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Advertiser for 6 days
Agricultural engineer Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
I am looking for a job as an agricultural engineer and livestock engineer in Debrecen and the Debrecen area. Best regards: Noel Kiss
University Hajdú-Bihar county Engineer Permanent work B+E 1-3 years of professional experience Intermediate/communicative level Elementary/conversational level
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2.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Pest, Jászkarajenő
I am looking for a job as a tractor driver.
Vocational school B 3-5 years of professional experience
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 8 years
Other agricultural work Pest, Sülysáp (Tápiósüly)
Telephely körüli munkára keresek megbízható józan kollégát fűnyírás, öntözés, fa ültetés-vágás, karbantartás, időnként állatgondozás. Bérezés megegyezés szerint.
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200.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Shepherd Békés, Körösnagyharsány
I am looking for a shepherd who knows sheep. Requirements: - Sheep knowledge and experience. Experience and experience: - non-alcoholic. What we offer: - formal notice, accommodation and board as agreed.
Békés county
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 8 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Traktorost keresek Kecskemét és környéki munkavégzésre. Mezőgazdaságban illetve traktoros munkában jártas fiatal,józan életű személyt keresek. Fizetés megbeszélés szerint.
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 8 years
Truck driver Bács-Kiskun, Izsák
Kamion sofőrt keresünk Izsáki telephelyre Biber 92 darálóra és MAN darus rönkszállító kamionra Feltétel hasonló járműveken szerzett tapasztalat Fizetés megegyezés alapján személyes találkozó után
Bács-Kiskun county
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Advertiser for 8 years
Accountant Bács-Kiskun, Izsák
Our company is looking for an accountant either full-time or on assignment in Izsák or Izsák and the surrounding area.
Bács-Kiskun county
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100 HUF
Advertiser for 10 months
Truck driver Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Kótaj
46 years old, retired, with a full driving licence, 25 years driving experience. Security guard qualification, certificate, school leaving certificate, technical education. I am looking for a job as a bus driver, driver of a shuttle bus or porter....
High school Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county Assigned/physical work Permanent work D+E >10 years of experience
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Advertiser for 1 month
Shepherd Veszprém, Zánka
We are looking for a reliable, sober, hard-working colleague for our Balaton-Highlands control plant. Experience in livestock management, rounding, grazing is an advantage! Accommodation is provided, wages and board are subject to agreement. For...
Veszprém county Assigned/physical work
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Advertiser for 6 years
Cattle farm employee Pest, Vácegres
We are looking for a professional, experienced and long-term thinking colleague to join our Angus beef cattle breeding team, with on-site accommodation. Accommodation is provided for one person during the trial period and there is the possibility of...
Pest county B
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Advertiser for 6 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Bács-Kiskun, Zsana
We are looking for a tractor driver, loader operator for a beef fattening plant! Accommodation and board available! Driving licence B is an advantage, but not an exclusion! Skills and attitude are important!
Bács-Kiskun county
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Advertiser for 8 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Hajdú-Bihar, Földes
A family-owned agricultural business in Földesi, more than 20 years old, is looking for a new employee for a tractor operator position on a long-term basis. What we offer: - full-time, stable, year-round employment - a full-time, stable job - good...
Hajdú-Bihar county Assigned/physical work Other 0-10 people
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Advertiser for 1 month
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
Carrying out field work from spring to autumn with power and agricultural machinery. Operation of combine harvesters and harvesting of sweet corn, green peas and green beans in several counties. In the off-season, assisting in the repair and...
Hajdú-Bihar county Assigned/physical work 0-10 people
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Advertiser for 9 years
TOP partner
Salesperson Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Mátészalka
We are looking for a sales colleague for our site in Mátészalka! The tasks you have to perform are: - Sales of agricultural machinery - Maintaining contact with customers - Presentation of products - Serving customers Our expectations of you: -...
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county Assigned/physical work
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Advertiser for 9 years
TOP partner
Salesperson Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
We are looking for a sales colleague in Kecskemét! Tasks you have to perform: - Sales of agricultural machinery - Maintaining contact with customers - Full product presentation - Servicing customers Our expectations of you: - Min. secondary...
Bács-Kiskun county Assigned/physical work
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Advertiser for 9 years
TOP partner
Salesperson Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
We are looking for a sales colleague for our Debrecen site! The tasks you have to perform are: - Sales of agricultural machinery - Maintaining contact with customers - Presentation of products - Serving customers Our expectations of you: - Minimum...
Hajdú-Bihar county Assigned/physical work
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650.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Cattle farm employee Komárom-Esztergom, Ete
Animal Breeding and Sales Ltd. is looking for a full-time staff member for the position of a stable manager. We welcome applications from people who are self-motivated, dedicated, flexible and animal-loving. Experience in animal husbandry and robotic...
Hungary Assigned/physical work 25-50 people
Source language: Hungarian
2.950 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Mechanic, service technician Győr-Moson-Sopron, Bakonyszentlászló
30 év gépszerelő tapasztalattal, mezőgazdasági - és egyéb gépjárművek szerelésében gyakorlottan, gépész munkakört keresek Győr-Kisbér-Veszprém-Pápa kör belső körzetében. Rendelkezem B,C,T kategóriás jogosítvánnyal, valamint mezőgazdasági- és...
Vocational high school Győr-Moson-Sopron county Assigned/physical work Permanent work B
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 5 years
Animal husbandry works Fejér, Alap
Juhász keresek Fejér megye Alap
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Advertiser for 9 years
TOP partner
Salesperson Veszprém, Pápa
We are looking for a sales colleague for our site in Papa! The tasks you have to perform are: - Sales of agricultural machinery - Maintaining contact with customers - Presentation of products - Serving customers Our expectations of you: - Minimum...
Veszprém county Assigned/physical work
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Advertiser for 9 years
TOP partner
Salesperson Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
We are looking for a Romanian speaking colleague to join our young team! Job requirements: - Minimum secondary education - Good communication skills in oral and written Romanian - Ability to work independently - B category driving licence is an...
Bács-Kiskun county Assigned/physical work
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Advertiser for 9 years
TOP partner
Salesperson Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
We are looking for a Slovak speaking colleague to join our young team! Job requirements: - Minimum secondary education - Good communication skills, both written and oral, in Slovak - Ability to work independently - Fluency in Word, Excel and computer...
Bács-Kiskun county
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Advertiser for 11 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Újszász
We are looking for an agricultural machine operator for a family farm with crops/livestock. Full-time, declared work! Újszász site. John Deere and New Holland machines handling and periodic maintenance. Apply with a salary request! For more...
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county
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Advertiser for 8 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Veszprém, Zirc
A company in Zirc, which is engaged in arable crop production, is looking for a self-starter, precise, experienced and demanding operator. Tasks: - Carrying out the work of arable crop production - Carrying out minor or major repairs on the machinery...
Veszprém county 0-10 people
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Advertiser for 7 years
Cattle farm employee Somogy, Siófok
I am looking for mainly milking jobs in Somogy County or the surrounding counties. About myself, I am 52 years old, I have been a head for 30+ years, I have a calm nature. I have been a milkman and a milkman. My previous job liquidated the cattle...

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