Recommended categories:
Animal husbandry works
Mechanic, machine operator, mechanic
Other agricultural work
Plant cultivation works
Construction work
Source language: Hungarian
223 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Other agricultural work Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza (Sóstóhegy)
Ültetés ...nyesés kapálas kaszálás Tőbb mezőgazdasági munkát vállalunk Hajdú-Bihar és Szabolcs megye 5-30 fö ig.. Hivj. Ár meg eggyezes szerint
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123 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Other agricultural work Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyírlugos
Hi! We offer pruning services with many years of professional experience in Szabolcs and Hajdú-Bihar county. Winter:
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250.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
Cattle farm employee Komárom-Esztergom, Süttő
I am looking for a man or a married couple with a sober life for a livestock farm in Komárom-Esztergom County. Goats, cattle for fattening, sheep to be taken care of. Wages to be agreed. Accommodation and board can be arranged.
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Advertiser for 8 years
Truck driver Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Our company is looking for subcontractors for our dry trailer and self-loading trailers. Please contact us on the following telephone number, indicating the price per km.
Source language: Hungarian
Other agricultural work Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Alkatrész értékesítő kollégát keresünk kecskeméti telephelyünkre! Értesz az alkatrészekhez? Könnyen szót értesz a ügyfelekkel? Add be jelentkezésed, hogy mihamarabb csatlakozhass folyamatosan bővülő, fiatalos csapatunkhoz! Mik lesznek a feladataid? -...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 9 years
Mechanic, machine operator, mechanic Hajdú-Bihar, Tépe
Mezőgazdasági vállalkozás, gépkezelőt,gépszerelőt keres kezdők is jelentkezhetnek,bérezés gépkategóriától függően.
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Advertiser for 6 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
A family-owned agricultural company in Debrecen, more than 25 years old, is looking for new employees for a long term. Agricultural machine operator/tractor driver job vacancy Main tasks: chemical/fertilizer spreading with precision equipment What we...
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Advertiser for 12 years
Salesperson Vas, Szombathely Hungary Kft. has been a leading player in the market of soil bacteria and microbiological products for more than 23 years. We are committed to sustainable agriculture, providing working solutions to help farmers implement natural, efficient...
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Advertiser for 12 years
Salesperson Vas, Szombathely Hungary Kft. has been a leading player in the market of soil bacteria and microbiological products for more than 23 years. We are committed to sustainable agriculture, providing working solutions to help farmers implement natural, efficient...
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Advertiser for 12 years
Salesperson Vas, Szombathely Hungary Kft. has been a leading player in the market of soil bacteria and microbiological products for more than 23 years. We are committed to sustainable agriculture, providing working solutions to help farmers implement natural, efficient...
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Advertiser for 1 month
Agricultural mechanics Veszprém, Magyargencs
We are looking for an agricultural mechanic service technician or combine harvester with the appropriate skills and expertise in the repair of John Deere machines for our agricultural company located on the border of Veszprém county. Full-time,...
Source language: Hungarian
Other agricultural work Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Kecskeméti telephelyünkre várjuk leendő munkatársunkat, teljes munkaidős munkavégzésre, Gép értékesítő pozícióba! A Royal Traktor rendkívül családias vállalati kultúrával büszkélkedhet, amelyek meghatározóak sikerünk szempontjából. Mezőgazdasági,...
Source language: Hungarian
3.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Mechanic, service technician Pest, Gyömrő
Gyakorlattal rendelkező munkagép szerelő kollégát keresünk törő,-kotrógép, homlokrakodó karbantartására/javítására gyömrői telephelyünkre. Elvárások: -szakmai tapasztalat -B kategóriás jogosítvány -önálló munkavégzés -megbízható, precíz -magabiztos...
Source language: Hungarian
3.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Other agricultural work Pest, Gyömrő
Új kollégát keresünk, aki fizikai munkatársként fogja erősíteni meglévő csapatunkat raktárcsarnokok összeszerelésénél. Szaktudást nem igényel, pályakezdők jelentkezését is várjuk, de fontos, hogy megbízható legyél! Előnyt jelent: -B-E kategóriás...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Somogy, Kaposvár (Toponár)
KAPOSTÁJ Zrt. We are looking for a dynamic, self-starting, professionally reliable and reliable person to join our team at our Orci Road plant cultivation site. - agricultural machine operator, tractor driver for long-term employment. We offer you a...
Source language: Hungarian
123 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Other agricultural work Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza (Nyírszőlős)
Üdvözlök mindenkit! Szeretne minőségi mennyiségi csúcstermelést?? Ez mind a metszéstől függ. Gyümölcsfák metszésével foglalkozunk. Belefáradt/beleunt a rengeteg átverésbe??Józanéletű, stabil szaktudással és gyakorlattal rendelkező 5.vagy 10 fős...
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Advertiser for 2 weeks
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
Carrying out field work from spring to autumn with power and agricultural machinery. Operation of combine harvesters and harvesting of sweet corn, green peas and green beans in several counties. In the off-season, assisting in the repair and...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 3 years
Pig farm employee Tolna, Koppányszántó
Állat tartó telepre keresek gondozót akár bentlakással! SÜRGŐSEN
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Advertiser for 6 months
Other agricultural work Veszprém, Malomsok
We are looking for a driver for a livestock farm near Pápa. The job is to transport employees to work in a 9-seater minibus.
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Salesperson Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Mátészalka
We are looking for a sales colleague for our site in Mátészalka! The tasks you have to perform are: - Sales of agricultural machinery - Maintaining contact with customers - Presentation of products - Serving customers Our expectations of you: -...
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Salesperson Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
We are looking for a sales colleague in Kecskemét! Tasks you have to perform: - Sales of agricultural machinery - Maintaining contact with customers - Full product presentation - Servicing customers Our expectations of you: - Min. secondary...
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Salesperson Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
We are looking for a sales colleague for our Debrecen site! The tasks you have to perform are: - Sales of agricultural machinery - Maintaining contact with customers - Presentation of products - Serving customers Our expectations of you: - Minimum...
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Salesperson Veszprém, Pápa
We are looking for a sales colleague for our site in Papa! The tasks you have to perform are: - Sales of agricultural machinery - Maintaining contact with customers - Presentation of products - Serving customers Our expectations of you: - Minimum...
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Salesperson Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
We are looking for a Romanian speaking colleague to join our young team! Job requirements: - Minimum secondary education - Good communication skills in oral and written Romanian - Ability to work independently - B category driving licence is an...