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Source language: Hungarian
50.386 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 1 week
Thermal energy, Heating, Boiler Somogy, Nagyberki
Termékleírás: A 150x150 mm-es rakéta kályha egy egyszerűen használható, energiatakarékos és strapabíró fűtési megoldás, amely kifejezetten szabadtéri alkalmazásokhoz készült. Ideális választás lehet kempingezéshez és kerti főzésekhez is. A kályha...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 3 years
Biomass, Pellets Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
New on the Hungarian market: the BT 60 briquetting and pellet making machine for sale at a market leading price! A machine that is suitable for making briquettes and pellets thanks to its wide range of uses. The press is capable of producing...
22 kW
Source language: Hungarian
150.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Thermal energy, Heating, Boiler Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Tiszaföldvár
Békebeli 1000 literes tágulási tartály eladó.
Automatic translation
750.000 HUF
Advertiser for 15 years
Thermal energy, Heating, Boiler Csongrád-Csanád, Apátfalva
I have a coal fired, hardly used boiler for sale. No installation, but I can help with transport.
Source language: Hungarian
100 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 11 years
Biomass, Pellets Hajdú-Bihar, Hajdúböszörmény
Pellet gyártó gépsor eladó 50-500kg/óra (alapanyag függő) teljesítménnyel.A sor tartalmazza finom darálót,pellet gyártó sort (napi tartály,prés,hűtő,csomagoló),elektromos kapcsoló szekrények.Teljesítménye 50-500kg/óra teljesítményig. Gyártó sor igény...
Source language: Hungarian
2.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 11 years
Biomass, Pellets Hajdú-Bihar, Hajdúböszörmény
Brikettáló,brikettprés több db eladó. Teljesítménye 50-500 kg/h, Ára 2,5-15 Mft
Automatic translation
110 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Biomass, Pellets Pest, Mogyoród
Sunflower husk briquettes for sale, from the manufacturer, in bags of 10 or 20 kg, gross price 110 Ft/kg, with on-site pick-up, in Kunhegyes and Mogyoród.
Automatic translation
1.000.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 3 weeks
Thermal energy, Heating, Boiler Somogy, Berzence
500 kW gas boiler for sale, containerized, can be taken with container. Automatic operation, fully operational. Used for heating a foil house.
Automatic translation
3.000.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 3 weeks
Thermal energy, Heating, Boiler Somogy, Berzence
350 kW mixed-fuel boiler (we used coal, but it also works with pellets or produce). Feeding hopper and feed auger. PLC control, ready to use. The interior was re-carpeted last year. It has a chimney, by arrangement.
Automatic translation
4.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Thermal energy, Heating, Boiler Komárom-Esztergom, Réde
Power: 5.6 kW. Fully automatic, from loading to ash handling. The boiler section is also equipped with an automatic pipe cleaner. It has a new firebox. Can be tested on site. The machine can be viewed in Rédé, Komárom-Esztergom county. Please call...
Automatic translation
120.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 months
Solar panel Fejér, Óbarok
2 Sinus inverters SW2000/12-SY DC input voltage: 12 V DC voltage range: 11-15 V DC max. current: 220 A Supply voltage: 12.5 V Off voltage: 10.5 V Battery low voltage indication: 12 V No-load power consumption: 18 VA DC side fuses: 6 x 40 A Rated...
4 kW 12 V
Automatic translation
100.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 months
Solar panel Fejér, Óbarok
2 pcs TRP Xtreme Power Battery 225 Ah good condition - Electric charge (Ah): 225,0 - 225.0 Amps (A): 1150 - Battery quality: exceptionally high performance, maintenance free Etn725103 115 - Voltage (V): 12 - Length (mm): 518,0 - Height (mm): 242,0 -...
12 V
Automatic translation
80.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 months
Solar panel Fejér, Óbarok
2 pcs Steco Power 12V 180Ah 1100A 512x223x220 mm heavy duty stecopower - 961 Stecopower brand battery from the Blue Heavy Duty Range Heavy Duty battery family. Product benefits: - Original matching quality - Excellent value for money - Excellent...
