Special offers
Source language: Hungarian
General machine parts Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
22309 M W33 (45x100x36) KBS csapágy Kategória: Szerszámok, szereléstechnikai termékek > Csapágyak > Önbeálló csapágyak
Source language: Hungarian
1.290.000 HUF
Advertiser for 13 years
Other mowers Pest, Hévízgyörk
KRONE AM 243 CV , 240 -es TÁRCSÁS KASZA SZÁRSÉRTŐVEL jó állapotban eladó.
Source language: Hungarian
Organic fertilizer spreader Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
Leírás A Royal Traktor cégcsoport, mint Közép-Európa egyik legnagyobb mezőgazdasági gépkereskedése, széles választékban, a legkedvezőbb áron kínálja termékeit: - Garancia - Országos szervizhálózat - Hitel, lízing szolgáltatás - Garantált alkatrész...
Source language: Hungarian
Organic fertilizer spreader Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
A Royal Traktor cégcsoport, mint Közép-Európa egyik legnagyobb mezőgazdasági gépkereskedése, széles választékban a legkedvezőbb áron kínálja termékeit: - Garancia - Országos szervizhálózat - Hitel, lízing szolgáltatás - Garantált alkatrész utánpótlás...
Source language: Hungarian
Organic fertilizer spreader Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
Tisztelt Gazdálkodó! A Royal Traktor cégcsoport, az ország egyik legnagyobb raktárkészletével és legsokoldalúbb palettájával rendelkezik. Mezőgazdasági, talajmegmunkáló gépek, építőipari, kommunális, kertészeti, zöldség- és gyümölcstermesztés,...
Automatic translation
34.500 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Wear parts for potato harvester Csongrád-Csanád, Szeged
Conveyor belt drive wheel Whülmaus 1733. for 25-axle, 12 teeth HiPER-AGRO Ltd.
Automatic translation
43.566 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
General foliar fertilizers Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Basfoliar® 15-30-15 PS is a complex foliar fertilizer containing a balanced amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur macroelements. It is very similar to the natural nutrient content of the leaves during flowering and therefore has a more...
Automatic translation
245.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 months
Log splitter, splitting machine Veszprém, Úrkút
If you've got a good Ghedini drill press, you can simply cut! Fast, efficient, simple. We have a slitting cone for every drill! And if you don't have a drill, we have one on the shelf! For machines of all sizes! We are the Hungarian partner...
Automatic translation
1.499.999 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 14 years
Tire Bács-Kiskun, Tataháza
For sale 2 Mitas 800/65R32 Combine capes! 178/A8 load index. New jackets!
Source language: Hungarian
Other Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
Hidraulika szivattyú 73 cm³, 190 bar Kategória: Traktor alkatrészek > Hidraulika alkatrészek > Szivattyúk, hidromotorok
Source language: Hungarian
Tire Százhalombatta
Márka: Petlas Szélesség: 245 Magasság: 70 Átmérő: 17.5 Mintázat: NH100 Terhelésindex: 143/141 Sebességindex: J Teherautó és busz gumiabroncsok belföldi és nemzetközi felhasználásra készletről, gyors szállítással.
Source language: Hungarian
General machine parts Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
Sasszeg 2,5x40 Kategória: Szerszámok, szereléstechnikai termékek > Sasszegek
Automatic translation
950.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 1 year
Loader tools Hajdú-Bihar, Nyíracsád
We recommend our lightweight buckets for loading grain, wood chips and other low-density bulk goods. * HB 500 hardness cutting edge * screwable, fitted with a double-edged wear edge * reinforced bucket body with 2 stiffeners inside the bucket *...
Source language: Hungarian
Tipper trailer Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Tisztelt Gazdálkodó! A Royal Traktor cégcsoport, az ország egyik legnagyobb raktárkészletével és legsokoldalúbb palettájával rendelkezik. Mezőgazdasági, talajmegmunkáló gépek, építőipari, kommunális, kertészeti, zöldség- és gyümölcstermesztés,...
Source language: Hungarian
Tipper trailer Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Tisztelt Gazdálkodó! A Royal Traktor cégcsoport, az ország egyik legnagyobb raktárkészletével és legsokoldalúbb palettájával rendelkezik. Mezőgazdasági, talajmegmunkáló gépek, építőipari, kommunális, kertészeti, zöldség- és gyümölcstermesztés,...
Source language: Hungarian
7.990 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 11 years
Storage tanks Bács-Kiskun, Imrehegy
Rozsdamentes acél csap. Nagyobb méretű, 3/4-es csonkkal rendelkező tartályokba kifolyó vagy alsó csapnak! 3/4"-os külső menettel! Anyaga AISI 304
Automatic translation
4.950.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 13 years
Trencher, excavator Pest, Hévízgyörk
Automatic translation
490.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 7 years
Plow Bács-Kiskun, Csólyospálos
STRAIGHT FROM THE MANUFACTURER! From sandy soils to the most compacted fields. A professional machine for professional farmers. - robust frame construction with side reinforcement - 80 cm frame height, large plough head spacing - adjustable grip...
Automatic translation
79.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 8 years
Trailed arable sprayer Pest, Tök
Kertitox sprayer chassis with 2000 litre tank and wheels.
Automatic translation
69.075 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
Special plant nutrients (iron, zinc, magnesium) Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Basfoliar® Cu Flo foliar fertilizer suspension contains 25% copper and is recommended for preventive and curative treatments of agricultural and horticultural crops. Based on the manufacturing technology, it is specifically recommended for use as a...
Automatic translation
87.889 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
Poultry manure Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
100% poultry manure, which is a natural source of macro and micro elements necessary for plants. Some of the organic matter does not fully decompose even after a year. It contains easily absorbed nutrients. -No scorching of the root system. -Free...
