Recommended categories:
Animal husbandry works
Mechanic, machine operator, mechanic
Other agricultural work
Plant cultivation works
Construction work
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Advertiser for 3 weeks
Other agricultural work Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Tiszabercel
I am looking for animal care and agricultural work, I will listen to anything. I have a category B driving licence.
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 3 weeks
Other agricultural work Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Tiszabercel
Állást keresek farmon, állat gondozás farmon lévő munkák, bármit meghallgatok. B kategóriás jogosítvánnyal rendelkezem. Nyíregyháza és környéke
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150 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Cattle farm employee Veszprém, Borzavár
I am looking for work with cattle, sheep and horses.
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 1 year
Pig farm employee Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Miskolc
Munkát keresek szállással
Source language: Hungarian
1.500 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Pig farm employee Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
Üdv mindenkinek Debrecenben keresek betanîtott munkát,napi vagy heti fizetéssel.
Source language: Hungarian
300.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Poultry farm employee Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
Állat gondozói munkát keresek Hajdú Bihar megyében. Azok akik emailben veszik fel velem a kapcsolatot írjonak pontos információt a munkáról. Ne ezt az automata üzenetet küldjék el
Source language: Hungarian
350 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Poultry farm employee Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
Állást keresek Debrecenben, távolabb szállással
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350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Poultry farm employee Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
I am looking for a job as a pet carer in Hajdú-Bihar county, with accommodation, further afield by arrangement.
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Advertiser for 10 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Csongrád-Csanád, Szeged
I am looking for an agricultural machine operator (tractor driver) and mechanic.
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 12 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Veszprém, Somlóvásárhely
Családi gazdaság keres szerelésben jártas, gyakorlott megbízható traktoros kollégát. Egész éves bejelentett munkaviszony, hosszútávú versenyképes jövedelem. Szükség esetén szolgálati lakás biztosított, akár családostul is. FRISS NYUGDÍJASOK...
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200.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 weeks
Cattle farm employee Vas, Kercaszomor
Have a nice day! Mrs Zoltán Kalamár, I am 32 years old. I have worked with horses, cattle, pigs, I am not afraid of physical work. My husband is 20 years old, he used to work as a construction worker, but he is good with pigs, cattle and livestock,...
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Advertiser for 2 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Jánoshida
I am looking for a worker for an agricultural site in Jánoshida.
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800.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
Animal breeder specialist Veszprém, Nemesvámos
We are looking for an intelligent couple (boys and girls) with experience in animal husbandry (mainly dairy cattle, horses and pigs) to help us in our daily work on a demanding private farm in Hungary! The work is not easy, but we are working with...
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Advertiser for 2 years
Other agricultural work Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Jánoshida
We are looking for a maintenance locksmith for an agricultural site in Jánoshida.
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1.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Animal breeder specialist Hajdú-Bihar, Nádudvar
I am looking for a managerial or middle management job in agriculture, mainly in animal husbandry. I have experience in the cattle, sheep and pig sectors. I will finish my university studies as an agricultural engineer towards the end of the year. If...
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Advertiser for 3 weeks
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szolnok
Join the Silózó Ltd. team from 2025 Silage machine and tractor operator Location: 5081 Szajol What we offer: - Competitive salary - Basic salary + outstanding performance pay - Company car to get to work - SZÉP card allowance - Long-term, registered...
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250.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Shepherd Bács-Kiskun, Tataháza
I am looking for a sober person to graze and round sheep.
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Advertiser for 1 month
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver
I am mainly interested in jobs around Szeged, Hódmezővásárhely! I graduated from vocational school as a field mechanic/operator, but I have been farming since childhood on a family farm. I have experience with the following machines: John Deere,...
Source language: Hungarian
220.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
Other agricultural work Hajdú-Bihar, Polgár
Gondnok karbantartó állást keresek, épület karbantartás,kertészeti munkák 14 evig dolgoztam egy 5 hektaros területen! Festés, kőműves munkák,kerteszeti kisképekkel munkavégzés,karbantartása! Nem iszom alkoholt és nem dohányzom! Intelligens jó...
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Advertiser for 4 weeks
Cattle farm employee Hajdú-Bihar, Fülöp
I take on animal care jobs! (Pigs, sheep, cattle, etc.) Around Fülöp, Nyírábrány, Vámospércs, Debrecen. No indoor accommodation! I am free from harmful passions. I have a B driving licence. I am a reliable, hardworking person.
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Advertiser for 4 weeks
Other agricultural work Hajdú-Bihar, Fülöp
I take care of animals (pigs, cattle, sheep... etc.) Around Fülöp, Nyírábrány, Vámospércs, Debrecen. I am free of any harmful passions. I have a B-licence. I am not looking for a job with a flat there! I am a reliable, hard-working person.
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 2 years
Cattle farm employee Fejér, Lovasberény
Kisebb létszámú szarvasmarha állományhoz gondozót keresek, Fejér megyében. Érdeklődni telefonon lehet. Jelentkezés módja: 06202221390
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 2 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Zala, Lenti
Harvester gépkezelő állást keresek Vas és Zala megyében kevés tapasztalattal, gépkezelői jogosítvánnyal, betanulási lehetőséggel!
Automatic translation
150 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Pig farm employee Veszprém, Zirc
We would be located next to pigs or cattle.
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Advertiser for 6 years
Cattle farm employee Pest, Vácegres
We are looking for a professional, experienced and long-term thinking colleague to join our Angus beef cattle breeding team, with on-site accommodation. Accommodation is provided for one person during the trial period and there is the possibility of...