Special offers
Source language: Hungarian
Soil loosening knives Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Cikkszám: SHAB34220
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990.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 13 years
Sniffer, tank truck Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Mezőtúr
Fresh water tank for sale, imported from Germany. Available for viewing at our site in Mezőtúr, delivery possible.
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1.090.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 months
Loader tools Bács-Kiskun, Kecel
Capacity: 1 m3 - With internal stiffeners, suitable for transporting heavier materials. - Hydraulically opening and closing spout at the bottom. www.fezamechanics.hu
Source language: Hungarian
Diesel engines and accessories Csongrád-Csanád, Csengele
23x38 ikerfelni szett, 8 darab szerelékkel John Deere, Case, Claas, New Holland és egyéb traktorokra felszerelhető Mennyiség: 2 Felni méret: 23x38 Szerelék száma: 8 db Szerelék típusa: Kapcsos Szín: Sárga // EGYÉB // - Az ikerkerék használatával az...
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Advertiser for 11 years
Spray pumps Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Spray pumps: - Annovi Reverberi - Imovilli - Comet - Polish (P-100, P-120, P-145, Tadlen) Also pump parts. Postal delivery also. Details on our website or by phone.
Source language: Hungarian
1.909 HUF
Advertiser for 3 years
Corral Budapest, Budapest
Werkman patkó Warrior 2X0 E 21x8 egy kápás Cikkszám: WM8931 Gyártó: WERKMAN
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13.700.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 3 years
Tipper trailer Baranya, Pécs
Made of special high-strength steel. Made with automatic welding and cutting technology. Plate made of 4 mm special steel. Cleaning by grit blasting before painting. Central core drill 390 x 330 mm. Galvanized ladder on the side. Strong, synthetic...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 11 years
Tillage machine parts Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Szárzúzó kések, kalapácsok nagy választékban. ( Aedes, Agricom, Agrimaster, Berti, Cabe, Dragone, Falconero, Humus, INO, Kirchner, Kuhn, Maschio, Nobili, Omarv, Orsi, Rinieri, Seppi, Sicma, Taarup, Vogel, stb.) Postai szállítás is. Részletek a...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 14 years
Other sowing machine, planter Bács-Kiskun, Tiszakécske
Tisztelt Gazdálkodó! Cégünk részt vesz az ÁTK pályázatban! Örömmel értesítjük, hogy az AKPIL, Metal-Fach és Metal-Technik, Meprozet és Zuptor gépeink mostantól elérhetőek az ÁTK pályázat keretein belül. Ne hagyja ki ezt a kivételes lehetőséget,...
Source language: Hungarian
Seed drill parts Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Cikkszám: 66001949 / 7060.D
Source language: Hungarian
Steering gear and accessories Csongrád-Csanád, Csengele
A szűrőbetét kompatibilis a következő traktorokkal: 8120, 8120T.
Source language: Hungarian
Hydraulics and gear filter Csongrád-Csanád, Csengele
John Deere - Olajszűrő - RE572785
Source language: Hungarian
Arion 430 Bács-Kiskun, Baja
Kabin, Klíma, Rugózott kabin, 1+2 körös légfék, Automata vonófej, Alsó húzó, Powershift váltó
Automatic translation
38.750 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
Tire Pest, Albertirsa
Gross 38 750, shipped 41 250/piece
Automatic translation
17.760 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 6 years
Special plant nutrients (iron, zinc, magnesium) Csongrád-Csanád, Kistelek
It is the most effective calcium formula available, with a unique cationic composition - no more stippled apples. Good cation supply requires adequate water soluble stocks in the soil and a consistent water supply. If either of these is inadequate,...
Automatic translation
409.440 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 11 years
Soil crusher, mulcher Heves, Hatvan
High quality horizontal shaft hammer crusher for Japanese and other small tractors. Type: EFGC-105 Suitable for crushing stubble (maize, sunflower stalks), clearing weedy areas. Minimum power requirement: 16 Le. Delivery cost in Hungary: 24.990 Ft...