12 V
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 4 years
Biomass, Pellets Pest, Tápiógyörgye
Turkish hazelnut shells for sale for heating. Fully environmentally friendly fuel with high calorie content.
Automatic translation
50.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 months
Solar panel Fejér, Óbarok
2 Ritar RA12-120-F12 12V 120Ah sealed lead acid batteries Features: - Capacity (10HR): 120 Ah - Max current (A): 1200 A - Composition: lead - Connector: F12 - Internal resistance: 4.5 mΩ - Voltage: 12 V - Maximum charging current: 36 A - Width: 177...
Source language: Hungarian
2.500 HUF
Advertiser for 5 years
Thermal energy, Heating, Boiler Budapest, Budapest (XII. kerület)
A bontott de üzemképes fűtési és kazánházi alkatrészek jó áron eladók az alábbiak szerint: Mofém golyóscsapok 6/4” 2.500,-Ft/db áron 5db Mofém golyóscsapok ¾” 2.000,-Ft/db áron 4db Mofém golyóscsapok ½” 1.500,-Ft/db áron 3db Vízszűrők 1” 2.500,-Ft/db...
Source language: Hungarian
200.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Thermal energy, Heating, Boiler Békés, Nagybánhegyes
Eladó a képen látható Wilo tipusú 80-as keringtető, 4 fokozatú, 3 fázisú szivattyú.
Automatic translation
100.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Biomass, Pellets Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Hidasnémeti
For sale is the sawdust, wood pellet moisture meter shown in the picture. Very little used, in perfect condition. Purchased from Szegána Kft. New price: 175.000 Ft.
Source language: Hungarian
19.790 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Solar panel Zala, Becsehely
Feszültségmentes kontaktussal rendelkező Delta T kapcsoló, vezérlő. Ha a kazán / kollektor (magas zóna) x fokkal (ez állítható) melegebb mint puffer (alacsony zóna) hőmérséklete, indítja a szivattyút. Ha nem termelődik meleg, akkor a vezérlő jelet ad...
Automatic translation
320.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Thermal energy, Heating, Boiler Győr-Moson-Sopron, Beled
New boiler for sale! Thermo room new mixed fuel boiler for sale with 23, 28 insulation, cladding, draft regulator, thermometer clock, top and rear flue. Price: 320.000 Ft, with invoice, warranty. 96/257-115 20/230-5193 Call on weekends and evenings....
23 kW
Automatic translation
3.437.359 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 1 month
Solar panel Pest, Veresegyház
Technical specifications of a 10 kW hybrid solar PV system: DEYE RW HYBRID SYSTEM Panel name: DAS solar panel 425 W 1 panel power: 425 Wp Number of panels: 25 Total power: 10 625 Wp Inverter expandability: 15,00 kW ALU/stainless steel mounting kit:...
10 kW Network feeder
Automatic translation
1.300.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
Thermal energy, Heating, Boiler Hajdú-Bihar, Nyírábrány
For sale a 2 seasons used mixed fuel boiler. Dimensions: 125 cm wide, 170 cm high, 170 cm long.
120 kW
Automatic translation
500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Thermal energy, Heating, Boiler Veszprém, Hegyesd
For sale Wolf WS 160-2T automatic air blower. 400 V, 5 pole connection. Gas powered. Heating power: 100 kW, 8000 m³/hour.
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 8 years
Biomass, Pellets Budapest, Budapest (X. kerület)
Cégünk fő profilja pellet gyártó gépek gyártása és forgalmazása. Egyedi igények alapján, különböző alapanyagok, melléktermékek feldolgozására alkalmas kialakítást tudunk építeni. Az utóbbi években holland piacra gyártottunk gépsorokat, főleg...
Automatic translation
1.300.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 1 month
Thermal energy, Heating, Boiler Tolna, Németkér
1 new NIBE F2120-8 kW - air source heat pump - SMO with controller, accessories for sale The NIBE F2120 is an inverter-controlled air/water heat pump that represents a real breakthrough in efficiency. With a seasonal coefficient of performance of...
8 kW

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