Automatic translation
615.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 months
Log catcher Veszprém, Úrkút
We are the Hungarian partner of the Italian adapter manufacturer GHEDINI. The company was founded in 1984, since then it has been developing and manufacturing high quality accessories for work machines. GHEDINI has developed high quality equipment...
Automatic translation
39.900.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 14 years
T8.410 Komárom-Esztergom, Komárom
19x4 gears, 50 km/h UltraCommand (Full Powershift) transmission, 340 hp rated/374 hp max engine power, front suspension bridge, suspension cab, 1000 rpm, 20 rib TLT, 80% BKT front tyres, 600/70R30 rear tyres, 650/85R38 BKT tyres, front weight, wheel...
Automatic translation
1.190.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 months
Other tillage tools Veszprém, Úrkút
Do you like compact solutions? Then this is for you! A vibrator and pile driver in one, in many different sizes! We are the Hungarian partner of the Italian adapter manufacturer GHEDINI. The company was founded in 1984, since then it has been...
Source language: Hungarian
Other Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
Hidromotor 160cm³, DN-25, görgős, tárcsás elosztóval Kategória: Traktor alkatrészek > Hidraulika alkatrészek > Szivattyúk, hidromotorok
- Agricultural machine, tool (45.059)
- Agricultural informatics, GPS (418)
- Animal husbandry machines and tools (6.748)
- Car, motorcycle, utility vehicle (546)
- Fiber forage harvesting machines (3.845)
- Food industry machinery (586)
- Forestry machines (1.564)
- Fruit growing machines (554)
- Garden machine (319)
- Harverster (1.201)
- Loaders and construction machinery (5.220)
- Nutrient supply and irrigation machines (1.629)
- Ornamental plant cultivation machines (5)
- Other agricultural machinery and equipment (226)
- Seeder, planter (1.274)
- Small tractor (649)
- Sprayer (1.497)
- Tillage machines (7.913)
- Tractor (2.687)
- Tractor accessories (369)
- Trailer (1.804)
- Utility machine (995)
- Vegetable growing machines (804)
- Viticulture machinery (633)
- Waste treatment machines (990)
- Wildlife management tools (4)
- Workshop equipment and plant tools (2.561)
- Animal (1.172)
- Bee, Apiary (36)
- Cat (14)
- Cattle (177)
- Dog (174)
- Donkey (6)
- Fish, Fishing (42)
- Goat (34)
- Horse (55)
- Offense (320)
- Other animal (35)
- Rabbit (44)
- Sheep (95)
- Wild, Hunting (12)
- Winged (128)
- Job (325)
- Animal husbandry works (139)
- Commercial, management work (33)
- Construction work (4)
- Delivery, storage, site work (10)
- Engineer (4)
- Food industry work (1)
- Forester, Fisherman, Beekeeper, Hunter work (2)
- Mechanic, machine operator, mechanic (71)
- Office work (8)
- Other agricultural work (50)
- Plant cultivation works (3)
- Property (1.775)
- Closed garden, plot (45)
- Commercial building, cold store (23)
- Commercial real estate (20)
- Container (121)
- Estate, farm, major (204)
- Farmland, arable land, land (492)
- Foil house, greenhouse, horticulture (72)
- Forest, plantation (195)
- Fruity, grapes (102)
- Industrial property (246)
- Lake, fishpond, reedbed (10)
- Mine (11)
- Other agricultural property (38)
- Other property (51)
- Pasture, reeds, meadow (54)
- Residential property (89)
- Part (36.263)
- Animal husbandry machine part (48)
- Car, motorcycle, commercial vehicle parts (406)
- Food industry machine parts (9)
- Fruit growing and viticulture machine parts (8)
- Garden machine parts (180)
- General machine parts (5.519)
- Harvester parts (4.143)
- Loader and construction machine parts (1.354)
- Lubricants, service materials (160)
- Nutrient supply and irrigation components (219)
- Other agricultural machine parts (1.452)
- Parts of forestry machines (34)
- Seeder, Seedling machine parts (636)
- Sprayer parts (2.099)
- Tillage machine parts (1.505)
- Towing and cargo securing (31)
- Tractor parts (12.711)
- Trailer parts (570)
- Utility machine parts (8)
- Input (786)
- Nutrient supply (298)
- Other input (20)
- Plant propagating material (376)
- Plant protection product (92)
- Service (1.046)
- Application writing (10)
- Construction, execution (104)
- Drone spraying (3)
- Drone survey (4)
- Education (18)
- Expert advice (37)
- Food industry (3)
- Other service (211)
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- Rental (28)
- Repair (150)
- Storage (14)
- Transport (201)
- Wage work (231)
- Crop (1.888)
- Bio Food (1)
- Cereals (243)
- Dairy product (4)
- Drinks (51)
- Egg (7)
- Field plants (64)
- Forage (995)
- Fruit (64)
- Handmade products (8)
- Honey (33)
- Jam (4)
- Meat products (3)
- Mushroom (5)
- Oils (7)
- Other crops (39)
- Other food (17)
- Pine tree (31)
- Seeds, shell fruit (48)
- Solo (11)
- Spice (8)
- Sugar (8)
- Vegetables (139)
- Wooden goods (98)
- Other (14.682)
- Building material (84)
- Energy, renewable energy (148)
- Fishing, fishing (14)
- Games (27)
- Garden tools (6)
- Hunting (37)
- Logo products (1)
- Operating and handling instructions (112)
- Other (13.505)
- Tools, containers, supplies (322)
- Work clothes, work protection (405)