Source language: Hungarian
13.429 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Other food machinery Budapest, Budapest
A hidraulikus keverő feladata tartályfeltöltéskor a különböző folyadékáramok egyesítése és homogenizálása. A keverőn átáramló folyadékok kilépéskor már egy közös elegyet alkotnak, amit a szerkezet végén elhelyezkedő fúvóka szétoszlat a...
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950 EUR +VAT
Advertiser for 7 years
Lifting Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
JLG Power Tower Ecolift - 4.2 m, 150 kg Year: 2017 Working height: 4.2 m Lifting capacity: 150 kg Deadweight: 340 kg Transport dimensions: 1.28 m x 0.74 m x 1.95 m The JLG Power Tower Ecolift has a mobile platform with a lifting capacity of 150 kg...
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Advertiser for 9 years
Soil crusher, mulcher Zala, Bocfölde
For sale factory new EFD-210 with mulching gimbal! Opening rear! (reinforced frame) 1200 g hammers and rib belt fold down! Power requirements: from 70 HP to 100 HP
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8.800 EUR +VAT
Advertiser for 4 years
Other harrows Csongrád-Csanád, Makó
Technical data: - working width: 3 m - transport width: 3,05 m - 3.5 m width: 3.5 m. - HP demand: 70-130 HP - working depth: 20-28 cm - with gimbal - Pakker cylinder - trowel plate with mechanical adjustment...
Source language: Hungarian
6155M Somogy, Kaposvár
JOHN DEERE 6155M, KÉSZLETEN, KEDVEZŐ ÁRON! Főbb jellemzők: Évjárat: 2019 Üzemóra: 3000 Motor típusa: 6,8 literes 6 hengeres Hengerűrtartalom: 6800 Hengerek száma: 6 Teljesítmény: 155 LE Adblue: Igen Váltó: Váltó típusa: 20/20 CommandQuad EcoShift 40...
Automatic translation
12.500 EUR +VAT
Advertiser for 3 years
Soil loosener Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Lemtech soil looseners and subsoilers for sale at market leading prices Lemtech soil looseners and subsoilers are basically recommended for soil loosening in depths of 30-55 cm. - One of the objectives of loosening is to break through and eliminate...
Source language: Hungarian
37.900.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 8 years
Massey Ferguson Fejér, Mór
Top állapotú első gazdás traktor, rugózott híd és fülke, légfék rendszer, 400 üzemórás, 24/24 Dyna-6 váltóval eladó! Az ár leszállítva a vevő telephelyére értendő. Uniós adószámmal Áfa mentesen is megvásárolható. Finanszírozható! További információk...
Automatic translation
Gruber Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
Standard equipment: 2 rows of SW (70x12 mm) kickscrews, 500 mm pipe rod cylinder. Technical data: Working width Machine power required (Le) Weight (kg) Number of hoods (pcs) 3 m 90 920 15 Max. working depth (mm) Spacing between nozzles (mm) Area...
Source language: Hungarian
Sunflower adapter Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Kisvárda
OROS napraforgó adapterek akciós áron a VIP AGRO Kft. kínálatában! AJÁNDÉK 3 ÉV GARANCIÁVAL! 2024-ES GYÁRTÁSI ÉV! 6 soros kivitel, mechanikus szárzúzóval, oldalmagasítással, SZEZONRA kiszállítva! Adaptereink mellé teljeskörű garanciális ügyintézést,...
