from the city noise and live close to nature? We have a great offer for you! Our Debrecen hobby farm is looking for a committed, nature- and animal-loving couple. What we offer: -...
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2.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Pest, Szentlőrinckáta
Greetings! I have been working as an agricultural mechanic since 2010. I have category T, B, A driving licences. I also have a Green Book, a small ADR exam, an 80-hour plant protection paper and I have already completed a further training course. I...
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Advertiser for 1 month
Shepherd Veszprém, Zánka
We are looking for a shepherd for a family farm in the Balaton region. Tasks: - Grazing - Feeding the cattle - Rounding up Keeping animals in herds is an advantage, but not a prerequisite: - B driving licence - Tractor operation To apply, please call...
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350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Veszprém, Pápa
Good afternoon! I am looking for a job in Papa. I have a B driving licence.
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2.600 HUF
Advertiser for 13 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Gesztely
A stable agricultural company is looking for a machine operator. Requirements. In addition to salary, company telephone and travel allowance to work. We also welcome applications from career starters.
Source language: Hungarian
240.000 HUF
Advertiser for 14 years
Other agricultural work Győr-Moson-Sopron, Kunsziget
Győr mellett kunszigeti kecsketenyészetbe 1 fő állatgondozót keresünk! Feladatok: - állatok napi ellátása, gondozása, fejése - telephely körüli teendők elvégzése Amit kínálunk: - hosszútávú, egész éves bejelentett munkaviszony - rendezett, nyugodt...
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Advertiser for 1 month
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Újszász
Description A family-owned agricultural business with more than 30 years of experience in Újszász is looking for a new employee for a long term. Agricultural machine operator/tractor driver job vacancy Main tasks: seeding, chemical/fertilizer...
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500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 14 years
Other plant growing work Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Hercegkút
Hercegkúti based agricultural company is looking for agronomist/agricultural engineer! Mainly from B-A-Z. county, Sárospatak-Bodrogköz and surroundings! (Career starter is not an obstacle!) Main tasks, jobs: - Organising arable crop production,...
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Advertiser for 14 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Hercegkút
Hercegkút-based agricultural company is looking for an agricultural machine operator-machine mechanic due to expansion of activities! Mainly from the 20-40 km area of Sárospatak! Prerequisite/Entertainment: - John Deere 6M, 8R series tractors - John...
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Advertiser for 6 months
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Pest, Ceglédbercel
Our company based in Ceglédbercel is looking for a tractor driver to work in the fields of mowing, ploughing, transport. Prerequisite is a T category driving licence, experience is an advantage.