- Agricultural machine, tool (52.324)
- Agricultural informatics, GPS (385)
- Animal husbandry machines and tools (7.054)
- Car, motorcycle, utility vehicle (621)
- Fiber forage harvesting machines (4.913)
- Food industry machinery (684)
- Forestry machines (2.123)
- Fruit growing machines (751)
- Garden machine (360)
- Harverster (1.282)
- Loaders and construction machinery (5.591)
- Nutrient supply and irrigation machines (2.049)
- Ornamental plant cultivation machines (16)
- Other agricultural machinery and equipment (315)
- Seeder, planter (1.490)
- Small tractor (688)
- Sprayer (1.474)
- Tillage machines (9.728)
- Tractor (2.995)
- Tractor accessories (416)
- Trailer (2.334)
- Utility machine (1.138)
- Vegetable growing machines (882)
- Viticulture machinery (711)
- Waste treatment machines (1.032)
- Wildlife management tools (5)
- Workshop equipment and plant tools (3.286)
- Animal (1.129)
- Bee, Apiary (36)
- Cat (8)
- Cattle (169)
- Dog (181)
- Donkey (8)
- Fish, Fishing (34)
- Goat (27)
- Horse (56)
- Offense (272)
- Other animal (33)
- Rabbit (45)
- Sheep (116)
- Wild, Hunting (6)
- Winged (137)
- Job (377)
- Animal husbandry works (154)
- Commercial, management work (29)
- Construction work (5)
- Delivery, storage, site work (11)
- Engineer (5)
- Food industry work (1)
- Forester, Fisherman, Beekeeper, Hunter work (1)
- Mechanic, machine operator, mechanic (90)
- Office work (10)
- Other agricultural work (64)
- Plant cultivation works (7)
- Property (1.989)
- Closed garden, plot (51)
- Commercial building, cold store (28)
- Commercial real estate (24)
- Container (125)
- Estate, farm, major (215)
- Farmland, arable land, land (519)
- Foil house, greenhouse, horticulture (82)
- Forest, plantation (213)
- Fruity, grapes (117)
- Hunting lodge (1)
- Industrial property (346)
- Lake, fishpond, reedbed (8)
- Mine (12)
- Other agricultural property (42)
- Other property (59)
- Pasture, reeds, meadow (56)
- Residential property (89)
- Part (45.946)
- Animal husbandry machine part (66)
- Car, motorcycle, commercial vehicle parts (442)
- Food industry machine parts (11)
- Fruit growing and viticulture machine parts (9)
- Garden machine parts (306)
- General machine parts (5.874)
- Harvester parts (4.830)
- Loader and construction machine parts (1.452)
- Lubricants, service materials (253)
- Nutrient supply and irrigation components (251)
- Other agricultural machine parts (1.627)
- Parts of forestry machines (39)
- Seeder, Seedling machine parts (2.371)
- Sprayer parts (2.500)
- Tillage machine parts (2.856)
- Towing and cargo securing (32)
- Tractor parts (22.372)
- Trailer parts (612)
- Utility machine parts (9)
- Input (876)
- Nutrient supply (320)
- Other input (22)
- Plant propagating material (437)
- Plant protection product (97)
- Service (1.137)
- Animal husbandry, animal breeding (1)
- Application writing (10)
- Construction, execution (141)
- Drone spraying (5)
- Drone survey (6)
- Education (27)
- Expert advice (39)
- Food industry (3)
- Hunting service (1)
- Other service (228)
- Production, manufacturing (38)
- Rental (27)
- Repair (151)
- Storage (14)
- Transport (205)
- Wage work (241)
- Crop (1.900)
- Bio Food (2)
- Cereals (216)
- Dairy product (4)
- Drinks (56)
- Egg (11)
- Field plants (69)
- Forage (1.039)
- Fruit (37)
- Handmade products (8)
- Honey (33)
- Jam (5)
- Meat products (6)
- Mushroom (5)
- Oils (7)
- Other crops (36)
- Other food (15)
- Pine tree (6)
- Seeds, shell fruit (42)
- Solo (16)
- Spice (7)
- Sugar (7)
- Vegetables (119)
- Wooden goods (154)
- Other (14.098)
- Building material (157)
- Energy, renewable energy (156)
- Fishing, fishing (13)
- Games (273)
- Garden tools (122)
- Hunting (38)
- Operating and handling instructions (99)
- Other (12.177)
- Tools, containers, supplies (450)
- Work clothes, work protection (613)